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O Rly?

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  • O Rly?

    This story is from earlier in the month, but I've been on a bit of a posting hiatus, heh. Anyways, we were asking people through the drive-thru and in the lobby to buy a pound of coffee or a pack of instant coffee to donate to the troops overseas and stationed at bases here at home for the holidays. Now, while I most definately don't expect everyone to donate (I know that I probably wouldn't have the extra money to) I found the number of people who lied to me to be a little annoying.

    How do I know they lie you ask?

    On day 1 I had people telling me, "Oh, I donated yesterday." After the first few times it happened I checked around with everyone, manager included, and it was indeed the first day. Noone had even been informed we were going to do anything like this until that day. Normally this just warranted eye rolling if they were at the drive-thru (or waiting until they left if they were in the lobby) but after the, literal, 20th time of this happening I was getting a touch annoyed. So, finally, a regular comes through who has a history of being....well...a wretched, deplorable, scum sucking disgrace of a human being (She's made 4 new people cry within thier first week).

    Me: Hello, welcome to Coffee Shop, this is MorningChaser, would you like to donate a pound of coffee or pack of instant coffee to our troops over seas today?

    SC: No! I donated yesterday and came through 3 times, and I'm SICK of you asking!!!

    Me: *internal snap, but make sure to keep voice happy and upbeat* Huh..that's odd, we just started it today....Oh well, what can we get for you?

    SC: *awkward silence followed by a sheepish order*

    Strangely enough I got a glare when they got to the window and they don't seem to like me much anymore. Can't imagine why.
    "Some wounds grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand; better that they were not touched at all."

  • #2
    Quoth Morningchaser View Post
    Strangely enough I got a glare when they got to the window and they don't seem to like me much anymore. Can't imagine why.
    You always can hope that this wretched, deplorable, scum sucking disgrace of a human being was so embarrassed by being pwned like that that she stays away for at least a good amount of time.

    Yeah, I know. But you always can have hope.
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      Lieing is bad, m'kay?

      I swear, the easiest answer is "No, thank you", "Not today", or maybe even "I can't afford to right now" if one feels the need to clarify. Anything else is unnecessary.
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        Yes, a simple "I wish I could help, but I'm barely getting by myself right now" works wonders, and yet, is astonishingly true.

        And depressingly true.
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


        • #5
          Playing devil's advocate, many times I say I donated already, when really I have donated, just to another cause. Just at the time I don't have the money to donate to cause B since I just donated to cause A.

          But the regular scum got owned, so all is well with Christmas.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            Personally if I'm not going to participate in something like this I'll answer "Not today thanks". It's a good phrase to learn.

            However a little in the defence of some of the people who answer "I gave yesterday", Some people do find it difficult to flat out say 'No', especially when it's for a charity (or supporting the troops). So I think it makes for a little bit of a face saving exercise.

            You realise they're lying their ass off, while they're thinking to themselves, "pweh got away with that, and they don't think I'm a cheap bastard."


            • #7
              I HATE this! When we have our coffee donation time I get, not the Lie, specifically (though I'm sure some people do pull the "I already donated" Lie, and I just don't know it), but the Excuse.

              Me: Can I interest you in a pound of [Coffee] to support [Cancer] research?
              Them: Oh, I would, but I don't like [Coffee,] sorry.
              Me: That's ok! If you purchase the coffee and donate it, we'll give it to a low income patient at [Hospital]!
              Them: Rabble rabble rabble!

              So they get their undies in a bunch because they've made the Excuse, and I've basically invalidated their excuse. And I know it's an excuse, because when people really MEAN that they would buy it but they don't need it themselves, they usually say "Oh,well, in that case, I'll do that," and I get the sale. Or they say they'll think about it. It's only the ones who make the Excuse that get huffy.

              I know that the common justification for making the excuse is that they've dealt with other salespeople trying to upsell them something that so pushy that they have to shoot them down somehow. Honestly, I don't care. Having had a bad experience elsewhere does not give you the right to assume that I will also treat you badly.

              "Would you like to add X?"
              "No, thanks."

              It's THAT easy.
              My webcomic is called Sidekick Girl. Val's job is kinda like retail, except instead of corporate's dumb policies, it's the Hero Agency, and the SC's are trying to take over the world.


              • #8
                Liar, liar pants on fire! (to the SC). Nice pwnage, MorningChaser!
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  Quoth South Texan View Post
                  But you always can have hope.
                  Always? Really? Because personally, I would love to have Hope...especially if we're talking about Hope Solo. Or Hope Sandoval. Or Hope Dworaczyk.

                  Quoth CoffeeMonkey View Post
                  "Oh, I would, but I don't like [Coffee,] sorry."
                  Okay, that just flat out sucks. Personally, I despise coffee. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't donate it to someone or some group that DOES like it. Which doesn't seem that tough, as I seem to be in the minority of Not Drinking Coffee.

                  Look, I don't drink it because I don't like it. That doesn't mean I am not going to give someone else who is deserving one of their favorite vices, just because to me it is revolting.

                  I don't play with dolls, either, but if I were in a giving mood and making a purchase at a toy store and they asked me about buying and donating a Barbie to Toys for Tots or whatever, I'd do it.

