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When I was Santa's Elf

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  • When I was Santa's Elf

    Back in 2007, I had a part-time job at the local mall as a photographer/greeter for Santa. I usually worked Mon-Fri from 9-2. Our uniforms were a 'nice' white shirt, black pants, and a red apron~ antlers, Santa, or an elf hat were optional.

    For the most part I had a ton of fun. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. My manager was pure awesome. Our Santa looked like the real deal and was great too, though closer to the end he started to burn out. He was the only Santa we had and was there from 9am - 9 or 10 pm, with only an hour and a half of break, seven days a week.

    In addition to taking pictures, I sold photo packages, babysat, cleaned the set, provided basic security for Santa, acted as a gofer, and was a one girl street team.

    Our set was basically Santa's chair, a storybook back drop, a Christmas tree, and a mailbox for Letters to Santa (which we would read). I'd get at least five people a day complaining how bad the set was. That it wasn't Christmas-y enough. I know it sucks, Santa knows it sucks, and my Awesome Manager knows it sucks. The mall provided the set. Yes, I know they used to do a huge castle with animatronic elves in the center of the mall. I know the mall's decorations used to rival the ones at Disney World. That the train would go around a wooded set with animatronic snowmen, bears, and other woodland creatures. Now it just goes around a box with some fake store names on it. I know, I am dissapointed too. Complain about the lack of decorations to the people in charge of the mall not to me. I have tried. They are the ones that decided more kiosk carts with their 'annoying, pushy hawkers' (their words, not mine), were more profitable than decorating for the holidays. Yes, they still have the decorations, I pass the chock-full warehouse on my way to get Santa.

    I'd have to say the worst things that happened involved bodily fluids followed by a quick trip to the dry cleaners. There were a few parents that blamed it on us because taking little Johnny to go potty before getting in line to see Santa is not as urgent as getting in line to see Santa. If a parent that had been waiting in line and were close to the front said their kid needed to use the restroom, we'd give them a fast pass that would let them either get back in their spot in line or move to the front if we had gotten to where they had been. Then they'd be able to take Johnny to the restroom.

    Another suck were the parents who forced their kids to go talk to Santa. After a few days of DO NAWT WANT from a lot of kids. It dawned on me. The kids were scared/stressed. All of a sudden Mommy wants Little Suzy to go talk to a stranger, sit on his lap, and take candy from him. Mommy has told Suzy not to do these things. Now Mommy wants Suzy to go sit on Santa's lap NOW OR ELSE. Little Suzy starts to NO, I DON'T WANNA. Mommy says Santa isn't going to bring you anything because you are being bad. Fuel to the fire. Little Suzy wants presents, but now because Santa can see her acting bad she isn't going to get anything. Mommy is rapidly loosing her patience and Little Suzy is dry heaving.
    So, once it has dawned on me, the next time IT happens, I get Awesome Manager to pull Mommy aside to talk about photo package options and get down to Little Suzy's level. I explain that I know she has been told to avoid strangers and all, but this Santa is okay and that Mommy wants a nice picture to give to her relatives for Christmas. That if Suzy was really uncomfortable sitting on Santa's lap, she could sit on a special chair next to him for the photo. 95% of the time that talk worked and Suzy would go up to Santa no problem. The other 5% were too far gone by the time I was able to get to them thanks to their parent stressing them out. Closer to the end of the run, I was getting repeat customers because their kids had to see me.

    If you don't want pictures, don't yell or curse at me. I have to ask you if you want a photograph to remember Timmy's time with Santa. No, you cannot take a photo with your own camera on set. It is against corporate policy. Have fun being escorted off the set courtasy of my friend the security guard after you called me a fucking bitch.

