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And People Wonder Why I Drink....

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  • And People Wonder Why I Drink....

    Welcome to the Romper Room Bar!

    I love my job. I really do. But a recent decision by management has me aggravated to no end. Because we are a “family restaurant,” the Boss Man has decided that we will no longer have a rule of no one under 21 sitting at the bar. Obviously no one under 21 can drink (that’s a law, after all), but now anyone can sit at the bar, and people can have their children there too. Though at night, after the kitchen closes, the old rule will be back in effect.

    In theory, I understand his reasoning. We ARE a restaurant, and a family-friendly one. But we also are a bar, and we show a lot of sporting events, and there are a lot of times people will be at the bar using all kinds of coarse language. If and when people get uncomfortable using such language around children, they will patronize another place for their sporting events.

    And frankly, it is my opinion that children don’t belong at a bar. Period. Take yesterday. Near the end of my shift, a family of five comes in, and they head straight to the bar. The father lifts his oldest child (maybe five?) on to a bar stool, and the kid immediately dumps his toy dinosaurs (or soldiers, or whatever they were) on to the bar and begins playing with them while Dad orders drinks for Mom and himself. Add to this that one of the other children was alternating whining and screeching at the parents, and it was all I could do to keep a straight face and not kill them all. (No jury would have found it to be unjustified.) Luckily for me, they decided to take their drinks to go (something you can do in this town), but I know such a situation is coming that is going to drive me batty.

    Meh. Complete and total meh.

    I Wonder If They Have a Twelve-Step Program for This

    I am somewhat addicted to Golden Tee, a popular golf video game which many of may be familiar with. This is rather ironic, considering my lack of interest in actual golf, either as a participant or a spectator. That being said, I now know for certain it is a true addiction, due to my ridiculous excitement yesterday at getting my first hole-in-one in about seven years. (To be fair, it was a very sweet shot!)

    Down Under ID Fun

    Three Twentysomething guys come in to the bar the other day and order drinks. Due to their youthful appearance, I ask for ID’s. Despite their Australian accent, one provides a British driver’s license. This is fine, as I can accept those, and see enough of them to recognize it. The second guy shows me a “Proof of Age Card” from, I presume, Australia. Frankly, it didn’t matter where it was from.

    JESTER: “I’m sorry, I can’t accept that ID.”
    SC: “Why not?”
    JESTER: “Because under Florida law, I can only accept certain forms of ID for alcohol purchases, and that is not one of them.”
    SC: “What? But you took his?”
    JESTER: “Yes. He has a driver’s license. I can accept that. I can also accept a passport. The only other ID’s I can accept besides those are US Armed Forces ID cards and State-Issued ID cards.”
    SC: “This IS a state-issued ID card!”
    JESTER: “It has to be a U.S. State, sir.”
    SC: “But why?
    JESTER: “Because that is all that Florida law will allow me to take.”
    SC: “But WHY?”

    This probably would have continued for a while longer, but luckily for me the first guy intervened and convinced his friend that I had to, you know, follow the fucking law.

    I hate it when I explain the law to them very calmly and succinctly, and they still question me as if I can just wave my hand and change the law. So to these folks who think like this, and/or the people who don’t understand why I can’t just ignore the law altogether or change reality: fuck off!

    Common Conversation

    JESTER: “Would you like a to go cup for your drink?”
    CUSTOMER: “What? We can drink on the streets here?”
    JESTER: “Yep.”
    CUSTOMER: “Really?”
    JESTER: “Yep.”
    JESTER: “Absolutely.”

    Yes. Really. Really really.

    Annoying Semi-Common Conversation

    SC: “Do you have any rum from [country]?”
    JESTER: “No, sorry, we don’t.”
    SC: “Are you sure?”
    JESTER: “Yes. But we do have 150 or so other rums.” Big smile.
    SC: “I’m sure. But we had our heart sent on some rum from [country].” Leaves.

    My apologies for not having every rum ever made from every corner of the galaxy. And further apologies for not having the rotgut that you were asking for, that every person with taste says is comparable to paint thinner. And my deepest apologies for you actually thinking that THAT is good rum, for considering yourself a “rum drinker,” and for not showing the slightest sense of adventure by trying something new.

