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Rain Can't Keep the SCs Away (long)

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  • Rain Can't Keep the SCs Away (long)

    From over the last month or so:

    Note: It's been raining a lot lately, especially now it's the first week of Autumn.

    Pie Drop
    Very quick one to start.
    Fairly tipsy customer buys a pie, takes it out of bag to start eating.
    Me - You'll have to eat it outside.
    SC - It's raining *fumbles & drops pie*
    Me - Get out

    The floor is WET
    Sometimes I hate suits more than drunks, because suits think they have the right to complain about anything.
    As I mentioned earlier, it's been raining a lot and unfortunately our roof leaks so despite out best effort there are puddles on the floor (marked by bright yellow signs).
    Suit - Excuse me there's water on the floor.
    Me - I know, the roof leaks everywhere.
    Suit - But there's water everywhere.
    Me - Is there a sign over there?
    Suit - Yes.
    Me - Okay then.
    Suit - The floor is wet.
    Me - Well it's raining sir.
    Suit - The floor is WET

    Thanks I needed a laugh
    Young drunks + plus running on wet forecourt = me laughing my ass off as you fall on yours.

    Inviting Sexual Harassment
    So Hungry Jacks (Aussie version of Burger King) is making their employees wear large round badges (3-4 inches across) on their chests to advertise their new-ish Angus burgers.
    Had a poor young cutie from the HJs down the road in the store, obviously on her way home from work. The girl wouldn't have been more than 17 but was rather well developed so the badge was sticking out like a billboard saying "look at my boobs", I'm straight so I did notice but I keep my thoughts to myself.
    Bloke in the store at same time makes a very crude comment involving meat and buns.
    Poor girl goes red.
    Scooby tells bloke to get the fuck out and shakes his head at the thoughtlessness of HJs management.

    Spill and Run
    Busy, morning rush time. Big line to back of store.
    And I hear the lovely sound of something being dropped (thankfully not glass) it's a bottle of ice-tea, the lids of which seem to shatter at the slightest impact so now I have a puddle on the floor.
    Customer comes up to the counter with bottle, places it on the counter and promptly walks out the door.
    So I place wet floor signs out and leave spill for coworker whose already late, go back to serving customers.

    Complete Sentences Please
    Before lock out time I sometimes have the "pleasure" of drunks coming in to share their wise and thoughtful company.
    And their one word requests.
    I hate playing 20 questions.

    SC - *leaning on hot pie cabinet* Hey!
    Me - How can I help ya?
    SC - Pie?
    Me - (funnily enough I guessed that) Sure what kind?
    SC - Pie
    Me - ....
    SC - Cheese
    Me - ....
    SC - Bacon
    Me - Cheese and Bacon pie, Any sauce?
    SC - ....
    Me - No then? Okay $*.** thanks.
    SC - sauce!
    Me - (oh for f*ck sake) Okay that makes it $*.** (yeah we charge for sauce )
    I give the SC his sauce, take the money, give change (have to open a roll of coins).
    SC - What's taking so f*cking long?
    Me - if you used more complete sentences we'd be done by now
    SC - F*cking snob
    Me - (WTF?) Goodbye

    hmmm I think I'll take the pretty blonde girl thanks
    I love staff meetings!!!
    Well okay not really but at least I get paid for sitting around for two hours making sarcastic comments and don't have to wear my uniform.
    This particular day I was early and the store got a little busy so I helped out on the tills.
    Wearing one of my Taylor Swift t-shirts.
    So meat-head customer (MHC) in a footy jersey comes to the counter, takes one look at my shirt:
    MHC - Taylor Swift? You're a f*cking fag.
    Me - Hmmm being a fan of a cute girl instead of a bunch of sweaty men? Yeah I must be the gay one here.
    MHC - *blank stare of clearly not getting it*
    Me - *walks away from the till*
    MHC - Oi! Get back here and serve me you faggot!
    Me - Do I look like I'm being paid to work today?
    And I put my earphones back in and walk into the office to find Boss and a couple of coworkers laughing.
    Me - What?
    "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly

  • #2
    Quoth akaScooby View Post
    From over the last month or so:

    hmmm I think I'll take the pretty blonde girl thanks
    Yeah, Im glad she is 18 and hot! I really think you need to be 18 to be a singer because well I would have loved to do some things with miley cyrus till I found out they illegal in just about every state and well I really don't think anyone really likes her for her singing.

    I love when customers insult me especially, when they call me stupid and then turn to their kids and say see what happens if you don't stay in school. By the way, they really hate when you mention the recession/depression the US is in and that at least I have a job after 4yrs of college where I graduated with a 3.9 but nobody is hiring and I don't have enough contacts to help me get in the few places that are, because now more than ever it is who you know. OR gay because I don't sexually harass my female customers. Just because I was being nice and didn't comment to her face she was dressed like a slut doesn't mean I didn't look down her shirt when she leaned forward to check out what lottery was in the counter. While the same guy is all over his "bro" about how I must not have liked that chick because I didn't hit on her.

