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The Drunkard and the Manager

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  • #16
    Screw quitting... Why should you give up an otherwise good job over something lke this? Send a letter with a copy of the attempted disciplinary letter to your corporate office! As an added incentive, contact your local news crew and share the story with them, as well.

    You get to keep your job, the manager loses hers. Heck, you might even get *her* job as a reward. Everybody's happy.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #17
      I must agree instead of quiting you should have let the higher ups know the manager is cool with kiddie porn being in the store. You would think they would not want that reputation for their business.


      • #18
        I hope you have an anonymous HR hotline that you can call to report your manager. That guy needed the police's attention on SO many levels and instructing an employee to "forget it" just for the sale is SOOOO wrong.


        • #19
          Quoth KMCA View Post
          ok, I'm confused. You made the sale, THEN he was arrested... Manager was upset why? You made the sale and THEN you made it safer for kids... I fail to see why you aren't recieving a medal

          Well...(you can throw rocks at me) is the repeat business that has suffered. You know in 8-10 years is a long time in the computer industry.


          • #20
            I did contact the corporate line about the write up and me quitting over it and the whole situation. I was attempted to be written up (it didn't work since I didn't sign it). They said they'd take care of it but I don't know what exactly that means, usually it would most likely involve a reprimand of the manager in question if they feel there was any wrong doing. I saw no such images of wrongdoing personally, but his admission (even though he was intoxicated) sounded serious enough at the time for me to have warranted concern to call the police, it has happened before (not all the time of course). The guy was picked up for drunk driving, he only put the keys in the ignition though. I'm still not sure about what happened to him and his computer though. His new laptop was much more expensive than his old one. The good news in this, I really hated the job anyway, so I'm happy to quit. Also, the jerk did get stopped and arrested so I'm sure the police are going through his old computer's hard drive after talking with them. So as I like to say, easy win!


            • #21
              I say, write down everything that happened (including your manager's reaction and the write-up) as soon as possible, while it is fresh in your mind. If you get a chance to, send it over your manager's head.


              • #22
                Dude, if your manager is condoning customers who collect child porn and even ordering employees to transfer their data and not blowing the whistle, the FBI would like to have a chat with her, and I'm not even kidding. And then, there's always the local news.. who would looooooooooooooooove to cover a story like this.
                I will never go to school!


                • #23
                  Well, if you didn't like the job, then it's all good, I guess. Just make sure the manager doesn't sabotage any reference checks from future employers!

                  Good luck in your new job!
                  Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                  • #24
                    I'm normally the last person to mention this, but I really think you should let the media know. Seriously--I don't want to shop at your store!!

                    Congrats on escaping from a terrible job, though. That's always a good thing.

