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Tales from the Bookstore Cafe (longish)

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  • Tales from the Bookstore Cafe (longish)

    All through college, I worked in the cafe of a major chain bookstore. Most of the time, it was actually a lot of fun, since all of us who worked there were around the same age and liked to make mischief. But, of course, there were plenty of SCs and nutbars...

    Fuck You and Your Americano

    So it's the weekend, and it's really busy. This woman with the face of a perpetually constipated ogre comes up to the register and asks for a decaf iced coffee. Now, here's the thing: we didn't brew decaf iced coffee, because hardly anyone ever asked for it, and we'd found that pouring the hot decaf over ice wound up making it taste like butt. So what we'd do in this situation is make a decaf iced Americano, which is basically watered down espresso. We'd always ask people if this was okay before going ahead and doing it, because some peeps just weren't interested.

    Me: Well, we don't have decaf iced coffee, but I can make you a decaf iced Americano instead.
    SC: WHAT?! That doesn't make any sense! How can you not have... *cell phone rings* *answers phone*
    Me: Uh, ma'am...
    SC: *sticks her finger in my face to silence me*
    Me: (WTF?!)
    CW: *wide-eyed* *steps in and asks the next person in line what she'd like*
    SC: *has a short, very angry conversation, then shoves her phone into her purse* WHAT were you saying you could make me?
    Me: An Americano, which is watered-down espresso...
    Me: Ma'am, we have decaf espresso, that's why I was...

    On the plus side, the next person in line thought the SC was a total psycho and said she felt bad that I had to deal with stuff like that.

    I was not Aware of this Line Phenomenon...

    Another busy day. There's this guy standing near the tea rack, to the side of the line. He's doing a whole lot o' nothin'. The two CWs who were there at the time notice him, but don't pay him much mind, because there's a line to tend to. Suddenly, after he's stood there about ten minutes, he explodes.

    SC: What the HELL do I have to do to get some service? I've been standing here FOREVER and you haven't even LOOKED AT ME!
    CW: ...sir, you haven't been in line...
    SC: *steps up and leans across the counter* Well, I've been WAITING and I want to get served NOW! *rants and raves and pounds on the counter*

    A manager wound up having to be called, simply because he was so livid and leaning so far over that there was concern he might jump the counter. Oy vey! You'd think he would've figured out he wasn't standing in the right place after a few minutes. But apparently, the mechanics of the Mystical Line were beyond his comprehension.

    I am a Miserable Old Guy, Bow Before Me

    This guy came in a number of times over the course of about a week and a half. We hated him intensely, because he sucked intensely.

    One day, he comes in and gets a bagel, toasted, with butter chips on the side. When he orders, he's angry -- strangely, unreasonably angry, like I ran over his dog and laughed about it or something. Well, whatever. We get his bagel -- and it sits, on the counter, for about 15 minutes before he comes to get it.

    Next day (and I emphasize: next flippin' day, far past the consumption of bagel), he comes back. He's still angry -- but now, it's tinged with RIGHTEOUS FURY, for he has been WRONGED!

    MOG: Yesterday, I ordered a bagel with butter, and when I got it, the butter was melted! I demand a refund!
    Me: (Could this not be because you didn't pick it up until 15 MINUTES AFTER IT WAS READY?!) All right, I just have to call a manager.

    Store Manager comes up, and has us...give him a new bagel for free, which is ridiculous. But oh well.

    A few days later, he graces us with his presence yet again.

    MOG: I want a reuben, and I want you to take the cheese off. NOW LISTEN! The last time I got a reuben here, it had cheese on it, even though I asked for no cheese, and I had to return it! So you had better take the cheese off this time!!

    Argle blargle! What the crap, old man? Why do you keep coming back if everything displeases you so? Anyway, I get one of our delicious, pre-packaged reubens out of the fridge, unwrap it, and start taking the cheese off. Apparently, I'm doing it all wrong, for he keeps angrily critiquing my every move. Part of me wants to throw the sandwich at his face. The other part of me, honestly, wants to crawl into one of the cabinets and curl up until my shift is over.

