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Pet Peeves

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  • Pet Peeves

    Anyone else ever get this?

    I'm at work, customer brings up item to counter. It is not inividually labelled but we have cheat sheets that have price and code to pop into the computer.

    C: Yes its 15 at 12c each

    Yes I know. I'm not stupid, and I deal with this all day long - however, as most businesses do now, I need to find the code for something called, um I don't know, INVENTORY! Its like there is no concept of it in my town - the business probably wouldn't survive if we didn't know what was selling( small business in small resort town). DB.

    Also, when customers do this

    C: Yes it is (brand name)
    ME: Okay do you have the (model number)
    C : (brand name) *looks at me like I am retarded*

    If you do not have (product code) I need (brand name and model number) to identify the product and therefore get the code. I am competent enough that I can identify product using just the model number, ya know, so (BRAND NAME KIWIWINELOVER) is not going to help me in itself.

    Oh and when they bring in the old one and want to buy a new one - you can tell what it is by looking at it and ( its BRAND NAME!!!!) - yes I know hence why I was reaching for it DB. Or another variant, they tell you where it is located on the shelf behind you - like second shelf down on the left. I cannot explain how frustrating this is to me!!!! ELEVENTY!!??!??!?!?!

    Oh god I need more wine.... I'm sure I will think of more soon

  • #2
    Yeah, I needs me a Sony. But will it work with my Microsoft?


    • #3
      I've a samsung TV and a sony VCR. I want you to tell me how they work!! And I have an antivirus on my machine that popped an error message! Fix it!
      Bark like a chicken!