    Jester the All-Knowing, Part 1

    CUSTOMER: “Do you know if we can get this rum up where we live?”

    Sure. Let me just tap into the psychic energy of the universe, direct my astral self to Mosquito Sweat, Ohio, and search the stock of every liquor store within 50 miles to ascertain that. After all, the fact that I live in Florida, over a thousand miles from where you live, should not limit my knowledge of the distribution potential for our 150+ rums that we carry. Let me get right on that.

    (Yes, I get this question constantly. At least once a week, if not once a day.)

    Jester the All-Knowing, Part 2

    CUSTOMER: “Where are all the people at today?” OR “Which bars are happening today?” OR “Where are all the hot chicks at today?”

    Despite the fact that I am working in THIS bar, and have been here since an hour before we opened (and an hour after I woke up), and thus have not been out and about doing recon for your social needs, wants, and desires, I should have no problem with this query. Let me just close my eyes and listen in to the Universal Buzz so I can most accurately pinpoint, from within this bar, the other bars in town that are most hopping. Let me get right on that.

    (Yes, I get these questions constantly as well. At least once a week, if not once a day.)

    Jester the All-Knowing, Part 3

    “Am I going to like this?”
    “Will that be enough food for me?”
    “Will that be too much food for me?”
    “Will that be too spicy for me?”
    “What’s good?”

    Although I have only known you 4.5 seconds, know none of your likes and dislikes, and have no idea what your particular appetite is like, I am a Bartender, and as such will be able to simply look at you and answer these questions you have concerning your personal taste and eating abilities. Let me get right on that.

    (Pretty much every bartender and food server gets these questions constantly. At least once a day, if not hourly.)

    Philosophical Point—Debate It If You Want To

    I have noticed that, generally speaking, the customers who preface their question with the statement, “I have a stupid question,” generally speaking, are more intelligent and have more intelligent questions than the people who don’t. My thought on this is that if you are aware enough to worry that your question may be stupid, it probably isn’t. Further, I think that anyone who says, “I want to do something annoying” or “I am going to be difficult here” generally are not near as annoying or difficult as A. they think they are, and B. the really difficult and annoying people.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.

    The Cheap Bastard Roll Call

    Every single one of these people was American, and thus familiar with the social custom of tipping.

    And yet there was the three louder older people who left me $2.25 on $23.
    The four ladies who left me $2.75 on $26.
    The three women and one guy who left me $4 on $54.
    These were all within an hour.
    But I can let these people off with just a muttered curse upon their families, for maybe they miscounted, maybe there was miscommunication among the group, and maybe they were not as familiar as the vast majority of Americans are with this social custom.

    But the one guy I can’t let off the hook was the jackass who came in with Bar Money. To the various concierges and other people in positions to do so who give away our coupons and get people in our bar, we kick back a certain amount of “Bar Money” that is, in essence, a gift certificate redeemable at our establishment only. Basically we’re giving them free food and drinks. And the overwhelming majority of people who use these are great. But this dude came in, bought some drinks, used Bar Money to pay for them…and then he didn’t even have the decency to pretend to forget to tip me. No, King Cheap Bastard had the gall to tell me he didn’t have any money with him, but he would be back later to get another round and tip me then. Anyone want to guess when he returned with said tip?

    If you guessed “Never,” pat yourself on the back, because you are Absolutely Right.

    If You’re Lucky Enough to Be Alive, You’re Lucky Enough.

    My Rockin’ Manager’s best friend Happy from up north last week, without warning, had a heart attack one day, a stroke the next, was put into an induced coma, and after that the family was given a choice of her being a vegetable or them pulling the plug. They pulled the plug and let her die.

    I am not here to debate the rightness or wrongness of the family’s decision, though I agree with it, as did RM. I am here to remind you to cherish your time in this life and to enjoy every day you have, as you never know when it will end. Far too often, it ends too soon.

    Some might question why I would put this here in the “Sucky Customers” section. Personally, I think Happy would get a kick out of it. I have to tell you that Happy was always smiling, always enjoying her time when she was down here in Key West, and always had fun. She was an absolute blast to be around, she had a great sense of humor, and I liked her a lot.

