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Banana Bread Lady Gets Arrested

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  • Banana Bread Lady Gets Arrested

    BBL came back today. The first thing I did when I saw her was inform the other two girls that they should ask her to leave if she begs money from any of the customers. Our GM finally gave us permission to ban her if she causes trouble. BBL walks up to CW1. Without even being spoken to CW1 says:

    Please don't ask me for any money. I'll kick you out if you do.

    So BBL goes to CW2.

    BBL: Hello, how're you! (CW2 works at wegmans and apparently BBL came in and bought lotto tickets from her. That's why BBL never has any money. She spends $40 in tickets over there and then tries to beg money off of us.)
    CW2: ...good. (Continues to write up the remnant she's working on.)
    BBL: Could I borrow these needles? (Holds up a pack of needles.)
    CW2: If I say no are you going to call me a bitch too? (BBL had called one manager a bitch a couple weeks ago. I think I posted on it.)
    BBL: What? I would never do that!
    CW2: No, you cannot borrow anything. This is a store. You buy things here.
    BBL: The lord loves people who give.
    CW2: He must not love you because all you ever do is take. Please do not ask any of my customers for money. It is not cute, and it is not appropriate. (She snatches the needles from her and raises her eyebrows at me. It's a slow night and all I'm doing is pricing clearance buttons. I leave my bucket of buttons and follow BBL.)

    She walks into the sewing machine area. The sewing machine section is actually a separate company from our own. All the machines have been covered for the night and a rope has been drawn across both entrances to keep people from entering. BBL climbs over the rope and walks to their needles. I just stand in the quilting isle and watch her. She looks over, sees me, and grabs a tissue as if that's what she was there for. I yell over to her:

    Me: They're closed for the night. Please return to the open part of the store
    BBL: Oh, I didn't know. (Yeah right, you didn't notice that rope with the big closed sign on it that you just pulled down.)

    At that point someone comes over and asks me about transfer paper. I turn to look at her, then step to her other side so I can see both her and BBL. At this point BBL thinks my attention is no longer on her and pockets a pack of needles without even checking to see if I was looking at her. Idiot. I finish helping the customer, then go to tell my CWs. BBL has both hands shoved in her pockets, so we know she still has the needles. She then made a beeline for the exit. All three of us appear out of nowhere and cut her off at the same time.

    CW1: You want to return that?
    BBL: What?
    Me: The needles I saw you pocket.
    BBL: I didn't do nothin'
    CW2: You're not leaving the store with 'sewing machine company's' stuff.
    CW1: I can live with that. You guys?
    CW2: Yeah.
    Me: Yup.
    CW1: Please turn out your pockets.
    CW2: Yes we can. (BBL pulls the needles out and throws them at CW1.)
    CW1: Thanks, and I hope you know that you're now banned.
    BBL: NO I'M NOT (said like a 3 year old having a tantrum.) The sewing machine lady said I could have these.
    Me: Really? Why don't we just give her a call? (Yeah, that's complete bull.)
    BBL: You can't ban me! I didn't steal from you! (She pushes through us, then gets stuck at the second door. Apparently CW1 had locked it so the woman couldn't get out with the stolen property. BBL Leaps at the door and actually falls on the floor. We then lock the first set of doors and trap her in there. Yeah, all she has to do is turn the lock on the outside doors, but she's really not that smart. We call the cops. Luckily they show up quickly and it's a slow night so no customers were locked in or out. CW2 walks out the back door and meets them, unlocks the front door and they haul BBL off. Apparently she's been arrested many times before. Most likely she'll spend a day in jail, be released, and come back to our store two weeks later.

    I'll let you know what happens when she shows up again.

  • #2
    I never get to see anything fun and exciting like that when I go to the fabric store to stock up on yarn and fabric.

    I wouldnt have minded getting stuck in the store waiting for the cops to show up to arrest someone like that. I'd probably be filming the whole thing on my cellphone for posterity.


