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Hi,welcome to the 21st century ranty, sorry.

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  • Hi,welcome to the 21st century ranty, sorry.

    So im not 100% if this should be in the 'sucky customers' section but i'm not sure where else would be appropiate.

    This happened a couple of years ago and was one of about... 3 or 4 patients i've had in 3 years that truly pissed me off. A patient comes over to xray from ER on a stretcher.

    He's a middle eastern man and says he cannot stand for his xrays. Nor can he move over to the xray table on his own. SO i go to grab a few co-workers to help me transfer this guy over to the table.

    *Note: I work in a fairly female dominated field. I'm one of about... 6 males in my dept. I'm the only male in my dept. at the time this incident took place, and the only other male, currently, on our floor is the ER doc. Important in about 2 lines*

    This guy starts freaking out saying he didn't want women touching him or talking to him etc. etc.

    I point out to him that I cannot possibly move him on my own (he wasn't HUGE but he was definently too big for one person to move, not to mention to avoid injury to ourselves were taught not to transfer anybody on our own). I also point out that there aren't any males in the dept. except for me. and the ER doc is definently NOT going to come over here just to help transfer a patient.

    So he goes back to ER to talk to the doctor and i dont know who else (some. human relations person). because it's apparently against his religion and/or cultural beliefs to have women touch him.

    Anyways, about an hour later he came back over, and I he'd agreed to let the women techs assist transfering him over to the table. so we do and i get the xrays done. But the whole time he didn't address my coworkers or look at them or even acknowledge they friggin exsisted! talked and looked at and responded to ONLY me.

    So yea I was a little pissed, and sorry, im not trying to start any arguments or whatever here. But if you come to Canada from another country we've got a few little quirks... such as allowing women into the damn workforce so yea your gonna get female nurses/doctors/emts/technologists/etc. DEAL WITH IT or go back to your own repressed country!

    disclaimer: im tolerant of anyones cultural/religious beliefs mostly. to a point. refusing to accept half the human population as being ACTUAL people worthy of your attention crosses that point for me.

    and.. end rant.
    Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.

  • #2
    This one's hard to discuss without going into fratching at any number of points, but I can agree totally that while male, I wouldn't want to work with someone with that viewpoint either.


    • #3
      Yea I didn't want to go into fratching territory. I just had to get it off my chest lol
      Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


      • #4
        It must have been difficult not to give that guy a piece of your mind.

        This is similar; the hotel I worked at had a club for the VIPs; drinks, tv, nice couches, etc. The female Concierge told he this guy of possible middle-eastern descent had come in in a foul mood, snapping his fingers for drinks and going on in VERY bad language about some woman. The Concierge learned they were doctors or something in-town for a conference and a woman had the audacity to disagree with one of his theories!

        Well, that woman was a VIP too and she happened to come-in. The guy immediately jumped the woman, telling her she was wrong, what would a woman know, etc. She stood her ground and told him that she disagreed with him because his theory was 100% wrong, and he better get used to working with women! She left the club and the guy DEMANDED from the Concierge the woman's room number because he was not finished with her yet!
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          You can't go into any place and expect snappy service if you're going to be selective. My first job out of college was working as a PC tech for a bank. One day I had to go down to the main building's lobby to work on one of the 'sales' banker's PC's. (The people who opened accounts, started the loan process, etc). One of them was this nice black lady. They were pretty busy that day, and as it so happened, she was the only one free. There was a guy sitting on a bench waiting for one of them to open up. He looked Indian, and had on a white turban of sorts. Since she doesn't have anyone at her desk, she approaches him and asks if she could help him. His response?

          "No, no, no. You are one of color. I will wait for someone else." No joke, those were his exact words.

          He sat there for at least another half hour before someone opened up to help him. Meanwhile she helped three other people.
          A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


          • #6
            Quoth MergedLoki View Post
            So he goes back to ER to talk to the doctor and i dont know who else (some. human relations person). because it's apparently against his religion and/or cultural beliefs to have women touch him.
            I guess he's not getting laid any time soon then...


