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So, you're open with your suckiness

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  • So, you're open with your suckiness

    Had this lady in my line that didn't want an item. I could've taken care of it; I was right there. She said, "I'll just put it here," and put it on the endcap behind me, finishing her statement with, "this looks like a place." No, no it's not the place for clearance Christmas. It's an endcap for granola bars. I finished her transaction and she then proceeded to leave her cart blocking the aisle. Some people are totally clueless.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    Hey, look at the bright side.

    At least she didn't take a pricey, non-clearance item, then decide she didn't want it, and stash it on the clearance table, (which then, of course, would have been found by the suckiest customer in the world before an employee would have found it) because she was too lazy to take it back to it's spot!



    • #3
      Or a perishable item.

      Soooo many icecreams ruined because people just dump them in the magazine racks!
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        Wow, Food Lady. That's definitely open suckiness. That customer was either just plain clueless or had never worked a day of retail/service in her life.

        Quoth fireheart17 View Post
        Or a perishable item.

        Soooo many icecreams ruined because people just dump them in the magazine racks!
        Perhaps that's why ice cream is becoming prohibitively expensive for me these days...

        I was at the Mart of Wal last night (I don't usually go there, but I had a gift card). Aside from the two customers I saw who looked completely lost in that huge maze of a store (I'm beginning to think the greeters should hand out maps), I saw more abandoned product than I'd care to count. It was mostly food, but I didn't spot any perishables this time. Still, it's pathetic that customers are too lazy to even grab a passing employee and say, "I don't want this anymore. Will you put it away for me?" Or even, "Here. Take this." Better that than spoiled food or more items written off as shrink because they were "lost" by lazy customers.

        I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
        - Bill Watterson

        My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
        - IPF


        • #5
          Quoth Food Lady View Post
          "this looks like a place."
          ... technically, yes, it IS a place, however, it's not THE RIGHT place!
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I hate people who play hide and seek with stuff at stores. If you're really so lazy that you won't put something back, at least flag down an employee and let them know that you don't want it, so they can get it back to its proper place (especially if it's meat or ice cream or milk, etc).
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I was helping someone in my store yesterday and she decided she didn't want the bolt of fabric she was holding so she went to lay it in the remnants basket WHILE WE WERE STILL TALKING!!!!! I held my hand out for it and kept talking. She handed it to me instead and I didn't bash her over the head with it. Admirable restraint, I think.
              "I'm starting to see a pattern in the men I date" - Miss Piggy, Muppet Treasure Island

              I'm writing!! Check out the blog.


              • #8
                Quoth Food Lady View Post
                I finished her transaction and she then proceeded to leave her cart blocking the aisle. Some people are totally clueless.

                I hate when people do that!! I mean why in the world would you just leave your cart blocking the exit for other customers!! Sometimes when we get really busy the shopping carts get backed up and are blocking the entire front of our store. Our shopping carts are outside and there is no room for them to be kept inside.

                Sometimes I can't take it anymore and if the line is long I will stop ringing to get the carts out so people can get out of the store.


                • #9
                  Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                  Or a perishable item.

                  Soooo many icecreams ruined because people just dump them in the magazine racks!
                  Or MEAT. I HATE that. I just want to cry when I see stuff like that.
                  You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                  • #10
                    Oh, I might win this one

                    We sell fish in our store. I found 2 goldfish, the fancy kind, not the feeder, behind some birdseed a few months ago. The fish had been in there long enough that the air was completely out of the bag and it was totally full of fish poop. Anyone here that has fish, knows that goldfish are big ammonia producers, so how these poor guys were still alive, I'll never know. I was so livid. The door on the fish room is open, so it's not like they couldn't have just placed them back in there if they didn't want them. It still makes me so angry to think about those poor fish.
                    Is it really SO hard to listen to the prompts?


                    • #11
                      omg. I used to get that all the time. People would leave stuff on the soda fridge. And then people will leave their carts in the line, forcing me to walk around the registers to move it. Argh. Clueless people.