    Meanwhile, CW was preparing to brew a new pot of coffee...

    MOG: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Why are you putting the filter in already? Shouldn't you wash the basket first in case there are any grounds in it? Jesus Christ! What's the matter with you people?!

    CW, who's thrown a bit off balance, rinses the basket to placate him. I, meanwhile, get his sandwich ready and get him away from the counter.


    MOG: This isn't hot enough in the middle! All you people do is screw up! I want to speak to a manager!

    I call the SM. This time, nothing ridiculous happens; in fact, whatever SM said to him that night, it either pissed him off pretty well (not a hard feat, I guess) or set him straight, because he never came back.

    Don't get Your Master's in Dance

    This one's semi-sucky, but more so just very nutty.

    First time I dealt with her, it was late on a Sunday night. That was always the slowest time of the entire week, so I was rockin' it alone while my CW was on break. She was the first customer who'd come up in about ten minutes. To be honest, I can't really remember what she ordered this time around; that's not what stuck in my mind. What DID stick is all the stuff she started unloading on me.

    Dance Lady: I work at Chain Furniture Store, and my manager doesn't like me to take breaks. I usually don't eat dinner, and I don't ask to, because I'm afraid he's gonna fire me! *starts to cry* I just can't believe what a mess my life is...I wish I'd done things differently. I have a Master's in DANCE! Can you believe that? WHY DID I DO THAT? It's useless, now!

    I get her a glass of water and some tissues, because to be honest, I kind of feel bad for her. And there were no other customers anywhere in sight. After she's finished crying, she thanks me, makes sure she gets my name, and promises to remember me. Well, okay. That's cool, I guess, and I'm glad I helped her feel better. I don't see her again for a very long time.

    But then, one day, she comes back. It's a much busier day, so there's some chaos, as is pretty typical. She orders a slice of cheesecake and two sandwiches, which she doesn't want us to grill or to even unwrap.

    DL: I have to get back to work at Chain Furniture Store as quickly as possible. God, I hate that job so much, but I just can't find another one! I got my Master's in DANCE! Well, THAT was a mistake...
    Me: Gee, um...I'm sorry.
    DL: Oh, it's all right. HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

    I turn around, and see a CW unwrapping her sandwiches. He hadn't heard her request. Oh shiz.

    Me: Oh, uh, we can just re-wrap them, it's not a prob...

    CW, who is startled, drops one of the sandwiches on the floor. Oh shiz!

    DL: NOW YOU WASTED IT! Oh my god! Oh my god, just nevermind! JUST NEVERMIND I DON'T CARE! Oh my god, I'm gonna get fired if I don't get back there in time! Just take that one off! No, don't get another one, I just won't buy it! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!
    Me: *trying to be sweet as hell to avoid her wrath* It's okay, you'll get there in time! Are you sure you don't want us to grab another sandwich? It'll only take a second.
    DL: *suddenly extremely calm and nice* Oh no, that's okay. Don't worry about it. You're so nice. I'm gonna tell the managers about how nice you are.
    Me: Oh, okay, thanks... *hastily cashes her out*

    We then proceed to watch her as she leisurely browses through the bargain bin on the bookfloor. She had freaked out over getting back to work on time -- yet she spends another 45 minutes, at least, in the store.

    She returns the following Sunday. It's dead, as usual, but when she comes up, there are two of us there. Now, CW starts tidying up in the dining area, because he recognizes her and doesn't want to deal with her. I, meanwhile, fret over getting caught in another conversation about her personal woe. She orders tea and a slice of cheesecake; I see this as an opportunity to avoid further time alone with her.

    Me: Hey, CW! Can you get this slice of cheesecake for me?
    CW: *gives me a look, but starts to come over*
    DL: *suddenly and frighteningly angry* Why can't you get it? You're right here!
    Me: *stunned* I...well... *trying to think of things to say that will calm her down* I guess I could get it. Yes, you're right. I...was just being lazy.
    CW: *reaches the pastry case and pulls out the cheesecake*
    Me: *making a big show of things* Oh, CW, that's okay! I can get it! I'm sorry I called you!
    DL: *calm and sweet again* No no, I'm sorry. That's okay. I'm sorry. I was just wondering, that's all.

