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No Overnight Parking!

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  • No Overnight Parking!

    We have these signs on every road coming onto our property. I work nights on weekends which is when we seem to get the most trucks, rvs, homeless people in cars, people traveling, etc. It's company policy (possible liability) not to let people sleep overnight. It's been that way for many years. Unfortunately, I have to wait until the movies let-out to go around checking for overnight parkers, on the chance they might be in a movie (we don't want to seem like we're harassing them). I am very nice, I apologize, I explain the policy and try to give them other locations to go to.

    Then why, oh why, does every other arseface in an RV tell me that he'll 'have my job' because I 'have no right to be kicking them out of the parking lot like this?' Really, the fact that you're too cheap to spring for a campsite and can't read is something you'd want to make me lose my job over? And no, spending X-amount of money with us does NOT give you the right to sleep in the parking lot. When you ask for an extra hour because you just took your medication, I let you have an extra hour. Then you wanted 2-hours. Then you refused to come to the door. Then you only left after I threatened to call the police. And you're going to call my boss because I 'have no right to do that.' Ummm, yes, I do; private property. And my boss, she made the rules. And she would have called the police the FIRST time you refused to move. Good luck getting sympathy from her when you call her to complain about 'your rights.' A page-long report of your behavior is already sitting on her desk!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    I'm curious, do you have any idea if and how many of these overnight parkers call the next day to complain?

    Honestly, if you're allowed to call police after the first warning, then you have every right to be blunt with them the moment they cop an attitude. Go ahead and ask about their reading abilities and rude attitudes. Then call the cops.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      When they say they are going to complain to your boss, tell them "I Hope you will! I'd like her to see I'm doing my job correctly."
      Won't it be fun to watch them sputter?


      • #4
        Find out where the nearest Wal-Mart is, if there is one close by. They allow over night parking in the out of the way parking areas cause sometimes when you are driving you just need to stop. But I wish more SC's realized that a parking lot is NOT public property.


        • #5
          Quoth Kimmik View Post
          Find out where the nearest Wal-Mart is, if there is one close by. They allow over night parking in the out of the way parking areas cause sometimes when you are driving you just need to stop. But I wish more SC's realized that a parking lot is NOT public property.
          please do not do this.

          Wal-Mart does not allow this in all areas.

          My local W-Mart has a strict neighbor hood association and EVERY DAY I go there I see people screaming that ALL W-Marts let them park. This in not the case.


          • #6
            Actually, we have an 'All Fart' which is why people think it's ok to park, regardless of the signs;they rent from us, we own the parking lot. The Employees there know better than to tell them it's ok, so that story doesn't fly with me.

            And yes Bainsidhe, 1 out of 5 people DOES CALL to complain. One person called several times and talked with the secretary, complaining that the mall had given him permission. Except he said he talked with X. Well, X is the secretary; she remembered him, and told him she remembered talking to him and remembered telling him no! He didn't call back after that.

            The reason for our policy is not only safety (we can't be responsible for them or their vehicles), but if you get one truck/rv parking, then you get 3, then a dozen, etc and it begins to look like a truck stop! And they tend to dump garbage and empty their rv toilets into our sewer system!
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              That is why I added that they need to learn that a parking lot is not public property. If there are signs posted then you obey the signs.

              Walmarts stance:
              RV Parking
              Many of our locations allow overnight RV parking. This decision is left primarily in the discretion of store management. Also, some communities have local ordinances, which prohibit overnight parking. We value each of our customers and allowing overnight parking can enhance the one-stop shopping convenience for RV'ers, where permissible. "

              Hence why I said that. Of course it is going to vary but on average I have found that most allow it.. I was thankful for it when driving cross country.


              • #8
                Ironically, 8 out of 10 people I speak to think a mall is Public Property. Hence the high rate of 'you can't kick me out/you can't touch me/this is public property you can't do nothin to me.' isms.
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  On the occasions you DO call police, I hope the police show up in a timely fashion and are ready to kick people off the lot.

                  When I worked fast food, we'd have loiterers block our entire parking lot and also the drive thru, which was open 24hr. The police would give us every excuse in the book as to why they shouldn't show up to chase off the little jerks. Trust me, I'm not scary and am less so in a fast-food uniform. The loiterers would only laugh at my insistence they leave. And the police wouldn't come because we didn't have signs posted against loitering. Didn't seem to matter that teenagers were having a party in the parking lot and willfully causing damage to our property and customers' cars (jerks would try climbing on customers' vehicles while they tried to get to the drive thru. Real winners there ). We then posted signs. Then police wouldn't come until we gave warnings, so we gave the loiterers warnings. Then we had to give multiple warnings. Okay fine. Police still wouldn't come. *sigh*
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    The easiest thing to say is that they're on private property and if they don't move, they'll be arrested for trespassing and have their RV towed.

                    If that doesn't work, you're talking with a vegetable.
                    Part Angel Part Sadist


                    • #11
                      One of my ex-bosses used to allow people to park in our parking lot overnight. The big problem was we only rented space there, we didn't own the building! When property management found out they were livid! Turns out that there are a host of liability problems with this. An RV leaks fluid that gets into the sewer and then leaves, you're responsible for clean-up costs. A fire or theft? You'll get dragged into it as you gave permission.

                      It's such a nightmare you're better off saying 'no', then if they ignore you and do it you can laugh when they say they'll sue!

