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Coupons are hard!

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  • Coupons are hard!

    This is more of a WTF than a suck.

    A customer comes in and is buying at least twenty boxes of Kool-Aid Jammers. (Kool-Aid in Capri-Sun type pouches, for those who don't know.) She also has a bunch of coupons for 75 cents off the Jammers.

    I start ringing them up, she tells me 'Those are supposed to be x.xx not x.xx.' I say, 'I know. They'll be that price once we use the coupons, don't worry.'

    She stares at me blankly and I try to explain again. She then goes, 'I don't want them anymore, take them off.'

    I call my manager over to help me void them and put them with the returns. 'She doesn't want any of the KAJ anymore, we need to take them off.'

    'All the ones in her cart?'

    'All of them.'

    'What about the ones right here?'

    'All of them.'

    'The one in this bag?'


    I suppose that counts as a manager WTF too. What was so hard to understand about 'price after coupon'?
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    Probably an inability to read and understand simple things.

    I refuse to believe that people are that stupid.

    I do feel your pain.

    Our company has certain specials that give the customer a certain amount of money back in the form of a coupon (RR, for short) that they can use on their next purchase. Tags for these items will display:

    Price: 4 for $14
    Minus RR from purchase: $3
    Like paying: 4 for $11

    It's all clearly labeled too. RRs pop out of our coupon printer AFTER the transaction and RRs are used for the NEXT purchase. Well, some people don't seem to get that.

    "Where's the coupon for this sale?"
    Me: "Oh, that's the RR that you receive after you purchase the item(s)."
    "So, I can't use it now."
    Me: "Sorry, but no."
    "So, I have to buy it first then I get the RR?"
    Me: "Yes."
    "...Uuhmm, ok."

    "Those are supposed to be five dollars off!!!"
    Me: "Not quite, you get the five dollars back in the form of a RR after you pay the full sales price for it."
    "What? What do you mean?"
    Me: "You have to pay the full price for this item. After the transaction is complete, then it (the coupon printer) will pop out your $5 RR that you can use on your next purchase."
    "Ugh, I don't want it."
    In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.


    • #3
      excellent Richard reference! Cookies for everyone who knows what the hell I'm talking about.
      Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

      "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


      • #4
        I hate those price after rebate or need coupon for this price things. but I deal with them.

        Actually at my work the geniuses at corprate need to learn basic math, because the cost savings that advertise over regular price is completely wrong and technically they could be forced to make good on the avertised amount you save. Ex) 2 for $10, save $6, well, they normally 7 a piece, or a total of $14 normally. so if they are 2 for $10, you really save $4. Which to me is false advertising
        I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


        • #5
          I refuse to believe that people are that stupid.
          tony, tony, tony, *shakes head* you should know better by now-of course they're that stupid.

          what boggles my mind is how many people are actually like this, and it seems like there are more of them every day.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Quoth TonyF View Post
            Our company has certain specials that give the customer a certain amount of money back in the form of a coupon (RR, for short) that they can use on their next purchase. Tags for these items will display:

            Price: 4 for $14
            Minus RR from purchase: $3
            Like paying: 4 for $11

            It's all clearly labeled too. RRs pop out of our coupon printer AFTER the transaction and RRs are used for the NEXT purchase. Well, some people don't seem to get that.
            Honestly, that would confuse the hell out of me, too, since it seems to imply that the price right now will be $11, except for the word "like" on the sign. That right there tells me that I won't really be paying $11, and it's actually some sort of marketing speak that I will then summarily ignore, and thus, will no longer have any confusion.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Stupidity is a virus that most people appear to have caught.
              Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