    • #3
      Quoth Erin View Post
      I never get to see anything fun and exciting like that when I go to the fabric store to stock up on yarn and fabric.

      I wouldnt have minded getting stuck in the store waiting for the cops to show up to arrest someone like that. I'd probably be filming the whole thing on my cellphone for posterity.
      Ah yes, the exciting life of a suburban fabric store. I still can't believe she couldn't figure out how to open the door, though I will give her some credit. When it didn't pull open she did try to push...and then pull...and then push. I've seen people get stuck cause a door pulls open when they try to push.


      • #4
        Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
        Ah yes, the exciting life of a suburban fabric store. I still can't believe she couldn't figure out how to open the door, though I will give her some credit. When it didn't pull open she did try to push...and then pull...and then push. I've seen people get stuck cause a door pulls open when they try to push.
        LOL, sounds like the scene in Snatch when they try to rob the bookie
        Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


        • #5
          I shall miss Banana Bread Lady. She amuses me.


          • #6
            Quoth flutes_and_fabric View Post
            CW2: He must not love you because all you ever do is take.
            Mother Smurfer! Warn me next time. Spewing Dr. Pepper through the nose frikkin hurts.

            Good pwnage there though.
            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              I was in a fabric store with my mother-in-law picking out fabric for a quilt she's making for my husband and I. While the two employees were cutting up fabric these two slightly shady looking guys walk into the store and one of them asked to use the bathroom. That didn't go over very well with the employees and one of them walked to the back to keep an eye on them. It turns out the reason why they were so unhappy about the whole situation was that someone a week ago had asked to use the bathroom and broke into the employee lockers. After the guy broke into the lockers he took a girl's purse, dumped the contents of her purse on the bathroom floor and proceded to pee on it

              After we heard that my mother-in-law and I spent the rest of the time keeping an eye on the two guys the rest of the time that they were in there. The two employees were so happy to see them leave.


              • #8
                Whines.... nothing that interesting ever happens at my fabric store. I just see a bunch of entitlement whore folks there..
                "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                • #9
                  Quoth Hermione View Post
                  I shall miss Banana Bread Lady. She amuses me.
                  I highly doubt that this is the last we've heard of her. She'll come back to F&F's store, and we can hear the story of how she's told to leave, and arrested again when she refuses.
                  "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


                  • #10
                    Omg I think that's one of the best SC-pwnage stories I've ever read! BBL will definitely think twice before coming by for her weekly array of things to "borrow", but I'll kind of miss reading about her. Ah, guess I've got to take the awesome with the bad!!


                    • #11
                      Can you post the link to the orginal story? Why is she BBL?


                      • #12
                        I'm worried the charge won't stick because as far as I know, she's not legally considered to have stolen ANYTHING until she's actually left the store with the item.

                        However, if she has priors, that could change the picture.
                        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                        • #13
                          Quoth vloglady View Post
                          Can you post the link to the orginal story? Why is she BBL?
                          The first story about BBL is in this post, the fourth story down under the title, "Alms? Alms for the poor?"

                          The second story is in this post here.

                          Yes, she's quite the character. Someone needs to call the Otis man, her elevator doesn't go to the top floor!
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Quoth XCashier View Post
                            The first story about BBL is in this post, the fourth story down under the title, "Alms? Alms for the poor?"

                            The second story is in this post here.

                            Yes, she's quite the character. Someone needs to call the Otis man, her elevator doesn't go to the top floor!
                            Thanks for posting those ^^

                            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                            I'm worried the charge won't stick because as far as I know, she's not legally considered to have stolen ANYTHING until she's actually left the store with the item.

                            However, if she has priors, that could change the picture.
                            She has priors, but I also doubt the charge will stick.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Victory Sabre View Post
                              I highly doubt that this is the last we've heard of her. She'll come back to F&F's store, and we can hear the story of how she's told to leave, and arrested again when she refuses.