    Happy was a week older than me. She was only 39. So please, have fun. Enjoy your day, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. Make the best of bad situations, and find positive where others only find negatives. Eat. Drink. Be merry. For tomorrow, my friends, we die.
    To Happy! Miss ya, girl….and the next cold one’s for you.
    Last edited by Jester; 05-29-2010, 11:25 PM.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    I can honestly say that I refuse to go to any bar that allows children in the area where people are drinking or watching sports or playing darts/pool/dancing etc.

    If it's a bar/grill place where families do go, I don't get upset, because kids aren't allowed at the actual bar area.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth blas View Post
      If it's a bar/grill place where families do go, I don't get upset, because kids aren't allowed at the actual bar area.
      And for years, kids weren't allowed at the bar at my job, either. They were allowed in the area due to the location of the rest rooms and video games, just not at the bar itself. But now, they're allowed at the bar, too.

      It's times like this where I wish it was actually a law that they weren't. I repeat: Meh.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        I ask for ID’s. Despite their Australian accent, one provides a British driver’s license
        This bit just stuck out to me because i think (although not being their i obviously can't say for sure) they probably were english. Alot of my friends and myself have been to america and have the locals of wherever we maybe think we're australian, something i don't quite get as i don't see the similarity in accents.

        Asfar as that rule being taken away to let kids be at the bar i do agree with you. I can see the reasons why but the problems of being exposed to certain words as you said is surely a big reason to keep the rule because i could see it resulting in arguments between people using said language and the parents of children.


        • #5
          Some high power needs to give you smite power. For the people who don't take the time to listen while you explain a rule or a law. LOL Least then you'd have a bit of entertainment.


          • #6
            I'm amazed you can take your drink and go....there is no WAY that would be allowed here. Any alcohol purchases have to be sealed and in a bag so it's hidden.

            kids are definitely not allowed in the bars here......thank god.
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #7
              Regarding the Aussies, a proof of age card is basically as it sounds: not a drivers licence, just a card with your name, address, photo and date of birth on it. And for all intents and purposes, it is a legal form of ID in Australia.
              I have one and use it when I go out, so if I lose it, I can still drive.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...


              • #8
                I have noticed that, generally speaking, the customers who preface their question with the statement, “I have a stupid question,” generally speaking, are more intelligent and have more intelligent questions than the people who don’t. My thought on this is that if you are aware enough to worry that your question may be stupid, it probably isn’t. Further, I think that anyone who says, “I want to do something annoying” or “I am going to be difficult here” generally are not near as annoying or difficult as A. they think they are, and B. the really difficult and annoying people.
                I do that, and every single time, they say "I thought you said it was a stupid question?" and smile at me. It always feels like a dumb question, though, honest! It makes me sad for humanity, a little.
                "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Quoth blas View Post
                  I can honestly say that I refuse to go to any bar that allows children in the area where people are drinking or watching sports or playing darts/pool/dancing etc.

                  If it's a bar/grill place where families do go, I don't get upset, because kids aren't allowed at the actual bar area.
                  Correct me if I'm wrong Jester but isn't it illegal to have minors in a bar? Ugh...bad tippers suck! If you're too cheap to drink at a bar, get your own damn drinks and have them at home, ya cheap sons a bitches! I'm not a big drinker but when I drink I like something nice and sweet (maybe a little tart and tang in it) with the good booze in it .Asking for some cheap or low quality rum is like asking somebody to make me a Seabreeze with Skol instead of Grey Goose. Sorry to hear about your friend.
                  Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 05-30-2010, 04:02 AM.
                  I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                  Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                  Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                  • #10
                    Jester, if I were with you, I'd drink one in Happy's honor with you. She sounds like she was an amazing person that one would consider themselves lucky to know.
                    The original Cookie in a multitude of cookies.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      JESTER: “It has to be a U.S. State, sir.”
                      SC: “But why?
                      JESTER: “Because that is all that Florida law will allow me to take.”
                      SC: “But WHY?”
                      What is this guy, two years old? That's what this reminded me of! Imagine, if you will, a two-year-old, looking at his mom, going "But WHY, Mommy?" Yeah. There you have it. Sorry you deal with overgrown toddlers, Jester! Oh and I agree with the whole being happy to be alive thing too!
                      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        [/I] Common Conversation

