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    6:55PM. We've been closed for nearly an hour, and we're just waiting for Focker and BS to finish up in the cash office so we can GTFO and go home. All of a sudden I hear someone POUNDING on the front door. I look over and some crazy old bitch is standing there waving one of our shopping bags. I thought "if she thinks she's going to return that stuff tonight, she's got another think coming."

    Since she was STILL pounding away on the door, I went over and opened it, intending to tell her politely but firmly that we were closed. I didn't get the chance.

    SC: You didn't give me back my debit card!!!!

    Me: I'm sorry?

    SC: YOU didn't give me back me debit card when YOU rang me out!!

    Me: Me?

    SC: Yes, YOU!

    Now I remembered this woman. I had rung her out, and I know for a fact I gave her her card back, and I told her so.

    SC: NO, you DIDN'T!

    Actually, yes, I did, but I suppose it was possible that she set it down on the counter afterwards and I didn't notice. By this time, Focker had appeared, so she repeated her accusation. I followed Focker into the office to check the small cache of lost debit and credit cards.

    Me (to Focker, out of earshot of the SC): I know FOR A FACT I gave her her card back.

    While we were in there, the woman checked the shopping bag......and found her card. She'd stuck in there and had it the whole damn time, and yet still came all the way back to the store to accuse ME of not giving it back to her! Needless to say, she didn't even apologize.

    What's the word I'm looking for......oh yeah....BITCH!!!!

    Strangely, I didn't get all that upset, but Amanda was FURIOUS. She was there when the woman found her card, and took great exception to the fact that she didn't even apologize. She said she wanted to "push" that woman and make her fall on her ass.

    Some people........
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    She probably thinks it was your fault that it was in the bag.

    If she's like my mom tho, she might be really really forgetful.

    My mom (who has an excuse to be forgetful) will forget and frantically check for her card repeatedly. Even after I've proved to her that the salespeople have given her the card back.


    • #3
      I forgot to mention that part of what pushed Amanda over the edge was while I was in the office with Focker looking for this woman's card, she asked "Are you getting ready to close?"

      Gee, the LOCKED DOORS weren't enough of a clue??

      Amanda: No, we've been closed for nearly an hour now.

      SC: Then why are you still here?!?

      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        People like SC don't apologize because:
        1) They're a jerk
        2) It's your fault they were inconvenienced by them misplacing their own card
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          We had a SC try something similar, except our store ONLY has pin pads where the customer slides the card. No cashier side, unless they manually enter it.


          • #6
            Happens all the time with credit cards and ID cards and receipts. Makes me want to punch people. And yes, they never apologize.


            • #7
              This is exactly why, even though we have a card swiper on the register end, I make people use the debit reader instead (exceptions granted for cards that aren't reading down there the first 2 times, of course, it happens since they read slightly differently). If I never have thier card in my hand, I cannot be held responsible if they misplace it. The camera angles we have are not perfect, but it is pobvious on them if a card is swiped at the cashiers end or not, so even if I do get a complaint, we can just show the footage that I never had the card in my hand in the first place!

              Of course not every store has that option, but I take full advantage of it.

              Even if you didn't give her her card back on accident, it's still partly her fault for walking out of the store without making sure she had it, and then waiting until nearly an hour after closing to confront about it. I can see taking time to try to find it herself before accusing, but in this case its obvious she didn't, since she found it in the second place most people with a brain would look!


              • #8
                Reminds me of a woman who got upset because she thought I'd stolen her membership card.

                The way it works at the wholesale club, you hand the cashier your membership card, they scan it, and keep it up on the register until the sale is complete. When I'm finishing up a customer's order, if they're busy signing something or swiping their credit card or whatever, I will sometimes slide their membership card onto the check-writing stand, right next to where they're signing/swiping/whatever.

                This woman... I'd given her back her membership card. She then lost it, misplaced it, whatever. Her card was not on my register, nor on the check-writing stand, nor on the floor anywhere where it could have fallen, nowhere on my register. She insisted I still had it. I insisted otherwise. I finally just had to tell her, very firmly, "Ma'am, I DO NOT have your card."

                She walked away, so I went back to the line I had. One of the managers walks over a few moments later, trailed by the woman. "Jay, give her her card back." "I DON'T HAVE IT!"

                Eventually they either convinced the woman I didn't have it, or she found her card in her purse, or they printed her a new card, or something. I was just pissed that the manager came over and spoke to me in a tone that suggested I was being childish and not giving it to her.
                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                • #9
                  In that case.. I would demand the managers pull up the CCTV video, and if it is shown that I gave it back to them.. I would demand an apology from the manager.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                    While we were in there, the woman checked the shopping bag......and found her card. She'd stuck in there and had it the whole damn time, and yet still came all the way back to the store to accuse ME of not giving it back to her! Needless to say, she didn't even apologize.
                    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                    Amanda: No, we've been closed for nearly an hour now.

                    SC: Then why are you still here?!?
                    "We're tidying up after ungrateful slobs like you!"

                    Some people. No manners, no sense. How they've managed to survive so long without getting their asses kicked, who knows!
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      The customer has to put their card in, and take it out themselves in our store. Also if they don't take their card out the till won't finish the transaction.

                      Yet every other week we'll get a customer coming back saying that they left their card in the reader. What makes it worse is that almost none of the till operators ever take the split second it needs to think "If the card was left in how did I serve the next customer?"

