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Big Wheels Keep on Rollin'

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  • Big Wheels Keep on Rollin'

    One of the great things about the social service agency I work for is that we can help people, in housing or not, with 1 bill once a year when we have funding for it. All applications are subject for review and we'll only pay important bills like rent, electric, gas, or even a mortgage as long as a letter showing it's past due is presented. We do get people wanting help with cable or cell phone bills, but we don't.

    When it comes to a resident, we know a lot more and often can make a better case for or against their assistance, as was done with this young lady.

    A resident recieved a lump sum of money, maybe 6-7 thousand dollars in back child support and other monies owed to her by her children's father or father(s). I'm in a great position to see their car when they pull up and I've gotten to know people and their vehicles over the years. I know for a fact this woman drives a mid 90's GMS Jimmy, so one day after she recieved the money she pulls up in the same car, but now it has some huge rims on it (I'm guessing anywhere from 26-30 since she almost needed a step ladder to get in and out of it). I don't say anything because it's not like she's the first person to waste money on wheels worth more than the car they're on around here.

    A month or so goes by and she comes in to apply for help with car repairs. She claims her transmission is burning up and the car needs new breaks. No wonder, the car was never designed to roll around on wheels 10 or more inches larger than it came with. We suggest to her that she sells the wheels and put some on there that fit (can probably still get some shiny ones). This of couse, is something that she dosen't want to do because they were a "gift".

    In any case, I have to have documentation showing that a repair or bill is neccary so I tell her to get an estimate at a repair shop (I gave her about 3 that we would deal with and would tell me the truth), but I warn her that if they tell me the damage is related to the wheels that I'm almost sure they will deny the request for assistance. I get a big sigh and from her and she leaves. To my surprise she follows through and gets me an estimate: however, the mechanic told me that this wear is almost certianly due to the wheels, especially the breaks.

    Like almost any other time I tell someone no, she also threatened to go to the top on this. I'm sure that who ever she talks to above me at the federal or state level will in her face and tell her to sell the stupid wheels and handle her own problems like a big girl.

    I don't understand why people keep putting $4,000 worth of wheels and tires on a car not even worth 2k.

  • #2
    Quoth bubblelittlepally View Post
    I don't understand why people keep putting $4,000 worth of wheels and tires on a car not even worth 2k.
    Uh, because people are idiots?

    Seriously though, if I was going to "fix up" a $2k car, I'd at least tackle the body and mechanical stuff first. But, I'm hard-core like that. Still, it does amaze me some of the things I see people doing to their cars. In fact, many of those "improvements" actually *hurt* performance or make them unsafe. Things like cutting the springs to lower the vehicle, fitting a huge park bench (wing) on the trunk, or, in this case...fitting a set of 26-inch rims to an already top-heavy vehicle

    But, I do realize that some cars are "works in progress," and you can't always judge them. For example, my MG looks perfect. But, if you get closer, you can see that the paint is very's missing a few things. The "GT" logo isn't on the tailgate, the rims are a bit beat-up, and I still haven't reinstalled most of the interior carpeting...or even the rear seat

    However, at least locally, people go out of their way to make their cars look like shit. In years past, I've seen brand-new (or year-old) Honda Civics and Accords given the "spray can" paint job, their interiors stripped out "for racing," and other stupid crap. It must be nice to buy a car, and then destroy it
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #3
      I was at the park once, and we hear some loud base. Eveyone looks over, and in rolls a red Crown Vic with HUGE rims on it! It was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. (If it's even possible to pimp out a Crown Vic to be cool, that certainly isn't the way to do it!)

      As for the "spray-paint" paint job, my Hubby's truck has the best one. It's a '79 Datsun King Cab that was originally orange (orange/rust when we got it). Hubby hates orange, so he went to Wal-Mart and bought black and white spray paint. The body is now flat black (except for the inside of the bed and cab, 'cause he was too lazy to bother with those areas) with a white skull on the front that is halfway between the Punisher logo and the hood decor from Death Proof. I think it looks ridiculous, but Hubby is satisfied, so...
      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


      • #4
        back in idaho, i remember seeing this mid-90s dodge mini-van...with spinners. the paint was flaking and the van had dents...but it had spinners, so it was coooool.
        If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

        i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


        • #5
          Quoth bubblelittlepally View Post
          I don't understand why people keep putting $4,000 worth of wheels and tires on a car not even worth 2k.
          One of the favorite tricks around here is the BIG MUFFLERS. You know, the ones that are intended to... well, utterly fail at MUFFLING noise, and I guess let the big, throbbing sound of your big engine through, thereby enhancing the size of your genitalia.

