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More credit card stupidity.

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  • More credit card stupidity.

    Customer came in today to purchase some ink cartridges. I ring her in and he spends a full two minutes rooting through her purse looking for the "right" credit card. Finally she pulls out a Visa, and it isn't signed.

    Siiiiiigh.........I HATE that.

    Me: Can I see some ID?

    SC: Sure.

    OK, name and photo match. No issue. Then the card is declined.

    SC: That can't be right......why?

    Me: I couldn't tell you. All I'm told is "Declined"

    SC: Ok, fine. *whips out Discover* It's also unsigned, but has the same name, so I just swipe it. It's expired.

    SC: WHAT?!?!

    Me: This card expired this past October.

    SC: Damn.........*starts rooting in her purse; customers behind her are getting impatient*

    She pulls out ANOTHER Discover (unsigned, of course) and says "This is the new one. It probably won't work because I haven't called this number ot activiate it yet."

    Me: Well I can try it anyway.

    She INSISTED on peeling off the activation notice sticker before giving me the damn card. Took her almost a full minute.

    And this one was ALSO expired! It expired at the same time as the last one!

    SC: Ah hell, I guess I'll have to use the one I don't want to use. *whips out American Express*

    FINALLY! Her Amex goes through.

    SC: You probably hate customers like me, don't you?

    Me: Eh, don't worry about it.

    Of course I was actually thinking "YES! You stupid moronic woman. What is so hard about keeping your credit cards in order? Why must you hold up my line like this? Just GO AWAY!!!!!!!!"
    Last edited by Dave1982; 12-06-2006, 10:22 PM. Reason: typos
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    You gotta wonder how these people don't notice this stuff beforehand. At least she's not one of those SCs that always says: "well, that can't be, because blablablablablabla," just so they won't be embarrassed in public because they're dumb and can't plan their finances. What's even worse is when they think you know about the whole situation; like you have some special telepathic link to their credit card company and can tell them the problem instantly.

    People need to make sure all their s**t is straight before they make purchases. Saves everyone so much hassle. But before BeckySunshine snatches away my chance, I will say it: "If it makes sense, it's not allowed."
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


    • #3
      Do her a favor and let her know that if she signs the back of the card, you won't have to ask her for ID.

      I guess you could also offer to destroy her expired credit cards for her so that she won't be distracted by them next time.

      My lab offers several attractive options for document destruction:
      • Immersion in caustic chemical waste.
      • Run through an industrial-grade trash shredder (the BIG one that you could fit a small apartment inside... if you were a victim in a Saw movie )
      • Demagnetized and cut up... if you want to be BORING about it....
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


      • #4
        Customer at the bar had a really cool "partial" credit card, one of those new ones with all the info and the strip, but on a smaller this case, a swing out one vaguely reminsicent of a pocketknife, where the partial card swung out from a leather carrying case. Great idea, as are the ones that come on key chains, but of course I would be paranoid that I would lose either the "knife" one or my keys...which I have done before. Anyway, with as cool as this was (first one I had seen in person), I didn't notice something until after I tried to swipe the guy's card.

        JESTER: "Sir, you card is expired."
        CARD DUDE: "What?"
        JESTER: "Yep, it expired in October."
        CARD DUDE: "I guess I wasn't paying attention when I packed."
        JESTER: "October of 2005."
        CARD DUDE'S WIFE: "You REALLY weren't paying attention when you packed!"
        THE THREE OF US:

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          It all goes back to, "You were standing in line for ten minutes, but you couldn't get your credit card out until just now??"
          "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
          -- The Meteor Principle

          Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


          • #6
            One of our regulars pays with his credit card all the time here. But our superviser noticed one night that hey the credit card isn't signed. She asked him for ID, and lo and behold he didn't have it on him. Stupid thing about it? HE DROVE TO THE STORE.

