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son tries pulling the race card but father makes up for it(first time happy ending)

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  • son tries pulling the race card but father makes up for it(first time happy ending)

    Hey guys long time no see. Sorry for not posting for so long. Like I said I have two jobs one as a bouncer and one as a airsmith at my friends paintball shop. the story I'm gonna tell today happens in my friends shop while I covered for him while he was sick. Ok here goes.

    I'm in back working on an autococker a type of paintball gun that a friend was having me put a new trigger system on it (for those of you that do do paintball it was a e-2 trigger install). When all the sudden I hear someone yelling for me.

    S: me duh
    F: father
    S1: son

    I walk out there and see this kid there and here's what goes down.

    S: hey little dude what can I do for you.
    S1: can I see that gun real quick.
    I look where he's pointing and he wants to see a tippman 98 pretty cheap gun okay for him to look a tI think.
    S: sure just lets me get it down.
    I grab the gun and hand it to while asking him some simple questions.
    S: so are you starting paintball.
    S1: yeah I heard alot about tippman's and I wanted to get one.
    S: well your gonna need some gear to go with it.
    S1: like what.
    S: well a mask for one and also a bigger Co2 tank.
    S1: OKay I wanna buy this today if thats okay.
    S: sure first I'll need to see your Id and have you sign this waiver.
    the shop is rquired by law to get there contact information as well you have to be 18 to buy a paintball gun. the waiver is so we don't get in trouble if the players hurt themselves.
    S1: why do you need to see my Id.
    S: because you need to be 18 in order to purchase a gun or have a consenting parent with you.
    at this point he pulls the race card on me. now I"m actually half native american so I really get alot of crap from people and sorry if this offend's but the kid was white.
    S1: your just saying that I have to be 18 because I'm not the same as you are.
    I'm all like what the hell
    the kid grabs his cellphone and calls his dad. Dad shows up ten minutes later.
    F: I hear your being a racist to my son.
    S: No sir I just can't sell a gun to your son currently.
    F: why is that you got something against us white guys.
    S: no it's just that you have to be 18 to buy a gun.
    F: You pulled me away from work just because your underage get in the car.
    S1: but dad he was being mean to me and wouldn't sell me the gun.
    F: I don't care if he says you have to be 18 then you need to call me and let me know. look I"m sorry about my son and what I said please don't ban us from here I do paintball and This shop is the only one in town that sells paint. please can we just forget about this and I'll send a formal apology to W (My friend that owns the shop).
    I'm just floored by what this guy said. I was ready to lay into him with every insult and hurtful word his way. but he redeemed himself in my eyes.I ve actually gone paintballing with him after this he's a nice guy.
    F:S1 you will apologize to this young man for your rude behaviour.
    S1: Sorry for bothering you about the gun I won't do it again.
    S: Well I won't ban you guys but next time you come in here bring your mom or dad.
    F: Thank you so much I hope we can get the chance to play against each other.
    at this point the father is pretty much dragging his son why berating him at the same time. until they reach the car.

  • #2
    Gotta love that race card.
    I didn't know about the waiver thing. But then again I started playing in my early 20's so I wouldn't really have noticed.

    Sounds like an overall fun job as an airsmith.
    I've had more fun tinkering with markers than actually playing.
    E-Cockers are the most fun I think because of how complicated they are.

    I have a Zero B Karnivor.
    Best marker I've ever used.


    • #3
      I use a sandridge cocker. very hard to find first electro cocker on the market. never chops.


      • #4
        Nice, always good when parents do the right thing, now I used to paintball, however I do airsoft now (I prefer the weapons, and the realism feeling) and ive seen that sort of stuff in the store my friend runs, black kid yelling at the OWNER cus he was 17 and was unwilling to get a parent, quit nice when the cop card was pulled.
        Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
        pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


        • #5
          That's just annoying. You even said it was because it was a state law. And if he HAS an ID, what's wrong with showing it? Its not like you were demanding he jump through a bunch of hoops.

          Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


          • #6
            That's the first race card SC story I've heard of with a happy ending!
            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


            • #7
              Quoth Hyena Dandy View Post
              And if he HAS an ID, what's wrong with showing it?
              Well if he HAD an ID, he wouldn't have played the race card.

              Nice how the father hounded into his son. AND made him apologize.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

