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Don't go to the library on Sundays (staff and customers) epic.

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  • Don't go to the library on Sundays (staff and customers) epic.

    Don’t go to the library on Sun.

    Some background.

    The management thought it would be a great idea to get staff who never do library work to do library work on Sunday, the busiest day of the week. We have staff who do processing, so they never have to deal with the public. We have staff who used to do library work, but got a cushy job just ordering things so they don’t have to work with the public no longer. They get training the week before they have to work their first Sunday. We only work a Sunday once every 3 months. Guess how much gets retained by these warm bodies? Yeah.

    Ok, my Sunday.

    This was Sept. 27.

    I get to the library and I find street parking. Street parking is good because I don’t have to hunt down the librarian in charge to validate my ticket.

    Of course, the masses are blocking the doors. But at least I’m 5 min. early.

    I go inside and see my schedule and say hi to the person in charge (let’s call her Carrie). Person in charge tells me where I’m stationed first hour (uh, that’s why I looked at the schedule).

    Phone woes

    I get to the third floor where we answer phones. The door to the room where we answer the phones is locked. Usually it isn’t locked. My cw for the hour (let’s call her Ann, who is one of those who never works in our library) said that security was called to open the door. Since we were on the third floor, where we have public computers, me and Ann went around and turned on the monitors. Since the patrons will come looking for a librarian to turn on the monitors :eye-roll:.

    Patrons come in and still no one opened the doors to the phone room. I decide to call the person in charge, Carrie. Carrie tells me she already told security to open the doors and they said they were coming. So when I walked in, Carrie could tell me where I’m suppose to be first after she sees me looking at the schedule, but can’t tell me the doors are locked…and that she already talked to security.

    The phone calls weren’t so sucky. I left Ann 5 min. til so I can get to the next desk, which will relieve one person to go to the next desk, etc.

    He wants to worship Sade.

    Why do the crazy people always come to me when I’m by myself?

    Crazy guy: cg

    Me: me

    Cg: can you look up pictures on the internet of Sade?

    Me: I can show you. Do you have a computer?

    Cg: other people get me pictures.

    Me: I can help you find pictures.

    Cg: they say you’re the person to go to to find pictures of Sade.

    Me: I can show you how to find pictures on the internet.

    Cg: I can’t use the internet! It would take me an hour to explain to you why I can’t use the internet!

    Me: sorry, I’m not going to find you pictures for you and print them out. I’m here to help you, not to do the work for you.

    Cg: I love you.

    Me: don’t say that!

    Cg: I’m telling you I love you because I don’t really want to tell you want I think of you. You are making people look at us.

    Me: I can’t help you. (and I walk away)

    Latter on, one of my cw told me some crazy guy in a white t-shirt was curing out loud. A patron came up to this cw and told her about him but he said other patrons told him to stop curing. So if he curses again, get security. Hey, it’s the crazy guy who wants pics of Sade!

    Crazy woman putting books on chair

    Do not come to the library on Sun.

    The woman wasn’t sucky at all. But advise for everyone. Don’t come to the library on Sun. We are only open 4 hours. Not much research can be done in 4 hours. This woman was looking through an index we had on microforms and she wanted one microform, which we don’t carry. But she was cool about that. She then needed to make copies of a microfilm of the Christian Science Monitor we had. We send up a slip to storage to have the film pulled. Person in storage sends back a response that it is not on shelf.

    I know we have it so I go up and look for it. I find the person in storage is another person who never works in our library except 1 Sunday every 3 months. So he didn’t realize where the microfilm was.

    I get back to the woman and it’s now 3pm. I have to go to another desk. Not many librarians know how to use the microfilm machine, though, so I spend time helping her make the copy. Luckily it didn’t take more than 5 min.

    I go to the second floor and Ann was calling the librarian in charge:

    Ann: My relief hasn’t arrived…oh, there she is.

    Since there was another person on the floor, Ann could have gone on to her next desk. I guess she thinks she can only leave if she is relieved. If that is the case, no one will be changing desks. She should be glad I didn’t leave at 2 to replace her because then she would have to help the woman with the microfilm and I know Ann doesn’t know how to use the machines.

    La puta mas grande del mondo, part 1

    I like Spanish cursing; it’s really descriptive. And no, this woman isn’t Hispanic.

    Anyway, I’m calling this woman the biggest whore in the world. She is a prime, grade-A asshole. She shows up latter in the story.

    Now I’m trying to enforce the library’s rules less. So I’m passing by a woman and see she doesn’t have her shoes on. I decide to let it slide. Then I see she has her feet up on a chair. Bare feet on a chair. I go up to her and tell her:

    Me: Ma’m you have to have your shoes on and you can’t have them up on the chair.

    La puta: alright! I’m going to put them down! (said with derision).


    Good news, there was a program today and a lot of food was left over. So I take a break. There was salad, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, mango, papaya, finger sandwiches, shrimp quesadilla (they were cold so not too good), cake and lemonade. So it was a nice break.

    Don’t come on a Sunday an hour before closing

    Actually, the mother and daughter came an hour ½ before closing. But daughter needed primary sources for the first flight by the Wright brothers. She didn’t know when it happened. My cw (who doesn’t do any reference work) on the 2nd floor thought we had Time magazine, for 1903. *Sigh* so I had to take the mom and daughter up to the third floor reference area to look through an index we had to find which magazines the library has with articles about the Wright brothers.

    You don’t know?!?

    I get back and the cw says he didn’t know how to log in a person on our business computers. He said the woman said, “You don’t know how to log in a person?” He answered, “no.” and she complained how he doesn’t know anything. So I go to log her in and she goes to the bathroom. Could n’t she have done that while she was waiting?

    La puta mas grande del mondo, part 2

    We are about to close and the cleaning woman tells me that woman (La puta mas grande del mondo) saw she was cleaning and walked in anyway. The cleaning woman told me she did the same thing 2 days ago, but called her (the cleaning woman) a bitch. So I go tell security and security says, “That was 2 days ago; we can’t do anything. If it was 2 min ago, we could do something.” So it’s hard to tell la puta “we heard you cursed out a person who works her. Don’t don’t that again or you will be asked to leave”?

    Where's the manager?

    So a bunch of librarians are in charge of program, but the manager is charge, Carrie, feels it necceccary to tidy up things. She wasn't at the desk she was assigned to and a person not working Sat. but was attending the program got stuck at a desk helping someone.

    then a person involved with the program wanted to talk to her. I told him she was in the meeting room where the program was. He doesn't move. He then decides to leave some treats for Carrie. That was what he was waiting for her for.
    Last edited by depechemodefan; 10-07-2009, 07:26 PM.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    I wish I could go to the library on Sunday. Ours isn't open at all that day.


    • #3
      Ah, I remember Sundays at the public library all too well. Fortunately, they weren't THAT bad, but we ended up with some, er, "interesting" situations because everyone was required to work a certain number of Sundays, meaning people did have to put in time at places outside their normal area of responsibility.

      Fortunately for me, being in the IT group meant I got to stay in my primary space, it just meant I was the only IT person on duty.

