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How to get Shitfaced, and other stories.

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  • How to get Shitfaced, and other stories.

    Have no fear, citizens. Potiongate, along with a few other shocking moments of the year, will be collected and posted \over the weekend, as they all deserve a write-up. This Best Of D&D Camp will include

    I Did Not Inhale
    The Great Paulor
    Operation Airship
    The Ultimate Hissy Fit
    and finally
    Fighter Boy's Words of Wisdom

    In the meantime, allow me to reintroduce the cast of characters of D&D Camp, where I'm working this week.

    DB: Druid Boy. Druid Boy is what is known in Dungeons and Dragons terms as a "Munchkin." The sort of player who'd rather crunch numbers than tell a story.
    PG: Psion Girl. Druid Boy's sister, she does not seem to be playing Dungeons and Dragons, but rather the game of ADD&D (Attention Deficit Dungeons and Dragons.) She tends to get easily distracted by anything and everything.
    FG: Fighter Girl. FG is new to this camp. She's calm, attentive, willing to follow instructions, interested in the plot, and, when its not her turn, will quietly wait for others to go. The ideal PC. If the game had five of her instead of the rest of the people, you wouldn't be seeing this. Lucky you. Unlucky me.
    FB: Fighter Boy. Not his fault. He just doesn't speak much English. I believe he was raised in China. So we have to explain things a few times. He's a good guy though. No complaints other than the language barrier.
    WG: Warlock Girl. What happened to you Warlock Girl? You used to be cool. Last year when I had you in my campaign, you were happy and excited. Now you're all quiet and always have this upset look. Also, you have a creepy obsession with anime these days...
    HD: You can guess.
    CDM: My good friend and Co-DM Sam. Sam's just an awesome guy, and he's much better at teaching D&D and maintaining authority than I am.

    I'll make another post friday to round out the week (I have a weird thing about symmetry, and besides, these kids are great)

    And onto the show!


    Ah, the innocence of youth. Younger players do not necessarily catch innuendo. A girl has drawn a face on a pink long balloon (The type you can tie in knots... why it had to be pink I don't know.) DB, who DEFINITELY gets it, says that it looks like a weiner.

    PG: "If I were a weiner I would be licking myself right now"
    All: O_o
    "I think weiners taste good."
    HD: *thinking* True, but you're really digging yourself deeper here.
    CDM: You do realize what it sounds like you're saying, right?
    PG: "I mean weiner as in a pig"
    CDM: "Yeah... Wait, what?"

    I couldn't resist later, after she'd started hitting me with the balloon...

    PG: "I hit you with my balloon"
    HD: "At least you're not hitting me with your weiner."

    2) Yes, DB, PLEASE go kill yourself.

    Druid Boy is an ASSHOLE. He's also one of those people who use "Dice" as a singular word. Remarkably he pluralizes it "Dices." He has decided to be the gatekeeper of the dices, hiding them in a tennis ball.

    PG needs to make an attack, only do discover that he has taken and hidden the die.

    PG: *puts out her hand "Uh... DB"
    DB: "Yeah?"
    PG: *gesturing*"Die."
    DB: *confused* "You want me to die?"

    3) Hit Dice

    I have no clue what caused it. Maybe she was bored. Maybe that's just how you play ADD&D. But the point is, for some reason, PG decided to throw a couple dice at DB's head. Just a gentle lob, but nevertheless...

    I let it slide because he totally had that coming.

    4) Getting Shitfaced

    D&D is set in a fairly primitive setting, meaning there's a fairly shallow hole people use the bathroom in. DB, for some reason, after finding one of these holes, decided it would be a brilliant idea to drop a small explosive down the hole. It exploded, and now DB is covered in shit. He took penalties to a few future rolls because he's nauseated.

    He stated that he didn't know the holes were that shallow, which was true. But considering he was trying to ignite methane gas to create a giant explosion... He's lucky he didn't get his way.

    5) FB, King of Bad Luck

    I feel sorry for poor FB. He rolls terribly... Absolutely terribly. He's a pleasant guy, very polite, very nice. He pays attention and contributes to the campaign... He just has awful, awful luck. He tends to roll ones. He rolled so many ones that CDM decided he would just roll for the poor guy for a while. He really didn't deserve all that bad luck.