    Another memorable... well I don't really blame the guy, but I guess it could be considered a suck. Anyway, an elderly couple get in line. The man said his wife was dying of cancer and wanted to see Santa before she died. He didn't want to get in the picture, so Awesome Manager talked to him about packages and small talk. Long story short, his wife kissed Santa full on the lips and I got it on 'film' (digital camera). Santa and I both thought she was going to go for his cheek. I also got several other poses, but that one was the one she wanted. A.M. and I asked several times, trying to persuade them to get a more... tasteful pose. So, her husband agrees to buy that photo in one of our more expensive packages. They get their stuff, the wife pulls A.M. aside for a moment and talks to her, and then they go on their merry way. About fifteen minutes later the husband comes back, irate over the pictures. He said that wasn't the pose they wanted. A.M. offers to let them come back and skip in line to get another pose. He said his wife was too tired and wanted to go home. A.M. comes over and checks the past pictures to see if theirs were still in the system. They were. A.M. offers the man either a refund or a new set of pictures. He wants a refund. She gives it to him and lets him keep the pictures. He goes off and comes back a few minutes later. His wife wanted the other pictures. A.M. and I get him to select a pose that he likes. A.M. comps the package and gives it to him along with a picture frame. He goes away and doesn't come back. Curious, because A.M. usually wouldn't do anything like that, I ask her why she did it. Apparently the woman told her that her husband was in the early stages of alzheimers. (I was working for the same company/manager during the Easter season of 2008. She came in with the paper one morning and showed me the obituary section. The woman's photo was in it- she had lost her battle with cancer.)

    I have several more, but it is getting late and I'll post them tomorrow morning.

  • #2
    Your store about the old couple is really sad.


    • #3
      I can identify with those scared little kids. I was never excited to see santa. I was a shy kid in general, so having to pysically interact and talk with a stanger did scare me. Every time he would ask what I wanted I just said I wanted a candy cane so we could take the picture and I could leave.


      • #4
        my parents dragged my older brother and me to santa every ear. the first picture of me, i was about a month and half. the "santa" was some teenager in a fake beard. in the picture, i'm totally flopped over, my brother (who was about 3) looks terrified, and "santa" looks bored. it's probably my favorite pic ever.
        there's another one where...well, i guess i had been watching some tv show i shouldn't have been watching cuz i managed to hike my skirt up a little too high and i'm pushing my (completely flat) chest out. i think i was about 10...and my brother's looking at me like i'm insane. i'm pretty sure that was my year my dad took us and didn't really look at the picture before okaying it.
        ahaha...oh the memories. hm. think i'll convince my brother to go get our pic taken with santa again...haven't in about 6 years ^_^
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          A couple years ago now, some fursuiters and I met up at a mall in the area, for a general 'Hang out day'... I was wearing my drag-the-floor leopard tail, as we passed by an Easter Bunny... and the group dared me to sit on his lap... I passed, but I would have...
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            That year Santa made his big arrival by traveling around the outside of the mall on a fire truck before coming on to the set. The set was in the food court right next to the entrance and exit to the bus stop.

            I had not one, not two, but five people complain that Santa arriving on the fire truck was a waste of resources and that he should have arrived in a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer. One even said we tainted Christmas for their children by not having Santa arrive in a sled pulled by reindeer! Yeah.... good luck with finding eight reindeer that are trained to pull a sleigh near Fayetteville, NC. Jambbas Ranch (a local 'zoo') does have some elk, but they are mean and can't pull a sleigh. Around here Santa is either brought in by antique car, horse drawn carriage, or a fire truck.

            At the start of the season, there were times when there weren't any people in line and it would stay that way for a while. Awesome manager handed me a walkie talkie and told me to go escort Santa around the mall and she'd radio me if anyone wanted photos.

            So, Santa and I started to walk around the food court. Santa was talking to a couple of toddlers and I am standing off to one side, when something slams into my back and knocks me forward. I recover and turn around. A woman had rammed her tray into my back. Tray Woman (TW)

            TW- Watch where you're going!
            ME- I am sorry, Ma'am. (I step aside, I am mad, but I am representing the company).
            TW- *sarcasticly* I'm sorry, Ma'am.* Is that all you can say?
            Santa- *comes up* Is there a problem?
            TW- Yeah, this bitch ran into me.
            Santa- Ma'am, I saw the whole thing. You ran into her.
            {Awesome Manager called me to come back for photos.}
            ME- Ma'am. You are more than welcome to take this matter up with mall security as they have the whole incident on camera and can prove you bumped into me.
            TW- FINE! (We turn to go back to the set) I WANT A PHOTO SANTA!
            Santa- We are located on the other side of the food court and open until 9.
            TW- I WANT ONE NOW!
            Santa- You will have to get in line.
            TW- NO!
            Santa- Then you won't get one. Have a good day.

            We would get daycare groups to come visit Santa. They were supposed to call ahead and book a time so we would have enough staff scheduled to help. (I would be greeter/photographer and my manager ran the register and helped with the card machine. Days with multiple groups or were busy would have one on camera, one greet, and the manager on register.) It was advertised and information was sent out to the schools and daycares.

