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  • Seriously????

    One day, I decide to treat myself to some lunch in the mall and as I was leaving, I halfway notice some teenage boys (13-14 years old) right outside our entrance (we're an anchor store to a large mall) and they're throwing something around, I quickly recognize it as these stupid 'helium' filled bounce balls our store sells - they're supposed to bounce up to 75 feet. I pay no mind as I walk by, but get about fifteen feet away and...


    The kid had fricking pegged me right in the back of the head with obviously a FULL FORCE throw of the bounce ball. Stung like a mother!

    I stopped, walked back to the kid who was holding the ball and smirking..

    Me: What was that about?
    Smirking Kid: Oh... it's not my fault, the ball got away from me...(still smirking)
    Me: *steam rising now as I am hungry, pregnant and have just been assaulted right outside my work* Seriously, what ever gave you the idea that bouncing that ball in a mall would be a good idea?!?
    Smirking Kid: I told ya, lady. It wasn't my fault...(still smirking)
    Me: Well, seeing as though your the one with the ball in your hands, I don't see anyone else out here with one of these stupid pieces of crap, I guess you'll be the one charged with assault. (pulls out my cell phone)
    Smirking Kid: (not smirking anymore) You can't do that. It was an accident...(starting to whine)
    Me: Take your stupid little ball, get out of my mall and don't ever bring it back here.
    Smirking Kid: You're a real bitch. Wait til I tell my mom.
    Me: Go right ahead. I'm calling mall security right now. I'm not concerned at all about your mom. (and I wasn't, I still had my name tag and work shirt on)
    Smirking Kid: Fine. It'll be my word against yours.
    Me: (points at ceiling 'trouble bubble') No it won't. See that security camera up there?
    Smirking Kid: ...
    Me: You are on video, I can have the tapes pulled right now.
    Smirking Kid - now Sorry Kid: I'm sorry.
    Me: Good. Get out.

    He got out.

    And then I treated myself to an extra special lunch at Panera. How I love the Chicken Frontega...
    Just to cut off any helpful suggestions: This woman was not blind, nor disabled. She was just a bitch. - Boozy

  • #2
    Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post
    Smirking Kid: Oh... it's not my fault, the ball got away from me...(still smirking)
    WRONG, you little brat! It IS your fault. A normal human being with even an ounce of personal responsibility would have been apologizing profusely at this point. I hope you're okay after that! I assume Panera was able to put you in a much better mood... mmmm....
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


    • #3
      Little punk; I hate those kids that say it was never their fault.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        As a former mall rat I wanna bat that kid around a freaking bit. Kids like that are why we would get hassled.


        • #5
          Uber-pwnage on the OP's part, though. Way to go. Hope you're feeling okay!


          • #6
            Smirking Kid: Fine. It'll be my word against yours.
            Only problem with that, slick, is that you're a kid, MoN is an adult, who do you think people are going to believe.
            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


            • #7
              Huh, there must be some sort of magnet pregnant women have in the back of their heads, because I got nailed by some college douche with a hackey sack when I was 35 weeks along.

              He apologized. I was so pissed I ignored him and stalked away lest I say something I would regret.


              • #8
                i kinda wonder what kind of home life that kid had...probably rarely hears the word no...sometimes it's both the kid's fault and the parents fault
                If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

