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Wherein an employee of my company becomes an SC and other tales...

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  • #16
    Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
    Damn, now you make me wanna get a nice hot chocolatey either white or (my absolute favorite) dark chocolate! My name is tropicsgoddess and I'm a chocoholic!
    You need to see this video! NSFW
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    • #17
      lol that's awesome...but how is it NSFW?
      as for chocoholic...i've eaten the frapuccino chips at work...and drank the mocha syrup...yesterday i ran to wallyworld and bought 3 bags of different kinds of kisses...yeah...i don't love chocolate at all ^_^
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


      • #18
        I found out first hand the difference between Canadian and US debit cards on my first trip to San Francisco last year. In many places, my card came back as expired, because it had no expiry date on it, as credit cards do. I ended up getting a new card with a chip in it, but on my second trip I took no chances and just used my credit card and cash.
        I assisted one pair of Canadian ladies down at Fisherman's wharf- one of them wanted to use her debit card, and when it didn't work, I explained why, saying I had encountered the same problem before. She ended up paying in cash and thanking me for the heads-up.

        I love having the same bank handle my credit and debit cards- When I want to transfer funds over to my credit card, I can do so at an ATM, or with a phone call.
        I did have my credit card declined once this trip- turns out that my hotel had put a several hundred dollar hold on my card when I checked in. I guess that's standard, in case of damages or what-have-you. I do wish they had told me though- I had to hoof it back to my hotel, call my bank to see what the problem was, and make the transfer. Than bus back up to Haight street to pick up my goodies, which the store was holding.


        • #19
          Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
          ....I must know this mystical place of which you speak, where I can get coco made with DARK chocolate. I have yet to find hot chocolate that is too dark for me.
          I'm with you; I want to know where I can get dark chocolate cocoa. <3
          Quoth Amanita View Post
          I did have my credit card declined once this trip- turns out that my hotel had put a several hundred dollar hold on my card when I checked in. I guess that's standard, in case of damages or what-have-you. I do wish they had told me though-
          I ran into the same problem, once, years and years ago. I was rather incensed and let the desk clerk know how difficult they had made things by failing to inform me of the hold.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
            lol that's awesome...but how is it NSFW?
            I guess it depends on the work environment, plus this song makes me run out and buy CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!
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