    DB has a habit of, possibly unintentionally, taking actions that will hurt FB as well. A monster has jumped down from a platform, and attacked the PCs. Then it jumped back up. FB decided to run up to the platform and attack it. DB decided to try to chop the platform down. WHILE DB WAS ON IT.

    Then later, remember those little holes that people use? Well, most houses in this setting have a ten foot by ten foot bathroom. DB has a power which makes things go boom.

    Not having learned from doing this previously, he tried to explode the bathroom AGAIN. This time RIGHT AFTER FB HAD WALKED INTO IT.

    Poor FB.

    5) Ahhhhhh.

    I've got a really loud voice when I want to. I'm normally fairly quiet, but if I need to shout, I shout.

    WG: Can I make an attack roll?
    HD: On what?
    WG: An attack roll
    HD: On the-
    DB: Hey guys! Everybody go-
    WG: I wanna attack the toilet.
    CDM: You can't atta-
    DB: Everybody draw your weapons and
    PG: Can I go to the bathroom?
    WG: I wanna attack the toilet
    *A few seconds later*
    FB: *really low* Ahhhhhh

    7) So you drew it BECAUSE?

    I drew some pictures next to people's names on the initiative order, so people would remember who was going. After I drew the picture next to FB's location, he got up, went to the whiteboard, and drew what look like a small kidney bean.

    CDM: What's that?
    FB: I don't know.

    8) Is WG high?
    This campaign is based around a zombie apocalypse. All sorts of zombie movie tropes, including zombies grabbing you and eating your brains. We're running an encounter.

    CDM: The zombie grabs you.
    WG: *stoned laugh* Ha ha ha ha... It grabs you... Ha ha ha.

    9) Cheese Pizza!

    There is a great discussion going on, regarding the rules of D&D. How exactly is this game played? Specifically, if you use a ranged attack in melee, and an attack of opportunity hits you and drops you to zero hit points (meaning you can only take move actions, and if you take any other action its at a -3 penalty and you fall unconscious) can you cancel the attack if you still take the damage? Do you have to follow through, and if so, does finishing the attack drop you unconscious? While most of the players debate this, Psion Girl is oddly quiet. And then she looks up.

    PG: Look at my recipe for cheese pizza!

    All action stops. Sadly, the recipe was "Cheese + Pizza = Cheese Pizza"

    10) If you're going to cheat...

    NO, Druid Boy, you can NOT use Grasping Earth to close the fissure that the zombies are coming out of. You know why? Because its a LEVEL 23 SPELL. And you are LEVEL ONE. I play druids ALL THE TIME. I KNOW THESE SPELLS. Additionally, I helped you make your character. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT SPELL. I know all your abilities. SO STOP ASKING IF YOU CAN USE IT.

    11) Capture The Flag Wizard.

    A couple times during the day, we take a break. One of those times, we get together with a group which plays games in the gym all day to play a big game of dodgeball, Capture the Flag (or rather flags) , or something of that sort.

    Well, its hard to put teams together, so we decided it randomly. The other team was all people who liked running to get the flag, and nobody who was willing to defend.

    I noticed that almost nobody tried to tag me when I was running for their flag. So I tried walking. STILL nobody tried to tag me, or even look up.

    I kept testing this until I was able to sing Pinball Wizard, doing a full dance (including posing with one of the other team's flags in the air on "Stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine)

    NOBODY TRIED TO TAG ME. Am I really THAT flamboyant that me loudly singing and dancing doesn't draw ANY attention?

    12) Crackabout

    DB doesn't approve of all this "Not playing D&D" that's going on for about half an hour Neither does WG, who sits on the sidelines, but DB REALLY doesn't approve. When D&D camp went to the gym to play a game of crackabout (a form of dodgeball also known as Swedish Dodgeball) DB announced he wouldn't play. Which is alright. I'm not gonna force the poor kid to have things thrown at him if he doesn't want to.

    So we tell the other kids not to throw it at DB because he isn't playing. DB however is not content to sit on the sidelines. He decides he's going to keep grabbing at free balls and throwing them out of the gym and down the hallway.

    Mr. G told him to stop, and he said "I don't want to play Crackabout."


    13) I could get in trouble for that...

    PG had a cardboard thing, I'm not sure where its from, which resembles in its shape a taco. For some reason she decided to push it in my face.

    PG: Eat my taco!
    HD: I'm sorry, I don't do that.

    *thinking* Although I don't mind weiners...

    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.

