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You try to steal and we're the a**holes?

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  • You try to steal and we're the a**holes?

    Last night when we were closed I was working for a CW in C/S (Customer service), where I rarely am so I thought it would be a nice change because I am always in the stress filled corner of the store called the Fitting Room. So we're closed I'm ringing up one of the last customers, I have all my CW's open so we can ring them all up and get the hell out of there! A lady I was not ringing up wants a chair, said chair has a tag for $29.99, LP notices this and says, "No, no, no, no...this chair is much more expensive than this, there's another in the back." So she starts peeling the tag off and holy cow! There's a tag underneath! For $79.99...this woman tries to cheat us $50 for a one would've fallen for that, honey. But bad LP gets on the radio, standing 5 ft away from the SC and says to the manager she tried to switch the tags, she says so quietly, but the SC is still there! Stupid, stupid LP. So I tell LP to be quiet. I get the need to rant about SC and brag that you caught them...but you can't accuse a person of switching a tag right in front of them! So the woman gets all miffed because we are whispering to each other and asks for all of our names and the store manager's name...I will be damned if I get in trouble because my CW doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut! I know I won't get in trouble, I have excellent Customer Service, but really people?! Don't talk about people in front of them and if you get caught trying to steal something, keep your dignity and just move on.

  • #2
    Yeah, accusing somebody of tag switching to their face isn't a good move. If they absolutely had to say something they should've said it in a more general sense, like "Sometimes the wrong tag gets put on the wrong item" or "Sometimes dishonest people switch the tags" (with the latter the SC gets to stew in their own guilt as an added bonus ).

    Besides, if they don't have her on camera switching the tags, they can't do anything about it anyway unless they want to be defendants in a lawsuit.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      To really get them stewing, "Sorry, it looks like somebody switched the tags, then realized they would have been seen by the security cameras and put it back with the wrong tag. After all, if they'd brought it to the cash desk and tried to buy it at the switched price, the footage would have been sufficient evidence to get them jailed for theft".

      After all, you're not accusing them, merely some anonymous person who abandoned a scam on the same chair halfway through. Let them wonder when the security footage will come through and bite them in the butt.
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #4
        Quoth wolfie View Post
        ... Let them wonder when the security footage will come through and bite them in the butt.
        Immediately watch them scurry for the door like a scalded rat.
        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


        • #5
          And then there are the people who get all huffy and say, "Are you accusing ME of switching the tag??" ...And you haven't said anything about tag switching, just that the price is wrong. It's like they are incriminating themselves. Losers.

          Oh and another favorite- "You HAVE to give it to me for what the sticker says! It's the LAW!" I swear, the next loser that tries to pull this on me I'm just gonna say, "Ok, lady. Bring me a copy of the Constitution. What Amendment is this in? Show me specifically where this law is, because I have heard so much about it and have yet to have ever seen it!"

          People. I swear. Sheesh.


          • #6
            We get people that do that all the time. They peel of a clearance sticker and try to put it on another item. But when the u-lines don't match we tell them sorry but it is not the correct price.

            I never accuse them of putting the clearance sticker on themselves. If they say "well I didn't do it" or "well how did that happen" I tell them that people don't watch their kids and that they play around out there

            I love when they scream that it is false advertising to not give it to them for the clearance price


            • #7
              As far I am aware you enter the sale/purchase agreement at the counter, so if the sticker is wrong you can enforce the correct price. At work if we know the price isn't overly different we are told to give them the lower price, it keeps them happy. At the moment we have the problem of different colours of the same product (such as a clear file or a ring binder, which have different barcodes) are in the system at different prices. I think we have solved most of those problems now though.
              Began work Aug as casual '08
              Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
              Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
              Why do I still work there again?


              • #8
                'Cuz you know, some kind ticket-switching fairy goes around switching tickets so that unsuspecting people can benefit from the now reduced-priced items.

                "I didn't do it!"
                "Are you accusing me of ticket-switching??"
                "I don't know how that ticket got on it!"
                "Oh, it's not the right price? Then I don't want it."

                Come ON, people. No one believes your lies. We KNOW people don't go around switching tags and then leaving the items for other innocents to buy!

                YOU DID IT, AND WE ALL KNOW IT! We can't say it, and we can't do any more than deny you the price you want, but WE KNOW you're the dirty thief, and we're all watching you now!
                Also, Security now has your photo, and will watch you any time you come into the store...and will call any sales desk that you approach, and tell the saleperson there to watch the tags CAREFULLY.

                I've stopped MANY scammers because of this. I LOVE stopping them.
                I no longer fear HELL.
                I work in RETAIL.


                • #9
                  My manager got mad at me for talking loudly about how a guy tried to scam us, because she said another person in the store might be with him. At which point it was hard not to ask " What is wrong with that? If I knows we onto him and the cops going to show up and get him, maybe they won't come back"
                  I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


                  • #10
                    When I was still fairly new to retail I had a guy come up to my till with a large rug, when I scanned it came up as '4ft flokati rug £12.99' - what he had actually got was a carved Chinese style rug which was about £49.99. I can only assume he counted on me being so ignorant, or busy, or both, that i wouldn't know or spot the difference between a little fluffy bedroom type rug and a sculpted one measuring about 8ft by 6ft.
                    At least he never tried to argue the point - he knew I'd rumbled him and just paid and went - maybe he didn't realise that we(a) get a description on the screen every time we scan, and (b) do have some idea of how much things tend to be priced at.
                    Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


                    • #11
                      Quoth saturnz_dragon View Post
                      Oh and another favorite- "You HAVE to give it to me for what the sticker says! It's the LAW!" I swear, the next loser that tries to pull this on me I'm just gonna say, "Ok, lady. Bring me a copy of the Constitution. What Amendment is this in? Show me specifically where this law is, because I have heard so much about it and have yet to have ever seen it!"
                      It actually is the law in PA, but it only applies to mistakes on the store's part, not to tag switching.
                      The High Priest is an Illusion!


                      • #12
                        Seems to me that the smart thing for stores in PA to do is to claim that ALL mistakes are due to customers switching tags.


                        • #13
                          If it's the right bar code, it's obviously not the customer switching tags.
                          The High Priest is an Illusion!


                          • #14
                            Ah yes... the tag switchers! By the by! Glad to see you here!
                            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

