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The World's Sorest Winner

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  • The World's Sorest Winner

    This story happened to our Marketing Director, Mark. It happened a few years ago, but something just reminded me of it.

    Mark was staffing our booth at a trade show and somehow was unable to say "no" when the organizers came around looking for raffle prizes. He ended up offering a free copy of our $600 software to the raffle pool.

    Now a little background. The market for our product is tiny, but we happen to have a 90% share of that market. When this story happened our biggest competitor was trying to increase his market share by cultivating a cult following among his customers by painting us as the big, bad, indifferent corporate bullies of the industry (all twelve employees of us in our world headquarters located between a dentist and a real estate agency). Most of their customers were smart enough to see through it, but some bought the entire marketing campaign wholesale. Think Microsoft vs. Apple on a very VERY tiny scale.

    As luck would have it, the person who won our software in the raffle was one of the competitor's customers. But she was one who could not differentiate her software preference from her religion. And she was a fanatic devotee. Our software was of Satan and she simply wasn't going to use it.

    If she had decided to give it away or perhaps burn it to remove any possibility that somebody might become contaminated with its evil, we wouldn't have much of story.

    But that isn't what she did. She stormed up to our booth, slammed the box down in front of Mark and spat out that she won it in the raffle.

    Mark congratulated her and asked if there was a problem he could help with. He was getting that she was angry, but was genuinely baffled about the reason. Most folks like winning things, right?

    Wrong question. She ranted on and on about how she used the competitor's product, how superior it was, how evil we were, how dare we expect her to USE our product. There was more, but that was the jist.

    Mark was a bit taken aback, but told her was sorry she felt that way and reassured her that we had no intention of forcing her to use our product. If she didn't want the raffle prize, she was welcome to sell it or donate it to whoever she wished. Yes. You didn't misread. There was a nice subtle little jab built into that apology that was designed to go right over her head. Mark is very good at those. That's why he's in marketing.

    But she wasn't interested in any of Mark's suggestions. She was on a righteous tirade, after all. She demanded that we substitute the latest version of the competition's product for her raffle prize so she could have a free update of the competitor's product. She actually expected him to buy it from them and give it to her.

    Mark saw no reason to do that and quietly told her so, while trying not to laugh out loud at her. It was a crowded exhibit hall and people were staring at the entire spectacle. He didn't want to be seen laughing in customers' faces; it wouldn't look professional.

    She didn't give up, though. She seriously thought she was ENTITLED to a substitute raffle prize of her own choosing and couldn't see why we wouldn't give it to her. Mark was bracing himself to have the box thrown at him, but luckily that didn't happen. He almost wished it would, though, because he would have an excuse to call security.

    Finally, though, she had to give up. She realized that nothing she said or did was going to get her what she though she was entitled to and stormed off with a few parting shots, taking the offending software with her, of course.

    Since then a few things have happened:

    It looks like she decided to finally sell her raffle prize on eBay. At least, somebody else just registered that serial number and told us they bought it from eBay. That's what reminded me of this story. I have to wonder how she can justify making money by selling the tool of the devil?

    Another thing which has happened is that Mark finds it much easier to say "no" when trade show organizers try to solicit raffle prizes from him. He will tell this this story when pressed and they will immediately back off.

    One more thing which has happened since then is that we bought out the competitor to whom she swore an undying oath of loyalty and devotion. If she wants support for her software or to purchase an update, she has to come to us now.

    BWAAAA HA HA HA! We will someday RULE THE WORLD and all will BOW to our EVIL!
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    Quoth Dips View Post
    One more thing which has happened since then is that we bought out the competitor to whom she swore an undying oath of loyalty and devotion. If she wants support for her software or to purchase an update, she has to come to us now.
    I love the plot twist. I just feel really sorry for the next guy who has to deal with this woman personally.
    No good news is good bad news


    • #3
      Wow! Too bad you couldn't flag her account with a script that prompts the person she speaks with to inform her of the buyout by your company and now she is a spawn of Satan.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        I have to wonder how she can justify making money by selling the tool of the devil?
        i'll try fielding this one:

        she feels since mark declined her 'reasonable demand' for an acceptable replacement, she was entitled to whatever price she could get for its sale.

        do i win a cookie?
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          I wonder if her mother ever told her to "not look a gift horse in the mouth".


          • #6
            Quoth Cedophile View Post
            I love the plot twist. I just feel really sorry for the next guy who has to deal with this woman personally.
            Her husband?


            • #7
              Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
              Her husband?
              Yeah, but he drinks a lot of cough syrup, so he's sort of indifferent to the whole thing.

              BTW, the love the "Bought out the other company" thing. If she ever has a problem with the other company's software (which I assume you service? -I don't know if you would or wouldn't), and calls you up, I want you to immeadiently come to CS and tell us about it.
              I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

              Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


              • #8
                I drank cough syroup! You offend me! I want to speak to your manager, the president and god!
                I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                • #9
                  Quoth Bliss View Post
                  I want to speak to your manager, the president and god!
                  The person you want to see for all of those is Raps.
                  I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                  Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                    Yeah, but he drinks a lot of cough syrup, so he's sort of indifferent to the whole thing.

                    BTW, the love the "Bought out the other company" thing. If she ever has a problem with the other company's software (which I assume you service? -I don't know if you would or wouldn't), and calls you up, I want you to immeadiently come to CS and tell us about it.
                    Apparently, she already has. She will only speak to Darlene who was employed by the other company before the merger and has Darlene's direct line. Darlene hasn't reported any crazy rants. My guess is that as long as the lady can call Darlene directly, she can pretend the merger never happened.

                    As long as we remember to Sharpie out the company name if we ship her anything.

                    What's funny is that after the merger there was a lot of parnoia about our itentions on the part of the other company's customers. The main rumor was that we bought them out just to discontinue their product. We even got hate voice mails.

                    I don't know why people thought we would spend money a company in order to discontinue a product. If we own the rights to something that people want to buy, OF COURSE we're going to sell it to them. We like money. As a matter of fact I recall putting it that bluntly to a few people who asked me about the rumor. They got a chuckle out of it.

                    Anyway, the acrimony is pretty much a thing of the past. Most of the other company's customers like us and appreciate our customer service. It's because we're nice. And niceness is hard to fight. Resistance is futile.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      Just wondering, you say the market for your software is small... just wondering what is that market? (You don't have too tell me which product is your through )
                      MMO Addicts group


                      • #12
                        Our software is specialized enough that if I told what it did, anyone reading the post could do a quick google search which would identify the company I work for, and find out quickly enough, who I am and where I live.

                        I also love my job, the majority of my customers, and my boss too much to risk causing them any public embarassment. I've even taken the precaution of using psuedonyms for my co-workers' first names (Mark isn't really Mark and Darlene isn't really Darlene, etc.) in case one of our customers, who knows all our first names, stumbles onto this site.

                        I hope you understand that it's nothing at all personal; I'm just being protective of myself and my company.

                        Edit: On further thought, I realized that I can safely say it falls into the category of assistive technology. That's broad enough that it's hard to identify us. Our market is worldwide, but very limited since the number of people or organizations who would find our product useful and worth buying is quite small and scattered. I hope that makes sense.
                        Last edited by Dips; 12-08-2006, 01:28 PM.
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.

