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Crazy Drunk Guy

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  • Crazy Drunk Guy

    I don't know if it was a full moon or what but we had the crazies come out and they decided to drink too much too.

    This one guy came up and acted like such an idiot.

    SC: *waves his credit card in my face* I need money.

    Me: Okay, have you already ran it through the ATM?

    SC: No. The machine broken.

    Me: What happened when you tried to run your card?

    SC: It said I have no cash but I know I do! I have lots of money!

    Me: Unfortunately if the atm doesn't approve you there's nothing we can do...

    I wanted to say: Well, hell if the machine says you're broke wtf do you think I can do!?

    SC: You no want to help!

    And he walked away.

    I had a co worker bitch at me for not going out and helping him at the machine. SO not my job and he was drunk and there was no goddamn way I was going out there to help a drunken idiot! I told her; "I'm just not as nice as the rest of you, I guess" and I meant it. I will help little old ladies and people who really need the help but he didn't he was just lazy--watch later as to why.

    Later he came into another CW's window and tried the same BS this cw told him he'd be more than happy to help him and to stand in the atm line. The guy refused and kept repeating:

    SC: Why none of you want to help me!?

    He walked off and pointed at all of us like "i'll get you for this"

    He left for like an hour and came back again. This time I almost called security. He was standing beside the atm machine watching everybody's transactions and yelling at the atm for being broken.

    I finally went to lunch and another CW got the crazy ass.

    She actually went out there to help him and told him he shouldn't have been watching the other customer's transactions and what did he say to that?

    SC: I don't care.


    And he gave her some more BS and eventually walked away from her and kept repeating how we refused to help him. That CW talked to security and I guess they kept an eye on him cuz I didn't see him after that. But geez! I told my supervisor if some guy bitched that we didn't help him we all tried and he failed as a customer. CRAZY I tell you!

    I had some drunk girl tell me I was "Da bomb dot com" I laughed my ass off. I've never heard that.

  • #2
    Who left his cage door open. =p

    As for the girl. Its been what nearly 14 years since I heard someone use 'Da Bomb'


    • #3
      Young idahoans still use it. I wish they'd explode and rid us all of their stupidity.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        I still here "Da Bomb" a lot. Not as much as a year or two ago, but still occasionally.

        14 years ago? Don't think I remember hearing it that far back.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          I remember seeing it sparingly on Family Matters....
          My Guide to Oblivion

          "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


          • #6
            It may have been around 14 yrs ago ( I was 12!!) but I still hear some people say it. Usually just being dumb about it.

