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Sunday Night Suckitude (LONG!)

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  • Sunday Night Suckitude (LONG!)

    **sigh** There are some nights where it'd be more productive for me to bang my head against a wall for seven hours, than to deal with customers. Tonight was one of them. Allow me to regale you with a few select tales from the evening.

    The Ice Queen
    This has nothing to do with ice, and everything to with being a frigid b*tch. That said, the characters in this tale are as follows:

    ME: Your friendly, helpful c-store clerk (who will be over in that corner there banging her head against the wall)
    IQ: The Ice Queen...nuff said

    ME: **looks outside, sees IQ standing by one of the pumps, glaring toward the store, arms folded over her chest, goes out to help her** Hi there! Did you want to pay inside tonight?
    IQ: No. I want to use my credit card.
    ME: Alright then! Let's see what the problem is.
    IQ: I put my credit card in, it asked if I wanted a receipt, I put the thing in my tank, and i have no pumping action! (yes she said 'pumping action'...I digress)
    ME: Alright, just a moment **runs back inside the store to grab a copy of the last receipt from that pump, thinking maybe she pumped and didn't get a receipt, then runs back outside** Let's check your card against this receipt **takes her card, checks it, the last 4 digits that show on the receipt don't match** Alright, well let's see if we can get this to work
    IQ: **stands there scowling, arms folded across her chest**This happened last time I was here, too!
    ME: **pops her card in the pump, selects yes she wants a receipt, lifts lever, and omg it works, shock and surprise** There you go!
    IQ: **says nothing, holds hand out**
    ME: **gives her cc back** Alright well have a good night! **goes back inside, fuming at the treatment I just got**

    First of all, lady, and I use the term loosely, if the same thing has happened before, I suspect the common link might be YOU. Second, a little politeness might be in order when the poor c-store clerk is running in and out of the store to help YOU. Third, next time, I'm leaving you there, glaring at me all night. Go ahead leave. I hope Karma bites you, HARD.

    That's Ridiculous!
    b/g: L & J were in the kitchen, making up pizza orders. They took an order in which the person had a coupon (which, I should note, they didn't know whether they should actually print out from the computer and bring in) for buy a large specialty, get a medium one topping free. I knew this was going to be bad, just because of the person not having sense enough to know that, yes, the coupon actually needed to be present to be used. Now, on to the story. Characters:

    ME: At this point, I just want to gtfo of there!
    CB: Coupon B*tch
    CBB: Coupon B*tch's bf

    CBF: **brings pizzas up to the counter**
    CB: Hello! **hands me the order slip and her lightly printed coupon**
    ME: Hi! **takes stuff, reads coupon, looks at order slip** Oh, I'm sorry, the coupon is buy a large specialty, get a medium single topping free.
    CB: Well doesn't **names medium pizza they got, NOT a single topping** count?
    ME: No, I'm afraid that's a specialty pizza
    CB: But he (note L took the order, L is female) said we could do it when we called!!
    ME: Just a moment. **goes back to consult with L, who confirms that they weren't specific about the coupon, saying only they got a free medium pizza, goes back up front** I'm sorry. Either way, our computer will not let me use the coupon for the pizzas you have.
    CB: This is ridiculous!**rant, complain, etc, finally pays and starts to leave in a huff** You say that (about the coupon being for a single topping) to your customers when you take the order!
    ME: Sorry for the misunderstanding. **sighs, moves on to the rest of the fairly large line that built up while they were there**

    What I wanted to say to her was: "There are a lot of things that I could say to you. If I said them, I'd get fired." Honestly, learn to read your coupons! How many times do I have to freakin' say it?? Of course, I didn't have very high expectations, since you, again, didn't know if you needed to actually bring the coupon in, and when you did, it was printed with barely enough ink to make it legible. Lastly, if you'd been remotely nice, I might've considered letting it pass. You chose to be a b*tch about it. No discounts for you!

    Oh, and to the guy who was grumpy because he had to wait for his pizza because L was busy: GET OVER IT. I got to it right away. Standing there grumping about "is there anyone back there?" and shaking your head like it's disgraceful won't get you anywhere. Needless to say, I killed you with kindness just to get to you. You have a WONDERFUL night now, SIR. The one positive to my night was when a regular customer, I'll call him S, stopped and helped me with my outside garbages (all four of them!) before going inside to order a pizza. Thank you, S! You're a real gentleman! Now, if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to curl up in a corner and try to erase the night's madness from my mind. Thanks for reading, and sorry about the length!
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

  • #2
    Regarding the coupon: did they think that "one topping" could be something like "meat"?
    Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


    • #3
      Most people would, and do, but this girl...No. She thought mac 'n' cheese (yes that's a kind of pizza) was a single topping, when in fact it's cheese, mac 'n' cheese, more cheese and even more cheese. I just wanted to her!!
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