    Just realized the irony now of it being Taylor Rain after all your stories pretty much had rain.
    And I too get yelled at for having wet floor signs on the ground when it snowing and for some reason it a slow night so they have dried but will be wet once people come in.
    Last edited by underemployeed; 03-06-2010, 10:48 AM.
    I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


    • #3
      Quoth underemployeed View Post
      Yeah, Im glad she is 18 and hot! I really think you need to be 18 to be a singer because well I would have loved to do some things with miley cyrus till I found out they illegal in just about every state and well I really don't think anyone really likes her for her singing.
      That and I think her Daddy Billy Ray would have had a few words to say to anyone who tried touching his underaged daughter. Now it's jsut her Momma that people have to worry about.


      • #4
        Wowsers, off topic on the first reply!!!

        I'm not even entirely sure how the conversation got where it went
        "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly


        • #5
          Quoth akaScooby View Post
          hmmm I think I'll take the pretty blonde girl thanks
          I love staff meetings!!!
          Well okay not really but at least I get paid for sitting around for two hours making sarcastic comments and don't have to wear my uniform.
          This particular day I was early and the store got a little busy so I helped out on the tills.
          Wearing one of my Taylor Swift t-shirts.
          So meat-head customer (MHC) in a footy jersey comes to the counter, takes one look at my shirt:
          MHC - Taylor Swift? You're a f*cking fag.
          Me - Hmmm being a fan of a cute girl instead of a bunch of sweaty men? Yeah I must be the gay one here.
          MHC - *blank stare of clearly not getting it*
          Me - *walks away from the till*
          MHC - Oi! Get back here and serve me you faggot!
          Me - Do I look like I'm being paid to work today?
          And I put my earphones back in and walk into the office to find Boss and a couple of coworkers laughing.
          Me - What?
          Mmm football is awesome. Know what's better? Wrestling!
          "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
            Mmm football is awesome. Know what's better? Wrestling!
            American or real football? The shorts show off their legs.
            Although I agree wrestling is fun to watch.
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              Hi, Scooby! Greetings from the Gold Coast

              Gotta love the hot pie after a big night out. Or a kebab. Nom nom nom... And on behalf of all chicks, thanks for telling that moron off in the HJ's...


              • #8
                Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                American or real football? The shorts show off their legs.
                Although I agree wrestling is fun to watch.
                Whichever has the least clothes and the most contact.
                "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                  Whichever has the least clothes and the most contact.
                  That would be rugby.
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    I really hate that excuse. My friend uses it too to stare at girls boobs. Just tell the truth. You like staring at girls boobs. That so hard? I'm straight. I don't stare at boobs though. Dont use that likes its an excuse. Its stupid.

                    At least you redeemed yourself somewhat by standing up. Though I'm picturing you did solely so you can get a chance to look under the shirt.

                    2: Shouldn't you have cleaned up the glass rather then just wait for a coworker? I'd hate to see a kid get cut up on that glass, just cause you didn't feel like it.

                    Military Spouse Support.
                    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                    • #11
                      Quoth cinema guy View Post
                      That would be rugby.
                      I'm game.
                      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                        Whichever has the least clothes and the most contact.
                        Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                        I'm game.
                        Seconded. I should take the opportunity to learn more about rugby.
                        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                        • #13
                          Quoth underemployeed View Post
                          Yeah, Im glad she is 18 and hot! I really think you need to be 18 to be a singer because well I would have loved to do some things with miley cyrus till I found out they illegal in just about every state and well I really don't think anyone really likes her for her singing.
                          The Age of Consent is 14 in Hannah, Montana.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Plaidman View Post
                            Shouldn't you have cleaned up the glass rather then just wait for a coworker? I'd hate to see a kid get cut up on that glass, just cause you didn't feel like it.
                            Quoth akaScooby View Post
                            Spill and Run
                            Busy, morning rush time. Big line to back of store.
                            And I hear the lovely sound of something being dropped (thankfully not glass) it's a bottle of ice-tea, the lids of which seem to shatter at the slightest impact so now I have a puddle on the floor.
                            Customer comes up to the counter with bottle, places it on the counter and promptly walks out the door.
                            So I place wet floor signs out and leave spill for coworker whose already late, go back to serving customers.
                            At least it's not just customers who don't read
                            "F*ck the begrudgers" - Billy Connolly


                            • #15
                              Quoth akaScooby View Post
                              At least it's not just customers who don't read
                              And its still liquid, which as I have seen, can slip, slam head on display glass, and get cut up that way. Ether way, your lazyiness can get someone hurt.
                              Military Spouse Support.
                              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

