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Please call from a quiet place.

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  • Please call from a quiet place.

    Why do people call from repair/machine shops? Where there is all this noise?

    First, let me bitch about my cw. Me and cw were in phone reference from 7-8. I started to ask her if she goes into facebook could she get in an application she has but doesn't use and give me her tickets. As usual, as I was talking to her, another cw comes up and interrupts us. She needed from cw a change in the schedule.

    So cw worked on this, then asked me to help her find the application. I was showing her how when her phone rings and she answers the question.

    One of the bad habits cw has is talking a person ears off. And try to be funny. She was on a phone call for 15 min. The person wanted to go to a restaurant in Kemah for her bd. Person wanted to know aabout a particular restaurant and cw was telling her personal experience. One part of the convo was like this:

    cw: Oh, it's your bd. You should call them and tell them that. Tell them that you want a shark for your birthday, hee hee!...a shark. Yeah. If you need to make reservations for a party.

    She used to bitch about another cw spending 20 min on the phone with a customer while the rest of us answers the phones non-stop.

    Anyway, I get the call from dickwad calling from a machine shop. I see his name on caller id, so he must own it or else he likes being loud in his garage. The guy wanted a copy from 1992 Redbook. I was thinking, "what redbook?" when he clarified it was the magazine. So I have to look up if we owned it and didn't see it online.

    me: sir, did you get this from us before? I don't see it...
    I hear background noise that signifies a lot of banging on metal is going on.
    me: sir... SIR!
    cw: damn! she is so loud! (or something like that)
    dude: yeah
    me: are you sure got this from us before?
    dude: yeah.
    me: ok, I have to double check....ok, sir, I still don't see it in our list but I will request it for you. Sir? Sir? *slam phone*

    30 seconds latter.
    dude calls
    dude: Hey, someone hanged up on me.
    me: I'm sorry sir, I couldn't hear you, and it didn't seem like your attention was on me....
    dude: what!
    me: I couldn't hear you, and it didn't seem like your attention was on me, and I had to go to the next call.
    dude: *slam phone*

    So I was so pissed I turned off my phone and went to my desk to cool down. I left my cw by herself, though we were kind of quiet, so I didn't feel bad.

    Mostly I'm pissed at the guy who couldn't bother to go somewhere quiet to make the call. Also, pissed at my cw, who couldn't find a polite way to tell me I was loud. It's not my fault I had to raise my voice to get the guy's attention, though I guess I could have just hung up instead of raising my voice.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    I hear you on the loud environment calls.

    I would get people calling, using the speaker function, and being someplace that had so much background noise, that nothing I said would ever register, because those things are one-way only. If it's broadcasting, it won't be receiving.

    I decided early on that I would never raise my voice to accommodate those people. If they can't hear me because of something they did wrong, then they will have to correct that if they are really interested in hearing what I'm trying to say to them.

    I've had to hang up on a few people, and they would usually call back and actually pick up the phone to talk to me. Amazing how much better that works.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