  • #2
    This...this is all so magical. I can't WAIT to hear about Potiongate, haha. And I'm quite impressed by your brain-to-mouth filter, in my group, even with my friend's little brother (probably 12-14) I can't help making blatant innuendos. That poor child has been subjected to the lightly veiled mechanics of Orc/Halfling sex, both homo and heterosexual, so many times that when he learns about the birds and the bees he'll probably curl up on the ground weeping when the memories flood back ^_^.
    "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."


    • #3
      Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
      5) Ahhhhhh.

      I've got a really loud voice when I want to. I'm normally fairly quiet, but if I need to shout, I shout.

      WG: Can I make an attack roll?
      HD: On what?
      WG: An attack roll
      HD: On the-
      DB: Hey guys! Everybody go-
      WG: I wanna attack the toilet.
      CDM: You can't atta-
      DB: Everybody draw your weapons and
      PG: Can I go to the bathroom?
      WG: I wanna attack the toilet
      *A few seconds later*
      FB: *really low* Ahhhhhh
      For some reason, I'm picturing that scene in "Princess Bride" where Fezzik parts a huge crowd of people by going "EVERYBODY... MOVE!!"
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        Quoth Morningchaser View Post
        I noticed that almost nobody tried to tag me when I was running for their flag. So I tried walking. STILL nobody tried to tag me, or even look up.
        Walking is the est strategy in CTF, at least with the group I play with. My only flag grab was made because I just walked up to the base and nobody tried to kill me. I the used my cousin as a meat-shield, grabbed the flag and booked it.

        (Oh, we play with foam swords instead of tagging, which is why "kill" is the appropriate word, not "tag")
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
          13) I could get in trouble for that...

          PG: Eat my taco!
          HD: I'm sorry, I don't do that.

          *thinking* Although I don't mind weiners...
          All of your stories were great (probably better viewed in retrospect than when first encountered), but this one made me Coke.


          (Yes, I have been active here enough to know drinking/eating while reading this forum is A Bad Idea(tm), but "bad idea" doesn't stop me anywhere near as much as would probably be good for me.)
          No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


          • #6
            Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
            2) Yes, DB, PLEASE go kill yourself.

            Druid Boy is an ASSHOLE. He's also one of those people who use "Dice" as a singular word. Remarkably he pluralizes it "Dices." He has decided to be the gatekeeper of the dices, hiding them in a tennis ball.

            PG needs to make an attack, only do discover that he has taken and hidden the die.

            PG: *puts out her hand "Uh... DB"
            DB: "Yeah?"
            PG: *gesturing*"Die."
            DB: *confused* "You want me to die?"
            @&@$*%(!!!! He made his save vs power word kill......
            Bark like a chicken!


            • #7
              NO, Druid Boy, you can NOT use Grasping Earth to close the fissure that the zombies are coming out of. You know why? Because its a LEVEL 23 SPELL. And you are LEVEL ONE. I play druids ALL THE TIME. I KNOW THESE SPELLS. Additionally, I helped you make your character. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT SPELL. I know all your abilities. SO STOP ASKING IF YOU CAN USE IT.
              Heh. Roll 3 d100, three 1's in a row and you succeed. Failure means you expend all your lifeforce trying and drop dead and unressurectable.

              If he makes it, you've got a tale for the ages. If not, well, the DM survived.


              • #8
                Quoth PCGameGuy View Post
                Heh. Roll 3 d100, three 1's in a row and you succeed. Failure means you expend all your lifeforce trying and drop dead and unressurectable.

                If he makes it, you've got a tale for the ages. If not, well, the DM survived.
                Happened to me once. I was in a game with this kid who kept asking "Can I have a magic weapon? Can I have a magic weapon?"

                Finally, th eDM said if he gets two ones, the guy can have a magic weapon, if he doesn't, the guy has to shut up.

                The dice clatter behind the screen, and the DM gets this ridiculously surprised look.

                We all get magic weapons. =D

                Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


                • #9
                  Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
                  Happened to me once. I was in a game with this kid who kept asking "Can I have a magic weapon? Can I have a magic weapon?"

                  Finally, th eDM said if he gets two ones, the guy can have a magic weapon, if he doesn't, the guy has to shut up.

                  The dice clatter behind the screen, and the DM gets this ridiculously surprised look.

                  We all get magic weapons. =D
                  I think every gamer has one of these stories.... I had a player in a scifi game that wanted to build a time machine. My response was "Yeah, right. Manage to get 100 points on a D10, and I'll give it to you."