            One day we had three daycare groups come in. Back-to-back and none of them had registered or called ahead. We were dealing with the first group- letting them visit with Santa in groups of five and then everyone together for a group photo.
            A lady from the third group starts shoving her way through the line. She gets to the gate, unlocks it, and starts to open it. I stop helping to arrange kids and go over to tell her she cannot come on set at the moment because we reached full capacity as only 30 people could be on the set at a time.
            "I don't care," she said as she pushes against the gate. I had moved to block her from coming in. She shoved the gate and managed to knock me into the merchandise display table. Hard enough it resulted in a bruise. Security came and escorted her out of the mall.


            • #7
              TW was stupid.
              Lady from daycare group-also stupid.

              Seriously, is it worth fighting over who gets to see Santa? You all get a turn....sheesh. It's the "ZOMG must have NOW!" attitude running rampant.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                You know you're a good elf when the kids come back to see you not Santa

                As for what I remember about Santa's Grotto sets from my childhood, they were pretty crap and cheesy complete with cotton wool snow, but when you're a kid, that doesn't matter at all, afterall you're going to see Santa!
                I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                • #9
                  I'll bet the only thing that Tray Woman Bitch got for Christmas was coal in her stocking!

                  And regarding that Day Care Bitch: at least she was escorted out by Security, instead of having her ass kissed because she may have felt "inconvenienced" by the other groups being there, causnig her to have to wait and keep the kids in her group occupied. But, I think an assault claim would have been in order, as well as contacting her employer, if she worked for someone else.

                  Would a reputable Day Care operation want to have a representative of their company not only acting like that in front of their clients' children, but in the general public as well?



                  • #10
                    I hate going to the mall when Santa's grotto is set up. They rope off a huge area, and all you can hear is children screaming, and parents bitching at the poor elves. I can only imagine how much it must suck to work in an environment like that.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Crime Scene Scarf View Post
                      I hate going to the mall when Santa's grotto is set up. They rope off a huge area, and all you can hear is children screaming, and parents bitching at the poor elves. I can only imagine how much it must suck to work in an environment like that.
                      I sure as cheese couldn't. Within the first hour I'd be pelting kids with candy canes.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                        I sure as cheese couldn't. Within the first hour I'd be pelting kids with candy canes.
                        Believe me, I am very tempted to this year. The only thing that makes it tolerable is knowing that I'll probably see most of the screaming kids fall over on the ice-skating rink.

                        It feels like justice.


                        • #13
                          I was a horrible child when I went to see Santa for the first time; I pulled his beard off and said he wasn't the real Santa. ^^;;
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            I got to play Santa Claus one year when I was a manager at McDonald's. Our owner/operator had a deal going with most of the daycares in the area where Santa would come (his "sleigh loaded with cheeseburgers, hamburgers and chicken nuggets, of course) to each one and talk to all the kids there and hang out for a little while. Then, he'd pack up and move on to the next one. It took Santa four days to do all the daycares. That year, no one else wanted to do it, so I volunteered, and my friend at work dressed up like an elf and drove me around with all the food.
                            I thought I would hate the shit out of that, but it ended up being one of the most interesting and fun Christmas seasons I ever had. You should have seen the look on the kids faces when (OMG) SANTA! came to their daycare. It was like Jesus and Optimus Prime had a baby together and he decided to carry CHEESEBURGERS! Nevermind the fact that the costume had to be the cheapest, flimsiest piece of felt crap ever made in a Mongolian sweatshop. The kids either didn't notice, or saw right through the disguise, but decided to let their imaginations play, anyway. I'm thinking the latter is more likely, but it was still one of the most fun Christmases I've ever had.


                            • #15
                              A family friend does a lot of Santa gigs (I do mean a *lot*) and I was asked to be his Elf on XMas Eve if his regular couldn't do it. Crowd control, keeping him on schedule, that sort of thing. Turns out, she couldn't but I originally though she could, I told my mom I'd be at her place for the night - hurts giving up the $$ but she needs me more. Maybe next year, I think it would be fun.

                              Oh, and Santa doesn't come by reindeer because they need to rest up for the big night. Flying Santa and all of the presents around the world in one night takes a lot of energy, you know!