    CW presents the slice, casts me a quick glance, then walks briskly toward the back room. I attempt to cash out DL, but she wants to talk more about the doom of Chain Furniture Store, and I can't think of what to say to stop her. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see CW looking at me through the porthole in one of the double doors that leads to the back. I turn to look at him, and he's making this silly, twisted face that screams, "CUCKOO!" In spite of myself, I laugh. OH SHIZ!

    DL: *angry and scary again* Is he laughing at me? Are you laughing at me?
    Me:! No, I... *thinking as quickly as possible*I just saw him slip and almost fall in the back. I'm laughing at that. I...guess I'm a terrible person. Um, anyway, this is your total.

    I cashed her out, but before she left...

    DL: I just want to let you know that I'm sorry about the other day, with the sandwiches. I just don't want to get fired, and he WOULD fire me. I need a new job. Why did I get my Master's in Dance?

    Before I left that job, I saw her once more -- in the New Age section of the blookfloor. She stopped me and tried to talk to me about my chakras. Go figure.
    Last edited by alowlypotato; 09-02-2009, 01:00 AM. Reason: error!

  • #2
    Holy shazbot. That' And I almost swear I have run into that lady's twin. >.> There used to be a woman who'd hit up my bookstore I worked at, and she'd rant about her getting a Philosophy/Art History degree. It got to the point that we had regulars who'd pretend to come up and buy something to get her to leave us alone. She just up and disappeared one day... <shrug>
    By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

    "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


    • #3
      Note to self: Masters in Dance = Crazy

      Thanks for the heads up!
      "Next time, Sir Twatwaffle of Assville, you should mind your own business." - Lupo


      • #4
        Wow.. deja vu.

        Here's a story of an iced americano used as s projectile:

        And quite possibly the very same old fart you spoke of.. or maybe his soulmate:

        As for the master's in dance lady.. I'm willing to bet that (in reality at least) she has niether a master's in dance nor a job at a furniture store. Some "odd" regulars are the norm at coffee shops.

        Many apologies for the threadjack.
        Last edited by BaristaTrav; 09-02-2009, 07:31 PM.
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          The Americano woman sounds like even decaf may have too much caffeine for her.


          • #6
            Any more caffeine and she'd explode!!
            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


            • #7
              "Your aura is brown."

              "YOUR aura is brown! What a stupid thing to say to me!"

              (I don't know why Ellen DeGeneres came to mind there...)


              • #8
                Sounds like Chain Furniture Store Lady is a bit off her rocker.

                (Sorry folks. That was Sofa King lame of me! )



                • #9
                  Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                  Sounds like Chain Furniture Store Lady is a bit off her rocker.

                  (Sorry folks. That was Sofa King lame of me! )

                  You may or may not soon have a close encounter of the radish kind...
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    You're probably the closest thing crazy lady had as a friend. Thats something I suppose.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, responses come to mind...

                      Quoth alowlypotato View Post
                      Me: Well, we don't have decaf iced coffee, but I can make you a decaf iced Americano instead.
                      SC: WHAT?! That doesn't make any sense! How can you not have... *cell phone rings* *answers phone*
                      Me: Uh, ma'am...
                      SC: *sticks her finger in my face to silence me*
                      Me: (WTF?!)
                      CW: *wide-eyed* *steps in and asks the next person in line what she'd like*
                      SC: *has a short, very angry conversation, then shoves her phone into her purse* WHAT were you saying you could make me?
                      Me: An Americano, which is watered-down espresso...
                      SC: NO, I CAN'T HAVE ESPRESSO! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?! I HAVE TO HAVE DECAF! JUST...FORGET IT! *starts to walk away*
                      Me: Ma'am, we have decaf espresso, that's why I was...
                      SC: FUCK YOU!
                      After the finger in the face bit to deal with her cell phone, I'd have said "Ok, you're done. Next!"