          ... Of course, it doesn't work so well on a rusted-out 89 Honda Prelude. It sounds more like a lawnmower full of angry bumblebees.
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            Quoth protege View Post
            Seriously though, if I was going to "fix up" a $2k car, I'd at least tackle the body and mechanical stuff first. But, I'm hard-core like that.
            Mechanical, structural and electrical (as in necessary electricals, not sound system) soundness FIRST.

            All else later.

            But this is the choir. :/
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Quoth Seshat View Post
              Mechanical, structural and electrical (as in necessary electricals, not sound system) soundness FIRST.
              Yes... a gold plated turd is still a turd.


              • #8
                Dumb dumb and dumb.

                I've seen that around here. I don't care what people do to their cars; it's a form of self-expression in a way, but when it actually causes DAMAGE to your car, that' And she couldn't find a better thing to spend that $ on ehe?

                I have had people ask me why I painted my muffler; they swear you can't paint that! Well, it's ceramic paint for high temperatures designed for the engine and muffler, and I painted it for protection so it won't rust. Oh, and because I like the color red. So there!
                Last edited by LillFilly; 12-05-2009, 03:20 AM. Reason: wording
                "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                • #9
                  I once saw a beat up old minivan with some of those fake hubcap spinners on their wheels...

                  Sad part was they were only on one side of the car. I guess they just couldn't afford to spring for the whole set.


                  • #10
                    Story reminds me why I retired from CPS investigations because I'd have to smack myself in the head and roll my eyes dealing with those types of folks.

                    Kinda of reminds me of that song "Read A Book" with it's lyrics 'buy some land, f*ck spinning rims'
                    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                    • #11
                      Quoth Polenicus View Post
                      ... Of course, it doesn't work so well on a rusted-out 89 Honda Prelude. It sounds more like a lawnmower full of angry bumblebees.
                      ...Yeah...I love those ricer cars...make the car sound like it has more power, IE, the same power as my electric beard trimmer.

                      I use a 1973 Duster as a daily driver. It's got rustoleum all over it to protect the body until I can afford a new paint job, rust in many spots, dents, dings, cracked windshield, but has already had a front to back rebuild mechanically. Be easier to list the items that haven't been redone/replaced: Engine block, interior, body. :-)

                      And to the OP: Thanks for getting Lynard Skynard stuck in my head!
                      Coworker: Distro of choice?
                      Me: Gentoo.
                      Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                      • #12
                        I don't mind the 4 cylinder cars with the mufflers like that but the trucks bug the hell out of me.


                        • #13
                          another choir member here ... when I got a windfall, i bought a new to me used car, that will last at least 10 years and gets 43 miles to the gallon of diesel. Improvement of about 10 miles to the gallon over the old car we disposed of, and since I paid in full, no payments! Since my husband drives it 100 miles round trip to work, it is saving us a fair amount of money weekly. And if we ever get a closer source for biodiesel, better for the lessened requirement for petroleum.
                          EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                          • #14
                            Quoth protege View Post
                            Things like cutting the springs to lower the vehicle, fitting a huge park bench (wing) on the trunk, or, in this case...fitting a set of 26-inch rims to an already top-heavy vehicle
                            However, at least locally, people go out of their way to make their cars look like shit. In years past, I've seen brand-new (or year-old) Honda Civics and Accords given the "spray can" paint job, their interiors stripped out "for racing," and other stupid crap. It must be nice to buy a car, and then destroy it
                            I actually know someone who did this right. He ordered proper springs that were designed to be shorter, actually improved the wiring on his car when he re-did the electronics to replace his trunk space with a speaker system, etc.

                            Of course, he was doing a MASc (Masters in Engineering), his thesis project was a car, and he was making an obscene amount of money at the time, as he had an industrial scholarship, and was making as any other engineering grad, despite being in school.


                            • #15
                              Quoth LillFilly View Post
                              I have had people ask me why I painted my muffler; they swear you can't paint that! Well, it's ceramic paint for high temperatures designed for the engine and muffler, and I painted it for protection so it won't rust. Oh, and because I like the color red. So there!
                              You realize that mufflers rust from the inside out, right?

