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What the Creepy Psycho did with his Epoxy.

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  • What the Creepy Psycho did with his Epoxy.

    Quickie background: The only into the hotel without a keycard is through the main entrance into the lobby. Keycards deactivate automatically (or are supposed to) at 11:30am on day of checkout.

    So, we had a guest in the hotel on and off for about a week and a half. He would stay a day, then leave, comeback the next day, then checkout, only to comeback and check back in.

    The guy was monumentally creepy, especially given the fact that he often managed to sneak up on the desk staff by somehow sneaking in the other entrances when he was supposed to be checked out (we think he came in behind actual guests when they opened the doors, cause the doors take a few seconds to close completely).

    He was often disheveled and unkempt. He also, insisted on a different room for almost every night he stayed.

    Anywho, I come to work Friday afternoon (I work 2nd during the week, 3rd on weekends), and after about an hour, the Asst. GM tells me that she wants me to patrol the hotel that night since on of the HKs saw him slumped in a chair, trying to hide, and the AGM was afraid that he might try to crash in the fitness center.

    After I go and make sure his key is deactivated, he comes to the desk to check back in, once again insisting on a different room. So, I put him close to the front, as I thought that was best, and my AGM agreed. At the time I had this sneaking suspicion I should get a Credit Card (he paid cash).

    At about 8pm that night I get a call from another one of the rooms (really Nice Guy) and he said that someone had snuck up behind him while he was getting ice. They had a brief exchange basically the Nice Guy telling the Creep he didn't appreciate getting snuck up on. I find out later the Creep followed him back to his room.

    Now, this guy is disturbing other guests, and has creeped out most of the Desk staff, so I leave a note for the AGM (who had gone home by now) about the incident, and I inform the next shift.

    I come in Saturday Night and find out that we have 2 rooms out of order. While we have no actual proof, we suspect what happened is the Creep, unhappy about how the Nice Guy treated him earlier, decided to get revenge. So he took an old Key Card (apparently from another hotel), broke it in half, and glued it into the door lock of the Nice Guys room. He did the same thing (we think) to a room not to far from his room. I think it was either a "Let's see if this works first" or "Now, what do I do with the other half".

    Next morning I tell the Front Desk Supervisor, and she says, "I told you I thought he was psycho!".

    Creep is no longer welcome at our Hotel. We have his DL photocopied, but I don't know if we can press charges as we don't know for sure it was him.

    "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

    Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!

  • #2
    In most places you can get a police 'stay away' order with little or no fuss. If they violate it you can have them instantly arrested for trespassing.
    Many spineless managers won't do this but if the creep has already destroyed two expensive locks they might be persuaded.
    "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
    -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


    • #3
      Well, we are just to say "we have no rooms available", which is technically true, as we no longer have anything for HIM. However, if he creates a scene, we can and most likely will call the police on him for trespassing.

      "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

      Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


      • #4
        Well THAT'S a new one for me! I had a creepy guy like that too, but we were finally able to have him arrested.

        I've seen peanut butter & toothpaste smeared on the door handles though.

        I guess that involved you having to replace those handles & panels.
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          I just hope there's a backup key or something to open the door in case something like this happens. It does seem like it was a plan though, since I assume very few people carry epoxy around with them.

          Of course, any vandal worth his spray can knows that superglue is easy to get out of a lock (just use acetone), but if you really want to ruin someone's day, you jam the lock with 5 minute epoxy (mixed wth iron filings for that oh-so-subtle touch that is the mark of a true professional)...

          Do NOT ask me know I know this.....

          Originally Posted by edible_hat
          (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)

