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The Day After

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  • The Day After

    I think it's kinda fitting the thread for today shares a title with an apocalyptic, made-for-TV nuclear weapons movie.

    We had about 9 people come in at 5 am for ad set, and had 2 hours to get it all done. We were the only store in the district not to run an overnight team for ad set. Surprisingly, we got done in time, except for a couple odds and ends and we had to make a few more signs. Still, store manager and corporate should be happy, but if they aren't I guess Christmas next year will be ruined by me having to work that night.

    And we came in to a hell of a surprise. It's been raining and snowing on and off the past few days, and evidently a bunch of water leaked onto ceiling tiles above toys and sporting goods, and sometime between close Christmas Eve and us coming in today, the tiles gave way and the water went pouring onto the floor.

    That roof is in such sad shape. It really needs to be fixed or replaced sometime.

    And then right at 7, the hordes started marching on in, carryouts were big right away, so we had a hard time juggling those and autopull.

    Then at lunchtime, as we were digging our containers of food out of the refrigerator, one of our lunch bags got caught on somebody's container of enchiladas and they (the enchiladas) fell out of the container onto the disgusting breakroom floor. So we cleaned up the mess as much as we could, left a note with a empty container, and hoped the owner of the enchiladas wouldn't come up on break while we were up there. No such luck. She was a little pissed at first, but we all shared portions of our lunches to make up for it, and she seemed to understand it was an accident.

    Back from lunch, I was downloading autopulls with my scanner when some lady came up to me wanting a price check. I had to tell her my scanner was busy and I would try to find somebody else with a scanner to help her. Cue a ton of bitching and moaning because she'd been around the store twice and couldn't find anybody, and I was just trying to get out of helping her, and blah blah blah. Fortunately a co-worker with a scanner happened to be walking by so I borrow their scanner and give the lady her price check. But still--do you think I just say these things to be rid of you.

    And finally, from the "There's so much in life top look forward to" file--somebody called the service desk and told them they were planning to return a couch and chair Sunday that they had purchased over Thanksgiving weekend, because they didn't like them. Translation: they bought the couch and chair so their holiday guests wouldn't have to sit on the floor, and now that Christmas is over and they've gotten their use out of them, they're going to take advantage of our liberal return policies and return them.

    BTW, guess who's working 10:30 to 7 Sunday and will likely have to deal with this return? We're going to have to mark both items defective, because for all we know somebody with lice or something could've sat on them, and if they just sit in backstock they'll get all dusty and dirty and nobody will want them anyway. All because some asshat confused us for a Rent-A-Center again.

    Besides, Sunday afternoons and evenings are death anyway.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    And finally, from the "There's so much in life top look forward to" file--somebody called the service desk and told them they were planning to return a couch and chair Sunday that they had purchased over Thanksgiving weekend, because they didn't like them. Translation: they bought the couch and chair so their holiday guests wouldn't have to sit on the floor, and now that Christmas is over and they've gotten their use out of them, they're going to take advantage of our liberal return policies and return them.
    Any chance you can get somebody in management to be there when these poor souls who obviously are upset with their purchase come in <sarcasm mode off>?

    Seriously, these jerks should be told in no uncertain terms a return this late just ain't gonna happen! And especially if the items show a lot of use!

    Yeah, that's really gonna happen! But hey, we can dream can't we?


    • #3
      hopefully one of their guest's wallets fell in between the sofa cusions and there is no id in it but $500, so you get a nice bonus! And enchilada cw can be taken to Donarakis.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        When I used to work at Wal-mart, I had a guy who proudly told me he was only planning to use a sofa for a few weeks and then return it because he needed for some party he was throwing. He even went so far as to tell me there wasn't anything we (meaning Wal-mart) could do about it. Sadly he was right as we had extremely spineless managers. I wish I could have refused that sale.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
          When I used to work at Wal-mart, I had a guy who proudly told me he was only planning to use a sofa for a few weeks and then return it because he needed for some party he was throwing. He even went so far as to tell me there wasn't anything we (meaning Wal-mart) could do about it. Sadly he was right as we had extremely spineless managers. I wish I could have refused that sale.
          And it's spineless managers like this that keep this sort of SC coming back time and again!

          You'd like to think the bean counters at corporate would spot returns like this and start asking SM's some hard questions...

          Yeah, that's also gonna happen!


          • #6
            The couch and chair got returned today. Specifically, right as I was leaving for the day. I was up in the breakroom getting ready to punch out when somebody paged for me to help with the return.

            Oh what fun it was to get on the phone and tell them sorry, I'm done, I'm off the clock, you're just going to have to ask somebody else.

            Besides, if somebody's going to be a cow and return something just because they had no intention of keeping it past the holidays anyway, they deserve to sit out in the wind and cold and wait for somebody to take their good-natured time and help them.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Those poor enchiladas Ok anyway at work we have a shipload of returns coming in. Fake christmas trees. Holidays are done and they don't need them anymore so they send 'em back. It's what these rejects get for having a 'No questions asked' return policy -.-
              My Wajas cave


              • #8
                Quoth eltf177 View Post
                You'd like to think the bean counters at corporate would spot returns like this and start asking SM's some hard questions...
                Unfortunately, no. They don't tend to drill into returns like that - just take an overview of how much was returned, not how long before it was etc. Based on that information, they decide how many vertebrae to remove from managers and how to hogtie them before letting them loose.