                      If it still progressed to the later bit of conversation, I would have yelled "Yeah! I can see why you need decaf! One more regular and you'll probably die of stroke! For the sake of your own health, don't come back here!"

                      Quoth alowlypotato View Post
                      SC: What the HELL do I have to do to get some service? I've been standing here FOREVER and you haven't even LOOKED AT ME!
                      CW: ...sir, you haven't been in line...
                      SC: *steps up and leans across the counter* Well, I've been WAITING and I want to get served NOW! *rants and raves and pounds on the counter*
                      I would have told that douchebag something to the likes of, "Okay, common sense went up a notch. Now, double the maturity, halve the volume and let's conduct business. What do you want?"

                      Quoth alowlypotato View Post
                      Dance Lady: I work at Chain Furniture Store, and my manager doesn't like me to take breaks. I usually don't eat dinner, and I don't ask to, because I'm afraid he's gonna fire me! *starts to cry* I just can't believe what a mess my life is...I wish I'd done things differently. I have a Master's in DANCE! Can you believe that? WHY DID I DO THAT? It's useless, now!
                      I would have turned a bit of empathy and understanding to her, while giving her the advice of the lack of breaks/dinner during work might be more of a department of labor issue and she might have a case.

                      In regards to the masters in dance bit, I have no college degree and I've worked my way towards a decent paying job. Take your skills and build it into something you like and can profit with.


                      I think the Dancer Lady may be trying to hit on you... that or try to get a new job there.

                      Despite I don't know the age and lifestyle preference of either you or dancer lady, nor do I know your gender alowlypotato, I can't say for certain. But that story is what gives me the vibe.

                      But, that's my $0.02.
                      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                      • #12
                        Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
                        Many apologies for the threadjack.
                        Hehe, no worries! Those were very amusing stories -- although I'm sure quite painful at the time!

                        Quoth JustaCashier
                        Sounds like Chain Furniture Store Lady is a bit off her rocker.
                        *groan* Rum, bum bum!

                        Quoth Blade_Raver
                        I think the Dancer Lady may be trying to hit on you... that or try to get a new job there.

                        Despite I don't know the age and lifestyle preference of either you or dancer lady, nor do I know your gender alowlypotato, I can't say for certain. But that story is what gives me the vibe.
                        Both female, and I think she was about...25 years older than me? And I'm not so much into the womens, heh.

                        At the time, I actually got a more sisterly or motherly sort of feel when interacting with her. I distinctly felt like she wanted to bond with me, but, well...she kinda freaked me out. :-/
                        Last edited by alowlypotato; 09-05-2009, 06:07 PM. Reason: formatting error


                        • #13
                          I'm guessing you worked in the same Big Name Bookstore chain that I work for? My first store didn't have a cafe (there was an attached Starbucks but it was a separate store) and I managed to get through 2 years at the second store without ever being cafe trained. Being head cashier, I knew enough to be able to ring people up if there was a line (usually when someone was on break and they got an unexpected rush), but food-wise I couldn't do more than get you a pastry from the bake case (nothing requiring heating), a soda, or plain coffee from the urns.

                          One of the guys I often rang for was awesome...back when they used all X-codes (everything had a code starting with X; there were menus to find them all but if you knew the code you could just type it in), I would tell him the item and he would call out the code for it and save me time searching through menus.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                            I'm guessing you worked in the same Big Name Bookstore chain that I work for?
                            Hrm...mayhaps? There is another chain bookstore in my area that has cafes in its stores, though.

                            One of the guys I often rang for was awesome...back when they used all X-codes (everything had a code starting with X; there were menus to find them all but if you knew the code you could just type it in), I would tell him the item and he would call out the code for it and save me time searching through menus.
                            Haha, that's really cool! I woulda loved that guy!

                            Btw -- 4 digit codes, perchance?


                            • #15
                              Quoth alowlypotato View Post

                              Btw -- 4 digit codes, perchance?
                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

