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Shopping Nightmares

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  • Shopping Nightmares

    Hi all,

    Long time reader ... new poster. A quick bit of background, I used to work in a supermarket in NZ before heading out into the rest of the world. This story happened a few years back.

    Me: me
    CM: Cool Manager
    SC: Guess

    I was kneeling down on the floor with my head deep into the shelving trying to clean up a spill where a customer managed to drop a sauce/drink glass bottle down the back of the shelf. My first mistake was not noticing the SC standing beside me waiting for me to surface. The first thing I noticed was a kick on the ankle (not enough to leave a bruise or anything ... just enough to be painful for awhile). I drag my head from inside the shelf and look up to see who it is.

    My first thought was oh no why me as this SC comes in every few days and pretty much demands that you walk her around the shop getting everything off the shelf for her. She is fully capable of shopping on her own as she will do so if she cannot find a slave. And if she does you get subjected to a series of complaints about the prices, heating, product placement and anything else that wasn't up to her standards.

    SC: Do you know where the sugar is ?
    Me: Yes, I do (and just stand there ... a bit sucky but she did just kick me).
    SC: ...
    Me: ...

    She then wanders off and kicks the ankle of the guy working next to me. He drags himself from out of the shelves and stands up.

    SC: Do you know where the sugar is ?
    CM: Yes I do
    SC: ...
    CM: ....
    SC: Well then ?
    CM: You asked me if *I* knew where it is ... I answered truthfully and so did my co-worker there. If you kick any more of the staff then you will be done for assault.
    SC: I want to speak to the manager
    CM: You are

    SC just looked pissed and wandered off.

    Looking back, it was a little sucky but I tend to react badly to getting assaulted at work.


  • #2
    Quoth StoreBoy View Post
    Looking back, it was a little sucky but I tend to react badly to getting assaulted at work.

    I dunno, considering what she did, you reacted about as well as can be expected.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Quoth StoreBoy View Post
      SC: I want to speak to the manager
      CM: You are
      Sweet pwnage!
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        Can't say I would ever expect to get a polite and kind reply after kicking someone. This is was the words "Excuse me" and if the guy can't hear you a polite tap on the shoulder are for.

        Kicking someone isn't a way to make friends or get actual help. Glad your manager put her in her place.
        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


        • #5
          Nice. I like the part about assault.


          • #6
            Outstanding responses from both of you.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Wow, that was awesome.

              Reminds me of the people who thought the best way to get the attention of the security guard directing traffic (because they couldn't turn the way the wanted) was to 'nudge' him with the bumper of their car! Then argue it was 'just a tap.' Dude, cars don't 'tap' they 'splatter.'
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                I like the calling out on the assault too. Because that's exactly what it was!

                I'd be curious to know though, if CM would have called the bitch on it, had you been the only one she kicked. I would hope so.

                I could actually imagine my klutzly self kicking the foot, or leg, of an employee that was down on the floor cleaning/stocking a shelf.

                Only difference, it would be an accident because I'm clumsy, and wasn't watching where the hell I was walking. Plus, I'd apologize!

                In fact, so much so, the employee would probably say; "Okay! I get it! It was an accident!! Now, STFU!!"

                Oh, and



                • #9
                  I would have responded the same myself. Kicking to get someone's attention is a no no. What's wrong with "Excuse Me"? Also to your manager,

                  Oh and to

