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Ebay Annoyances

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  • Ebay Annoyances

    I've worked for two businesses over the years that sell items on Ebay. With both, computer repair has been their primary income and Ebay is a secondary thing. It's a good way to liquidate old parts and such that would otherwise go in the trash or gather dust.

    Just had an idiot complain via Paypal that the laptop they received was defective. In short:

    "Network port does not work, wireless doesn't work, drivers missing, system bluescrees, etc. etc. bitch moan."

    Now, I would not have a problem with this if it was legitimate, however our description of the laptop included:

    "Because of an I/O error, the onboard network port does not work. This laptop is being sold as-is."

    Now, maybe it's me... but if you read that description, wouldn't you know ahead of time THAT YOU WERE BUYING A LAPTOP WITH A NON-FUNCTIONING NIC PORT? And furthermore that any other problems would not be covered because it's sold "as-is"?

    Some other Ebay fun:

    On more than one occasion, we had Canadians send postal money orders as payment. This is not a problem (although Ebay prohibits such things now, mainly so they can gouge people with their Paypal servce - but whatever) however the person sending the money order did it with CANADIAN DOLLARS instead of American. And this was from when the US Dollar was stronger. (remember those days, folks?) So their total would be, say, $50 with shipping and handling. But they'd send us a check for $50 Canadian, which might end up being something like $42 US.

    I've never done it, but in the old days (my former asshole boss, included) would sell items extremely cheap, but would jack up the shipping cost. Why? Because Paypal doesn't take a bite out of S & H plus if it's a local buyer you have to give them less on tax. One of the most extreme examples I heard was a guy selling brand new Nike, Adidas, etc. sneakers for $20... and charging $100 for shipping. Needless to say, Ebay finally cracked down on the guy and altered policy accordingly. But I still cruise my old boss' listings and report any that seem exceptionally high.

    Not a sucky customer, but just our luck: I swear, if you live within five minutes of our store you will purchase an Ebay item that weighs all of 2 pounds. But if you live in Californ-i-ay or Hawaii, you will be purchasing a 2-ton block of concrete. I don't know what it is, but I swear every time we get a large item to ship, it INEVITABLY goes to the West Coast. Californians never buy a pen or a key chain. They buy an engine block. Or in our case, a SAUNA. It was pretty cool, actually... customer came in who had won a sauna on The Price is Right. We listed it and sold it to someone in California. It was four boxes, one of which weighed around 90 pounds and another was fairly light but measured around 7 foot by 7 foot by 1 foot in size. So that was interesting.

    I know I'm forgetting a bunch of Ebay stories... but anyone else have any?

  • #2
    Quoth An Haddock View Post

    Just had an idiot complain via Paypal that the laptop they received was defective. In short:

    "Network port does not work, wireless doesn't work, drivers missing, system bluescrees, etc. etc. bitch moan."

    Now, I would not have a problem with this if it was legitimate, however our description of the laptop included:

    "Because of an I/O error, the onboard network port does not work. This laptop is being sold as-is."

    Now, maybe it's me... but if you read that description, wouldn't you know ahead of time THAT YOU WERE BUYING A LAPTOP WITH A NON-FUNCTIONING NIC PORT? And furthermore that any other problems would not be covered because it's sold "as-is"?

    That "idiot" is going to win the dispute. "As-is" does not exist with ebay and paypal because the buyer cannot physically examine your item before bidding, and has to rely solely on your pictures and descriptions.

    You did mention the NIC port not working, but nothing about wireless not working, drivers being missing, or the computer blue-screening. The buyer probably thought they could fix the network port and have a fully functional machine, but it turns out it's going to require more than that.

    Key learning here: When selling stuff on ebay, you have to disclose EVERYTHING that a buyer could have an issue with. Otherwise you can end up with complaints, disputes and negative feedback, and ebay is ridiculously pro-buyer these days anyhow.

    Quoth An Haddock
    I've never done it, but in the old days (my former asshole boss, included) would sell items extremely cheap, but would jack up the shipping cost. Why? Because Paypal doesn't take a bite out of S & H plus if it's a local buyer you have to give them less on tax. One of the most extreme examples I heard was a guy selling brand new Nike, Adidas, etc. sneakers for $20... and charging $100 for shipping. Needless to say, Ebay finally cracked down on the guy and altered policy accordingly. But I still cruise my old boss' listings and report any that seem exceptionally high.
    Additionally, if the buyer needed to return the sneakers for some reason, they would only be refunded $20. They'd be out the $100 they spent for shipping. Sellers don't have to issue refunds on shipping.

    As as you mentioned, it keeps ebay from getting their fair cut for your listing, which is probably the main reason they enforce that rule anyhow.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      That "idiot" is going to win the dispute. "As-is" does not exist with ebay and paypal because the buyer cannot physically examine your item before bidding, and has to rely solely on your pictures and descriptions.