                        JESTER: “Would you like a to go cup for your drink?”
                        CUSTOMER: “What? We can drink on the streets here?”
                        JESTER: “Yep.”
                        CUSTOMER: “Really?”
                        JESTER: “Yep.”
                        CUSTOMER: ”REALLY?!?”
                        JESTER: “Absolutely.”

                        Yes. Really. Really really.
                        I hope this has been enlightening. Thank you come again.
                        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                        • #13
                          Congrats on the hole in one! I left you a note under another name.

                          I go into a bar to get away from kids. No toys on bars! "Cept grown-up ones.
                          Last edited by Exaspera; 05-30-2010, 03:16 AM. Reason: speeling
                          Dull women have immaculate homes.


                          • #14
                            Quoth chaliceofblood View Post
                            This bit just stuck out to me because i think they probably were english. Alot of my friends and myself have been to america and have the locals of wherever we maybe think we're australian, something i don't quite get as i don't see the similarity in accents.
                            The reason I thought they were Australian was because their accents sounded very Australian, not British, AND they were asking about an Australian rum. Kind of leads me to believe they were Australian, though as always I reserve the right to be horribly and embarrassingly wrong.

                            Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                            Some high power needs to give you smite power. For the people who don't take the time to listen while you explain a rule or a law.
                            If I had the power to smite stupid or annoying customers, I would have a pile of bodies that would block the doors to my bar. That might not work out too well.

                            Quoth telecom_goddess View Post
                            I'm amazed you can take your drink and go....there is no WAY that would be allowed here.
                            One of the great things about Key West is the drinks to go. It is one of the only places in the U.S. where you can do that, along with New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Savannah. There may be one or two others, though I am unaware of them. It is something you definitely do get quite used to.

                            Quoth fireheart17 View Post
                            Regarding the Aussies, a proof of age card is basically as it sounds: not a drivers licence, just a card with your name, address, photo and date of birth on it. And for all intents and purposes, it is a legal form of ID in Australia.
                            Right. I understand that. And as these guys didn't seem to understand, my bar is not in Australia, but in Florida. So I have to go by Florida law, not Australian law. This is a common problem I deal with. "But this is allowed where we're from." And you're in Kansas anymore, now are you Dorothy?

                            Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                            Correct me if I'm wrong Jester but isn't it illegal to have minors in a bar?
                            Yes and no. If the establishment is purely a bar, then yes. If it is a restaurant with a bar, then no. There is no law in Florida prohibiting minors from sitting at a bar in a restaurant. Most bars just have their own rules about that, and most prohibit it. As did we till last week.

                            Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                            Asking for some cheap or low quality rum is like asking somebody to make me a Seabreeze with Skol instead of Grey Goose.
                            Life is too short for cheap rum.

                            Quoth incognitocook View Post
                            Jester, if I were with you, I'd drink one in Happy's honor with you. She sounds like she was an amazing person that one would consider themselves lucky to know.
                            She was. I did.

                            Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
                            Sorry you deal with overgrown toddlers, Jester!
                            The main difference between drunks and children is that you can send children to their room.

                            Quoth Exaspera View Post
                            I go into a bar to get away from kids. No toys on bars! "Cept grown-up ones.
                            Yes, yes, a thousand times, YES!

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                              Correct me if I'm wrong Jester but isn't it illegal to have minors in a bar?.
                              Contrary to a lot of peoples beliefs, there are still some very small towns in America (I know of one in NE) where the bar is the place entire families go on Friday or Sat night. The one I know, the kids watch the adults play pool, or play themselves if tall enough, or talk and play with each other. Being small towns, no one has a chance to get away with fudging their age - the bartender knows everyone in a good 75-100 mile radius. (and the town is so small it has two streets. A main street <about 5 building each side on it!> and a cross street <with I think 6 buildings total last time I saw it>)