            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              There was a co-irker that used to work at the wholesale club. This was years ago, before we hired a regular overnight person to fold, sort, and otherwise organize our clothing department. At the time, since we didn't have someone to do this, every employee had to go help fold the clothing (or at least the top layer, and make it look less messy) before we could go home for the night.

              This co-irker was of some other ethnic background (possibly Middle Eastern, but I'm terrible at guessing these things), and had a bit of an attitude. One evening, the FLS asks him to go back and fold clothes, to make less work for later. Another CW (female) volunteers to do it instead, even switches off her register's light. Co-irker then says, "Yeah, she can do it, it's women's work anyway." Female CW promptly switches her light back on and says, "Never mind."

              After we closed, we're all sent to go back to the clothing department to fold clothes. As I'm FDLP that night, I'm still at the door to turn away any shoppers that show up. Co-irker comes up, ready to leave.

              J2K: "Where are you going?"
              CI: "Home."
              J2K: "Are they done folding clothes already?"
              CI: "No."
              J2K: "Then why aren't you back there?"
              CI: "I'm not doing that."
              J2K: "Do the managers know this?"
              CI: "No."

              And then, while I'm gaping at him, he walks out the door. He'd gone and clocked out, without an MOD's say-so, while there was still work to be done. An MOD asked where he'd gone, and I quite happily told them what co-irker had done.

              He didn't last much longer with the store.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                I got news for you. ANyone who believes their religion allows them to descriminate deserves to be in a hospitable bed with problems. Here's hoping he's suffering from severe spinal cord injury.
                Part Angel Part Sadist


                • #9
                  Quoth protege View Post
                  I guess he's not getting laid any time soon then...


                  Not to mention that his chances of reproducing are nil.

                  Did I just say that?
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    I feel your pain, Loki. People REALLY dont think before they speak.

                    Admitting a patient the other day, I had a MALE patient tell me he didnt want a MALE nurse or aide b/c he "didnt like the gays.."

                    He's lucky it was about 5am and the room was dark so he didnt see my contorted face...b/c that came completely out of left field.

                    Not trying to fratch...just people are completely clueless. If I happened to be a lesbian, then what?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Amina516 View Post
                      I feel your pain, Loki. People REALLY dont think before they speak.

                      Admitting a patient the other day, I had a MALE patient tell me he didnt want a MALE nurse or aide b/c he "didnt like the gays.."

                      He's lucky it was about 5am and the room was dark so he didnt see my contorted face...b/c that came completely out of left field.

                      Not trying to fratch...just people are completely clueless. If I happened to be a lesbian, then what?
                      That's okay, because lesbians aren't really gay. They just do that to attract men.
                      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Quoth nuthing12 View Post
                        I got news for you. ANyone who believes their religion allows them to descriminate deserves to be in a hospitable bed with problems. Here's hoping he's suffering from severe spinal cord injury.
                        There are certain religions that have directives like: don't allow a woman to touch you that are meant to be adhered to ALL THE TIME. No matter what country you are in or who you are with. To not adhere to the rule is considered sinful/an affront to God/something very, very, bad.

                        I'm not saying the guy in the story was right for acting how he did, but I can understand how seriously some people take their religious directives.
                        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                        • #13
                          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                          There are certain religions that have directives like: don't allow a woman to touch you that are meant to be adhered to ALL THE TIME. No matter what country you are in or who you are with. To not adhere to the rule is considered sinful/an affront to God/something very, very, bad.

                          I'm not saying the guy in the story was right for acting how he did, but I can understand how seriously some people take their religious directives.
                          Hospital staff in most major metropolitan areas are being trained in this increasingly. Even in some of the smaller towns this is being done as well.
                          "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            Quoth Mike Taylor View Post
                            Hospital staff in most major metropolitan areas are being trained in this increasingly. Even in some of the smaller towns this is being done as well.
                            I've had a small seminar on training like that when I was a student. But there's a point. if it's late at night or 3am or something and no one else is available. (or it could be noon on a tuesday, hospitals are busy places 24/7) either take the care available to you or GTFO and don't let the door hit you as you leave.
                            Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


                            • #15
                              pants-wearing jezebel!
                              Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                              "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