                  You don't have to like something to donate it.
                  Last edited by Jester; 12-21-2009, 07:42 AM.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    I don't donate at places of business because I have an assortment of service people I send care packages to on my own. If pushed I will explain that to people. If they still push I go to the manager.
                    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                    • #11
                      Back when I was a video rental peon, we were collecting for disaster relief for the tsunami victims, I experienced the full range of excuses.

                      You don't want to donate? fine.
                      You've already donated 18 times in the last 2 months at other stores who are also collecting? fine.
                      Sure, here's a buck. Great, good on ya

                      The only ones that bothered me are the ones who said they couldn't afford to.
                      You're spending 6 bucks a pop to get new releases, don't tell me you can't afford to help out someone who just lost their every worldly possession and half of their relatives. Put back the new M. Night Shymalan flick (guess what, there's a twist at the end! And also, it sucks!) get a classic movie for 1.99 instead, and donate 4 times.

                      I had several SCs who gave me the "I can't afford to donate a dollar" line while buying over $30 worth of candy.
                      Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                      "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                      • #12
                        Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
                        The only ones that bothered me are the ones who said they couldn't afford to.
                        You're spending 6 bucks a pop to get new releases, don't tell me you can't afford to help out someone who just lost their every worldly possession and half of their relatives. Put back the new M. Night Shymalan flick (guess what, there's a twist at the end! And also, it sucks!) get a classic movie for 1.99 instead, and donate 4 times.

                        I had several SCs who gave me the "I can't afford to donate a dollar" line while buying over $30 worth of candy.
                        Okay, perspective time: there was a time in the not so distance past that my family was dirt poor. I'm talking bare essentials only, occasionally down to pasta for dinner every night because noodles and tomato paste were all we could afford. We didn't dress affluently, but we weren't wearing rags, either. Our car was old, but well maintained. To all outward appearances we were doing just fine (pride kept us from showing how bad off we were). Once a month we would scrape together the coins we needed to go rent a new release from the video store, because there was no way we could afford to actually take the family to the theater. Our DVD player and TV were handed down from a more affluent relative. On those nights, we quite literally didn't have a penny to spare, but that movie was the one splurge, the one break from harsh reality that we permitted ourselves. If someone had copped an attitude with me about renting the new release rather than an older movie, there would have been a serious lecture about walking a mile in another person's shoes coming his way.

                        So, the SC with the $30 in candy wasn't likely in a similar position. Are the vast majority of customer who use that "I can't afford it" line lying through their teeth? Quite likely. Thing is, you never know who will be telling the truth, and your opinion that someone "should" sacrifice something to give to charity is just that, your opinion. Is charity an admirable quality? Certainly. But don't expect other people to feel the same way about it as you do.
                        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                        • #13
                          Why is it that you go into a mall or a store that has a big "NO SOLICITING" sign at the entrance, yet you are asked multiple times to donate to <insert charity/kids sport team here>?

                          Not trying to be a jerk here (usually comes naturally ), but I don't like being put on the spot like that. Sometimes I'll give in (it's a buck that I'll spend on something stupid anyways), sometimes I don't.
                          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                          • #14
                            Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post

                            If someone had copped an attitude with me about renting the new release rather than an older movie, there would have been a serious lecture about walking a mile in another person's shoes coming his way.

                            So, the SC with the $30 in candy wasn't likely in a similar position. Are the vast majority of customer who use that "I can't afford it" line lying through their teeth? Quite likely. Thing is, you never know who will be telling the truth, and your opinion that someone "should" sacrifice something to give to charity is just that, your opinion. Is charity an admirable quality? Certainly. But don't expect other people to feel the same way about it as you do.
                            So true. But a huge, huge chunk of the people that say they cant afford it, are typically the ones buying huge amounts of junk food, several cans of cheap beer, and two-three packs of smokes.

                            Granted, the vast majority of it will be on benifts.

                            We too have a donation thing, and I frankly really don't care if they say no. It is their choice, and money. But when they say they can't afford to while they buying a bunch of junk, and they can't even give .50 cents? Yeah. I'm not going to like them.

                            I've been dirt poor. I've been homeless. I've always scraped by, but I have a bigger willpower. I'm not so proud that I didnt try to get on foodstamps. Seeing as I had a small paying job with nearly no hours, and sleeping on a park under a ratty blanket being told that I get paid to much money, and even said the person I was being interview by was lying, and thus getting no benifts. I see nothing but liars on foodstamp cards, and the people who truely need it will never get it. I hate that system.
                            Military Spouse Support.
                            Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                            • #15
                              Something about this thread is bugging me... not sure what exactly...
                              Vague replies to the thoughts that drifted through my head as I read it:
                              "I really don't like coffee, and, unless it's: 1) Shade-grown, and 2) unground... the only person in my family who DOES drink coffee won't drink it. I couldn't give it away in that case."
                              "I'm living very frugally (for my usual standards) right now. I did NOT plan on donating anything. I might not have the money on me. I might have plans for that money."
                              "... I could translate that 'I donated yesterday' for you into a flat out 'NO!'... would you prefer that? As they say, 'No means No'!"

                              *shrugs* Sorry... I guess what's bothering me about the thread is: It's okay to push harder if it's a charitable cause... whereas most of us seem to feel it's not okay to press so hard if it's, say, a store rewards card? Double-standard much?
                              "I call murder on that!"

