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Personal views to a stranger

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  • Personal views to a stranger

    Ok it seems as if since I registered here things keep happening. I have had a few callers in the past 3 months try to get into personal conversations while trying to make a reservation. No, leading me on thinking they will make a reservation.
    Example A. Perv
    Its nearing 11pm my time and a guy calls in wanting to plan the perfect honeymoon for his girlfriend. Awww right? Yeah I wish. We make plans and packages and then he seamlessly slides in about wanting to bring his dog. Then after about 5 minutes of me trying to re-rail (opposite of derail or am I imagining it) the conversation he starts to ask me if i would ever bring a pet into the bedroom. I don't think I have ever transferred to the perv line faster. That was my worst perv thankfully and since him I have only had the shower guy.
    Example B Politics. I am at a job I like, going to school, single mom, and generally a happy girl. I laugh at stupid jokes because why not. I am great at being 2faced on the phone. Seriously though I don't care who you voted for. I don't care who my parents voted for either frankly. Don't try to work it into the conversation and then when I ask for the CC # say oh yeah i'll call you right back with that. He better be glad he hung up or else job be damned i would of let him have it. I think I was a little too good at the pretending, he really thought I was agreeing and listening.
    Example C Child rearing. For some strange reason (and the guy did book the reservation) this guy was adamant about his 10yr old son not going with him and his wife on the trip. OHH k, yeah sounds good. Then he asks what i would do if my children flipped out in the middle of the store. He didn't seem happy that I would take my children and leave. Or that I decide what happens when it happens. The punishment fits the crime. He kept trying to find out what I would do if my 10yr old son did... I have 2 daughters so I wont even need to daydream about what I would do in that situation. And finally after me saying "I don't feel comfortable with answering that" multiple times, my finger 'accidentally' clicked the confirm button that sends him on his way.
    Hopefully my pain can be enjoyable for others. That last one left me shaking my head for quite a while

  • #2
    Quoth Voice on the Phone View Post
    Ok it seems as if since I registered here things keep happening.
    I think it's just how things work...The really bad ones start to smell the vague, outside possibility of getting "publicity" we all know that "There's no such thing as bad publicity"...

    Either that, or you're just making an unconscious effort to mentally note them down, because you will have a sympathetic audience. In other words, some part of your brain is having you pay attention to these wierdos more. Sorry about that >_<
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    • #3
      too bad you prolly can't answer the Child-rearing guy with something weird like "Ever see Army of Darkness?"