      You did mention the NIC port not working, but nothing about wireless not working, drivers being missing, or the computer blue-screening.
      In OP's defense, he did say

      "however our description of the laptop included"

      so may have said - "This laptop is fubar'ed, have fun dood" aswell
      "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
      Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


      • #4
        As long as you disclosed the issues in the description, you're fine. Even Judge Judy ruled right on that argument! He should have double-checked the listing if he thought it was too good a deal to be true. Or he knew all along and is just trying to scam you.
        Last edited by LillFilly; 11-23-2009, 10:58 AM. Reason: missed words
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          Quoth An Haddock View Post
          (although Ebay prohibits such things now, mainly so they can gouge people with their Paypal servce - but whatever)
          IME, sellers aren't prohibited from accepting MOs, just from asking for them in the listing. If the buyer requests to send one, it's fine. Personally, I'd prefer paper payments; no fees for the seller, better records and I don't need to fart around with waiting to withdraw it from PP...I hear that they're planning to install a "rolling reserve" on sellers (Game Store actually got hit with it recently because he wasn't/isn't keeping shipping records).
          So their total would be, say, $50 with shipping and handling. But they'd send us a check for $50 Canadian, which might end up being something like $42 US.
          Most Canadians I've sold to have had no problems getting cashier's checks in USD. I recently got Canadian cash once; luckily it was a low-value item so I was able to absorb the "hit". He actually sent me about $2 more than the cost of the item; I still have the bill and am trying to find a place to convert it that doesn't take a cut.
          I've never done it, but in the old days (my former asshole boss, included) would sell items extremely cheap, but would jack up the shipping cost. Why? Because Paypal doesn't take a bite out of S & H
          They do now, which is why I can no longer charge exact shipping.
          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


          • #6
            Quoth An Haddock View Post
            On more than one occasion, we had Canadians send postal money orders as payment. This is not a problem (although Ebay prohibits such things now, mainly so they can gouge people with their Paypal servce - but whatever) however the person sending the money order did it with CANADIAN DOLLARS instead of American. And this was from when the US Dollar was stronger. (remember those days, folks?) So their total would be, say, $50 with shipping and handling. But they'd send us a check for $50 Canadian, which might end up being something like $42 US.
            I'm guessing usually, that's a brain fart either on the part of the person buying or the person making the money order. They would likely just forget that it was USD, rather than CAD. Probably a few were trying to scam you, but I believe idiocy usually wins over malice.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              I'll have to mention a good seller just for balance...

              Bought a slightly used computer motherboard, on-board and AGP8x graphics slot. During setup the onboard had all sorts of squiggles and hiccups- shot a little digital video of it and after completing setup put in a light duty AGP card- display cleared right up. Told seller, sent the video, described the other troubleshooting steps (new memory-etc) No quibbles- he said he'd run it before sale with a graphics card and it was fine, could have told me to get stuffed, but instead-he sends me a decent AGP card-!!! Almost unheard of behavior! I need more stars on his profile to check!


              • #8
                Quoth An Haddock View Post
                Now, maybe it's me... but if you read that description, wouldn't you know ahead of time THAT YOU WERE BUYING A LAPTOP WITH A NON-FUNCTIONING NIC PORT? And furthermore that any other problems would not be covered because it's sold "as-is"?
                You could put it in oversized red blinking scrolling text and they'd still miss it. Put it in the title of the listing, however, and you can really make them feel stupid, tho.
                Quoth An Haddock View Post
                On more than one occasion, we had Canadians send postal money orders as payment. This is not a problem (although Ebay prohibits such things now, mainly so they can gouge people with their Paypal servce - but whatever) ...
                Mostly true. Sellers cannot even mention a non-approved method as listed on THIS PAGE. However, at no point in any of that does it say that the buyer cannot request an alternate form of payment. In fact, there's only one place where it mentions payment restrictions where the language used applied to both sides.
                Quoth An Haddock View Post
                They buy an engine block. Or in our case, a SAUNA. It was pretty cool, actually... customer came in who had won a sauna on The Price is Right. We listed it and sold it to someone in California. It was four boxes, one of which weighed around 90 pounds and another was fairly light but measured around 7 foot by 7 foot by 1 foot in size. So that was interesting.
                My company has engines listed on eBay. And pools. And 700lb pieces of industrial equipment.

                Some of the arrangements for getting the pools (usually 2-4 boxes) to their destinations have been interesting. What's not fun is when you get a customer who gets a pool and then discovers, after they've started setting it up, that they either don't have enough room in their yard for the thing, or even worse, they're community has codes against above-ground pools. Yeah, we don't take those back, and we sure as hell aren't going to even consider eating the freight fees.

                A note for all you people bitching about PayPal: Unless you're dealing with rinky-dink items that go for a few dollars each, accepting PayPal increases sales by more than PayPal usually takes in fees. Plus if you accept credit cards (and aren't some huge mega-company that gets some stellar rate), you'll be paying about the same rate, anyway, so I don't understand why people get their panties all bunched up over PayPal fees.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth ApolloSZ View Post
                  In OP's defense, he did say

                  "however our description of the laptop included"

                  so may have said - "This laptop is fubar'ed, have fun dood" aswell

                  I didn't type the description myself... my Ebay lister did. And while he's a good worker and very well-organized, he's still learning to do good Ebay listings. I had done that sort of thing for two years for another guy (the aforementioned asshole boss) and I got pretty good at it. Had I typed up the listing (and I might do it when we relist the laptop - as it was returned to us) I would have put much more detail as to what was wrong with it.

                  I have to have a certain amount of faith in the Ebay lister, as I'm the manager of the store and the only capable laptop technician (with regards to LCD/motherboard/etc. replacements, anyway) so I don't have the time to check up on every single auction the guy does.

                  Oh well... you live and learn. When he comes in tomorrow, I will type up the auction the way I want to see it done and we'll hopefully sell it to someone who can read. And the Ebay guy will learn a little more about how to do a listing.

                  It's not the end of the world. I just hope it sells for the same amount or more of what it did the first time around.

                  Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                  I'm guessing usually, that's a brain fart either on the part of the person buying or the person making the money order. They would likely just forget that it was USD, rather than CAD. Probably a few were trying to scam you, but I believe idiocy usually wins over malice.

                  It happened maybe two or three times in my two-year tenure, and the buyer sent an additional amount to cover the balance, as I recall. I don't think there was any potential rip-off/malice vibe going on, but you never know.
                  Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-03-2009, 10:17 PM. Reason: sonceutive opsts.

