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Another damn knife through my shield.

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  • Another damn knife through my shield.

    I woke up last night knowing I was emontionally weak. It happens from time to time. I just feel like crying, rather then my noncaring stotic bite me self.

    But, still had to work.

    It wasn't going too bad until about three hours in when this ....person.... came in. I was stocking and came out texting several friends. Customer looked at me, and waited until I was at the register where he contineled to stare at me.

    SC: ".... were you a soldier??"
    ME: ...???
    SC: "We're you in battle?"
    ME: ""
    SC: "It just looks like your face been hit by a gernade and had surgery...."
    ME: ..... How can I help you .
    SC: I need marlboros.
    ME: ID.
    SC: ..*gives*
    ME: *Do real check. Scan* 5.25.
    SC: *gives me a six bucks*
    ME: .75 cents change. Have good day.

    He leaves, and I send text to four friends. Three came back with counters I should have used. I was too taken aback. I can normal do good insults, but when its a new one, I get thrown off. Gah I wanted to slamm his face into my counter.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 02-06-2010, 04:01 PM. Reason: little too violent, sorry :(
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    When I first read this, I thought maybe the guy was referring to your emotional state, but then I realized he meant your looks. What a jerk.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Quoth depechemodefan View Post
      When I first read this, I thought maybe the guy was referring to your emotional state, but then I realized he meant your looks. What a jerk.
      It happens on a weekly bases. I normally shrug it off. Sometimes though one can thrust through it and really hurt me.
      Military Spouse Support.
      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


      • #4
        The guy was an ass, Plaid.

        You are a beautiful person, and you would never treat another person that way.
        That makes you miles above him.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Ouch. I can think of many horrible things and snappy comebacks you could have given him, but would it have been worth it? You didn't deserve that, but that guy must be really unhappy with his life to say things like that. Hope you feel better soon!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            <insert goon's insult here>

            "Thank you sir, for allowing me to pull out the clause that states that the clerk is allowed to refuse service to any one, for any reason. Have a good day, and please, leave the premises immediately."


            • #7
              Try not to beat yourself up, Plaid. The guy was a jerk who probably gets off on putting others down.

              Sometimes the best response to such ignorance is none at all.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                Because of course everyone who has a horrific accident and needs reconstructive facial surgery just enjoys being reminded of it.

                Oh no, wait. This isn't the Bizarro world.

                No, I honestly can't think of a valid reason for an intellectually normal adult to say that.

                Meh. He was a clueless jerk, and not worth wasting your thoughts on.
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #9
                  I dunno, I think the (non-)response you gave him was the best option. He's looking for a reaction, and by not giving him any you probably ruined his day...


                  • #10
                    Pay him no mind, that guy was a jackass.


                    • #11
                      Plaid, I don't know your story, but the bottom line is there is NEVER an excuse for what that person did. That's almost like walking up to a woman who is larger and asking if she's pregnant without knowing.

                      Dude was an asshat. Just walk away knowing that you're the better person.
                      Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


                      • #12
                        "Everyone knows what I look like as soon as soon as they see me. But no one knew you were an asshole until you opened your mouth. I think I came out ahead here."

                        This is from another forum, and originally intended for people who get comments about their weight, but it fits any rude comment about appearances.


                        • #13
                          What the hell is the matter with people? You don't deserve crap like that.

                          Echoing a lot of what others have said, here. Some people are just so miserable that they feel the need to try and pull others down to make themselves feel better. Screw 'em; they suck.


                          • #14
                            I saw the topic title and the first thing I thought of was, "You call that a knife? THIS is a knife!"
                            To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                            • #15
                              That "person" sure was a first class jackass.
                              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