                  The system was one that only used a single D10, but if you roll 10, you keep going and add the next roll to the previous total. Damned if the kid didn't roll 7 10's in a row, with different dice (including one of mine).

                  He never got his time machine, but I did decide he manage to prove, in theory, at least, that time travel was possible. I gave him a Nobel Prize for Physics for it.
                  "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                  • #10
                    Quoth Crossbow View Post
                    I think every gamer has one of these stories....
                    Yep. Mine is my level 1 barbarian killing a hill giant in a single blow with his ancestral mercurial greatsword. Not magical, just important to him. I'll be damned if I didn't roll max damage. Scared the crap out of all the orcs with the giant, who then fled in terror
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      I'm a total munchkin myself. I really enjoy encounters. But then I do like the R&P part too and try to be as active in it as possible.

                      The munckin in me is 50% me and 50% the campaign our 2nd DM is playing. They are all from a book and the monsters are so freacking hard, you have to crunch the numbers to win. All of our chars are 100% optimized, but we barely survive a fight of our group CR. And then the DM has the nerve of telling us not to optimize our chars.

                      On that note, the coolest thing we did a couple of weeks back:

                      We are on a large campaign to stop the siege on a city in the swamp. To do that, we head south to stop them from sending a endless stream of raptors at the city.

                      We encounter the first camp with like 20 warrior kobolds and 10 casters that are focused on the raptors. So we totally own the place, find a feather token in the process. We identify it and find out it's a boat. Well, we have my cleric with the ability to teleport, so a boat is not really needed so much.

                      So we rest (it was a big camp afterall) and head to the next camp.

                      The druid and me teleport in the camp and burn down some of the weaker mobs, when all of a sudden, our warlock decides that, hey, why not just throw the boat on the rest?

                      So "WHAM" the huge viking boat lands on the remaining 40+ mobs and we instantly win....

                      DM: That.... was unexpected. Well, I had planned for this fight to last about 2 hours and you completed it in about 10 minutes so.... what else you wanna do?
                      Melody Gardot


                      • #12
                        Quoth Calud View Post
                        So "WHAM" the huge viking boat lands on the remaining 40+ mobs and we instantly win....

                        DM: That.... was unexpected. Well, I had planned for this fight to last about 2 hours and you completed it in about 10 minutes so.... what else you wanna do?
                        That's right up there with the sentient stage curtain we had as transportation dropping boulders on the besieging army in one campaign I was in. That was a fucked up campaign. Then again, we were 14.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          Quoth Calud View Post
                          All of our chars are 100% optimized, but we barely survive a fight of our group CR. And then the DM has the nerve of telling us not to optimize our chars.
                          I've played a few games like that. Where the GM will say "make low powered characters as this will be a low powered campaign". Then proceeds to throw the same old monsters at us with like 2 hitpoints less on the total. Ya. Fighting a dragon DOES NOT EQUAL low powered campaign. Unless it's CR is AT A MINIMUM 4 below party average.
                          Bark like a chicken!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Calud View Post
                            DM: That.... was unexpected. Well, I had planned for this fight to last about 2 hours and you completed it in about 10 minutes so.... what else you wanna do?
                            The group I was in while I was hospitalized made occasional trips to my floor to game, one week, one of the other guys took our group adventuring, headed after a very powerful wizard. My char, a Summoner specialist, takes one look at the wizard, I tell the DM, "I cast Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter" he goes: "And that does what?" I go: "The mage is now prone for the next five rounds, due to his intelligence." His eyes go wide, our fighter stabs the wizard dead in one round, our transgender amazon flashes the wizard's bodyguard, and he gets stabbed too.
                            DM goes: "That shouldn't have worked."
                            I go: "Pay more attention to the adventuring, Tasha's has been my go to spell the past few weeks. Makes everything simple."
                            He then tried to give my neutral summoner an uber Pure robe. Can't remember what it was called, but I go... "Uh, no. I'm not Goodly aligned."
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Juwl View Post
                              He then tried to give my neutral summoner an uber Pure robe. Can't remember what it was called, but I go... "Uh, no. I'm not Goodly aligned."
                              A white Robe of the Archmagi, most likely.

                              And as for things like dropping Feather Token boats on enemies... that's the sort of thinking that got me permanently banned from playing gnomes in at least one group. And kenders in another. And Malkavians in another.
                              » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «

