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He fights authority, authority always wins

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  • He fights authority, authority always wins

    Guy follows one of out drivers into the impound lot and tries to get into one of the cars.

    He’s challenged to produce his pink slip, the carbon-copy half of the tow slip that acts as a receipt and proof of payment to get a car un-impounded.

    “I lost it” he says.

    A blatant lie. You pay for your car up front at the “office” part of the building, you go out the door, make a left, go about 25 yards to the green dumpster, make another left, and you’re at the big steel gate to the impound. There is no way you can lose your receipt inside of this 14 second walk unless you’re the victim of a broad-daylight alien abduction attempt. People who say this are just trying to toy with us.


    See, some people who get their cars impounded aren’t happy until they’ve managed to “win” in some way against us. They’re desperately trying to break or skirt some rule in the course of getting their car out of impound to “prove” who’s got the REAL power in this tower-towee dynamic. (Hint: Which side of that barb-wire-topped fence is your car currently on? Yours or mine?)

    I have a feeling these folk are the same people who, back in grade school, would enter something poorly-drawn even by 1st grader standards into an art contest, not win due to obvious lack of talent, and then retaliate by creating a poorly-drawn comic of themselves winning first prize anyway while Tyrannosauruses ate the other entrants and the school faculty. Remember that kid? Yeah, it’s exactly that kind of petty “I’ll show YOU! I’ll form a super-secret cool club, and YOU CAN’T JOIN! I WON’T LET YOU!” tantrum, only it’s coming from the mouth of a grown 40-something man, not a kid.

    They’re the ones that threaten you with lawyers, city councils, lawsuits, calls to the Better Buisiness Bureau, etc. etc. and when that fails to help them and they agree to pay up, they then get passive aggressive. You need 3 simple things to get your car back, Photo ID, $105 cash/credit and a valid phone number. That’s it, takes about one minute to collect and process. Not for these folks. They suddenly can’t comply with the cash or credit rule because they “don’t have” a credit card or bank card, so we’ll just have to take a check… Wrong. Then they “don’t have” photo ID, or “You aren’t a Cop! I refuse to show it!” so we’ll just have to leave it blank/take their word for it that their name is “Assy McSrcrewyou Jones” That doesn’t work either. (There was the one guy who claimed “government regulations” prevented me from asking for his ID since he was employed in an “undisclosable” field. Ha! Should I write “Bond, James Bond” on the slip? Pft! Nice try Secret Agent Man, but even the FBI showed me ID when asked) Then, the next excuse is they “don’t have” a phone number they can be reached at. Uh huh, look, just give me a number, any number, it can be directory assistance for all I care, but until all the little boxes on this slip have some valid information in them, you DO NOT get your car back. It can take up to 45 minutes before all options are exhausted up front, so the “lost my pink slip” excuse when asked for it at the impound gate is the last-ditch attempt to frustrate you and get away with it. Truly fascinating seeing a 43 year old man playing this game. Usually, a gruff “well, you can’t have the car back until you find it” will make said pink sheet miraculously appear from a pants or coat pocket, with a nasty death glare. But, I digress, back to the show.

    This guy, who strolled in like he owned the place, just keeps on walking and gets into his car, pretending not to hear, or at least not care repeated demands he show his pink slip.

    Realizing the imminent drive-off, one of the drivers blocks the car in with his truck. Guy now angrily tells us to move, he paid for his car and if we don’t let him out, he’ll kick all our asses.

    A quick radio call to the front office from the truck reveals that he hasn’t lost his pink copy at all, in fact, it’s still attached to the paperwork up front because he hasn’t paid for his car yet, big surprise.

    We tell him to turn off the motor and go back up front and pay for the car, he ignores us and tells us “I can wait here all day, you’ve got to move sometime”

    We tell him that he’s trespassing, and the cops will be called if he refuses to shut off his car and leave the impound and preferably go up front and pay.

    Grumbling and cursing, he gets out and goes up front and pays. Returns to the rear, begrudgingly shows his receipt, (Towed out of space #44 at Some Apartment upon tenant request, no shock there) and then slings gravel on his way out, see ya later pal. One more psycho out of our lives for good…..

    15 minutes go by, and we get a call for removal of an illegally parked vehicle. Space #44 at Some Apartment. Oh no you didn’t! Yes, he did. A driver heads on over and indeed the called in car is the one that just left. In the EXACT same space he was when towed the last time. Our driver starts loading up the car, but just as he’s pulling away, the guy comes running out the door and catches up to the tow truck at the exit to the parking lot.

    Whipping open the door, he jumps in, starts his car up, and tries to drive it off the truck. This doesn’t work, it NEVER works, but Mommy always said some guys don’t learn until they piss on the electric fence for themselves. If it had been me, I’d have been tempted to just tow him right back to the impound while he futilely tried to resist, but DOT says it’s illegal to tow a car with passenger in it.

    Our driver informs him that he owes us a full tow, that wasn’t a big hit, to put it mildly, and soon Officer Friendly and company are on the way.

