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Psycho B******

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  • Psycho B******

    I've been working in a call center for 8 years or so and have pretty much heard everything but every once and a while I get someone who re-writes the book on nastiness..

    So this psycho woman calls in today.. She's upset because she's not able to connect to her internet. As some of you know, sometimes it takes a while to bring up customer information. I said "one moment" a few times (politely) and the crazy bitch says if you say that one more time I'm going to talk to your supervisor. Then she proceeds to scream and yell at me for 10 minutes; not to mention the condescending personal remarks and other nastiness. I wasn't able to do my job properly and pretty much skipped the entire decision flow. In situations like these, what we're supposed to say is "Please keep this conversation professional.." or "Please keep your language professional". We're not allowed to hang up, unfortunately..Anyways luckily, it was a transfer to another department...Thank goodness that most people I deal with aren't like her or else I would go crazy..

    I'll never understand how someone can be so nasty to someone that they don't even know. I should be used to this by now and I am to a certain extent but this crazy b***** really rattled me and 7 hours later I'm still unnerved.

    I can understand being irate if something is not working but there is no need to get personal and mean. I guess some people get pleasure in taking out there frustrations in life out on other people. She obviously has other issues in her life..Anyone who treats people like doormats on a daily basis can't have too much going for them in real life anyways...