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I Hate Subway (This is Long)

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  • I Hate Subway (This is Long)

    Let me begin by saying, this is rather long, but it still pisses me off and I feel a great need to vent!

    About 1 year ago we had a situation at the store. It was during the evening and one of my assistant managers was working. Now, the town I live in is not huge, so if you have lived here for awhile everyone knows you. This woman comes in (most people know her) to get an order.

    Apparently, she starts her order by asking for a Turkey Club. Well, we don't have a turkey club, we have a turkey sandwich and we have a club sandwich. The employee at the head of the assembly line was trying to get clarification. Woman apparently starts going off and yelling how everyone on the line was laughing at her (this would be four employees working the line and there was also a line of customers to the door). This causes my assistant manager to come running from the register. Woman is going on and on - the person that was at the head of the line goes to the back and my assistant makes all her food for her as the woman is bitching the whole time. She finally gets the woman out of the store and calls me at home.

    So basically, woman says the person at the head of line was rude and laughing. Assistant manager apologizes, sends the person to the back, makes lady all her food, calms the lady down GIVES HER $40 worth of food for free and sends her happily on her way. Assistant manager says that no one was laughing, the lady was just mad because she did not know what she was ordering, etc. Cool, fine. I hated the fact that she got $40 worth of free food, but she was happy when she left and I thought my assistant handled it fine.

    Moving ahead 3 months-I receive a customer complaint from headquarters. It is this woman complaining about this situation! She was also complaining that a manager did not call her! That she will never ever come back to Subway again. I'm like, what the hell, I didn't know she wanted a call. Who the hell complains 3 months after the fact! My assistant manager handled it and she even got $40 worth of free food and an apology. What the hell else does she want. So I called the number on the complaint and got this woman's husband (she was not home). Her husband and my husband used to work together, so I know him.

    He basically said that she holds a grudge for a long time. That he and the kids come into Subway, but she refuses. He was not aware that she had received $40 worth of free food. He told me he would have her call me. I also left a message on her cell phone. She never called me back.

    Moving ahead another 3 months. I never did talk to this woman. I know who she is though. I am at one of my children's softball games. I am standing by the concession area. There is a lot of people standing around. I am talking to a regular customer of mine. (Like I said, this town is not huge-everyone knows that I manage Subway). We are talking about Subway, when she comes walking up and gives a thumbs down and says "boo, I hate Subway and will never go back there, that the employee should have been fired". This pisses me off. I mean come on, she is a 45 year old woman. Grow up. So I told her that I thought my assistant handled the situation well. She got $40 worth of free food and an apology, that the employee she had thought was so rude does not even work there anymore. She said she knew he didn't and just walked away.

    I was so mad at her I actually saw red, luckily my husband was with me so he calmed me down. There were at least 20 people standing there and heard her say "boo Subway" with both thumbs down.

    Cue 3 more months passing. Guess who has started coming into my store again! Of course, I have not been anything but pleasant and professional (after all I like the sales), but boy oh boy, I would love to reach over the counter and give her a thumbs down! I inwardly shake with anger everytime I see her!

    Come on Karma! Where are you when I need you.
    If you read through all this, thank you. I feel a little better now.

  • #2
    I think she's in desperate need of a thumb inserted somewhere where the turkey won't taste great.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Can't you refuse her entry on the grounds "She's said she's never shopping here again" so there's no reason for her to be in there?

      Small town itis means this would probably be a bad idea?
      ludo ergo sum


      • #4
        Quoth rvdammit View Post
        Can't you refuse her entry on the grounds "She's said she's never shopping here again" so there's no reason for her to be in there?

        Small town itis means this would probably be a bad idea?
        Agree, a perma-ban here is definitely called for.


        • #5
          She sounds the typical crazy that goes to our library. You havn't said one word to them and they come up and want a manager. You call the manager and the manager finds out that we were laughing at them, we were talking behind their back, that black men are following them and are going to rape them, the CIA implanted a salamander in their head and we are keeping the evidence away....

          At least we don't give them free books.

          Too bad you told her the employee doesn't work there anymore.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            I'd love to comment to her about her being missing for 9 months...

            Get someone to ask her how her surgery went.

            Y'know, to get the stick removed...

            "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


            • #7
              Quoth blas View Post
              I think she's in desperate need of a thumb inserted somewhere where the turkey won't taste great.
              That has been very very tempting!


              • #8
                Don't you have the right to refuse service to anyone? So refuse it to her.
                Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                • #9
                  Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                  She sounds the typical crazy that goes to our library. You havn't said one word to them and they come up and want a manager. You call the manager and the manager finds out that we were laughing at them, we were talking behind their back, that black men are following them and are going to rape them, the CIA implanted a salamander in their head and we are keeping the evidence away....
                  This sounds like a customer at my store -- Crazy Cheree. Oh boy, where to begin with that one. She's rich because she's married to the man who owns Walgreens. He's an abusive man who beats her all the time. She's a nurse at the local psychiatric hospital (although I'm inclined to think a patient on outpatient care). She'll hang around and talk to anyone who listens (I no longer do because I'm just so busy avoiding her, so she doesn't stick around when it's just me working, darn it!). She's always being followed by any (insert color of the day) car that drives past the store, and anyone who happens to be just sitting in their car for more than a few seconds is watching her, and now me or whoever else is working at the time. On Christmas Eve, the FBI was apparently staking out the local Golden Corral because they had a bunch of undercover agents inside. The other day, some old man sitting in his truck in the handicapped space by the door kept winking at her, and she was going to go slap him in the mouth if he didn't quit trying to flirt (I think he only told me he was feeling light-headed and needed something to eat, so he was munching on the snack he'd just bought and trying to feel better before getting back on the road.). There's a lot more I could tell about Crazy Cheree and her stories, but that could take much longer. Let's just say she lives in the same apartment complex where I used to live, and anyone who's ever met her thought she was crazy as they come.
                  The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                  Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