    Like “Silent Cal” from a few weeks back, this guy also thinks that he can make the cops go away if he just ignores them. They aren’t impressed. The Officers inform him that they don’t really want to turn him into a possible Police Brutality case, but, if he doesn’t pay for his tow or exit his vehicle, they won’t have much choice. Guy simply tells them “I ain’t payin’ nothing!” One of the officers asks us if maybe we could be diplomatic and knock it down to a drop fee for him, because if they have to forcibly remove him from the car, well, just imagine the paperwork…. Can we have a bit of sympathy for them? We inform them we’d love to, but, since this guy already tried to steal his car back from us earlier, he blew any chance at us being nice. Upon hearing this, the cops have a corresponding loss of empathy as well and give him an ultimatum, either he pays, right now, for a full tow, or the police get to find out if their pepper spray is still fresh. Guy cracks his window and passes us a credit card. After processing, we unhook him and as he drives away he yells,

    “Next time I’ll get away free you bastards! Just you wait!”

    That is, highly unlikely to say the least.

    My advice to you buddy? The coffee pots with the orange handles are the decaf.
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Argabarga View Post
    “Next time I’ll get away free you bastards! Just you wait!”
    Oooooooooh, it's gonna be premeditated.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Why do people think that they can't get past fees, police and legal stuff? I can't comprehend it. They broke the law (twice!) and needed to suck it up and pay. Instead he made it harder for himself.

      I would have loved to see some pepperspraying in action though.
      Sucky Customers- Have the ability to convert non-drinkers into raging alcoholics in one phone call or less.


      • #4
        your posts are always full of win and awesomesauce!!
        there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


        • #5
          Gosh... what is it about some people who can't stand to live with the results of their own bad decisions? I wonder if they are really that incapable of realizing that they are not so speshul and important and always get to do whatever they want 100% of the time, and you are the ones who should be punished for daring to stand in their way! Argabarga, I really admire that you are able to put up with twatwaffles like that. I would definitely lose it
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #6
            Quoth phantasy View Post
            Why do people think that they can't get past fees, police and legal stuff?
            I'm at a loss to explain it, but my current theory is that this is how they operate in life, they're bull-headed and contrary about everything, and for 99% of their daily interactions, it's works.

            It makes thier kids do what they want, thier relatives do what they want, thier friends, spouses, etc, do what they want. And it may even make thier bosses and subordinates do what they want.

            And those who don't do what they want can just be ignored until they cave in or go away.

            When presented with a situation where you are facing black-and-white government-sanctioned AUTHORITY, they just don't see why it's any different, and cannot see how thier "normal" approach won't work, until the guns come out.....
            Last edited by Argabarga; 04-07-2010, 06:11 PM.
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              "“Next time I’ll get away free you bastards! Just you wait!” "

              It's not grammatically correct or relevant to the line but for some reason I keep hearing the phrase "And your little dog too!" after that.
              "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


              • #8
                Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                "“Next time I’ll get away free you bastards! Just you wait!” "

                It's not grammatically correct or relevant to the line but for some reason I keep hearing the phrase "And your little dog too!" after that.
                Would he also have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids? XD
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  And how much do you want to bet he's back in space #44?


                  • #10
                    Quoth AyreBiskits View Post
                    your posts are always full of win and awesomesauce!!

                    And the same space not 15 minutes later? What planet is this guy from?

                    What will he try next? Stay tuned, I'll bet we'll be hearing from this dry-pool diving team member again and it won't be a long wait!


                    • #11
                      I never got that mentality, but then again, I'm not stupid, crazy, or otherwise deranged, out of control, on a day pass, or anything else other than a bit disgruntled.

                      Not that I'm pushing my beliefs, anyone else's beliefs, or any beliefs in general on anyone in any way, but Ecclesiastes does have a few sage words of advice regarding this: There's a time for war, and a time for peace. This fool can't tell which is which, and seems to be stuck in war mode. Sadly for him, it's cost him $210 in this post alone.

                      If I had $210 just floating around, I wouldn't be driving on bald tires, dreading paying taxes this year, and could probably find a better way to spend it, than on getting my car back from impound twice in one day.
                      Coworker: Distro of choice?
                      Me: Gentoo.
                      Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Aut View Post
                        And how much do you want to bet he's back in space #44?
                        What type of odds would you give me? Nothing in his behavior showed he has the basic ability to learn from past experience
                        A crisis is a problem you can't control. Drama is a problem you can, but won't. - Otter


                        • #13
                          Given his maturity level, I'd say he has some sort of vendetta against the people in space 44. How DARE they have his car towed. He'll show them, he'll park in their space again!

                          I'm not saying it makes sense, but given this guy, that's something of a criterion.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Magpie View Post
                            Given his maturity level, I'd say he has some sort of vendetta against the people in space 44. How DARE they have his car towed. He'll show them, he'll park in their space again!

                            I'm not saying it makes sense, but given this guy, that's something of a criterion.
                            You're probably closer to the truth than I was.
                            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


                            • #15
                              He fought the law and the LAW WON!
                              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

