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Hey, Impatience. Come to California and you and I will fight.

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  • Hey, Impatience. Come to California and you and I will fight.

    The day before Father's Day. As per usual on the day before every 'holiday,' there's an influx of people coming in and out of the store. With more people, I can expect more problems, mainly impatience.

    NO! Do it now!

    She might as well have said that. I was covering my co-worker for his 15. I'm at the front register while there is a lady at one of my kiosks looking to make a DVD. Well, she needs help getting started and my poor manager barely knows how to run film, let alone help her with creating a DVD. Through the register beeping and booping, I could hear my manager explain to the lady that he didn't have the know-how to assist her and would swap with me so I could play hero.

    She asks if we could make the swap right now. We would have if the pharmacy wasn't frantically calling for change and refunds in their corner of the building. This is explained to her and this isn't good enough for her. I couldn't put together what she said but after she spoke, she stomped out of the store. Hopefully to never return.

    I cannot wait a few more seconds!

    Fine with me, dude. I was seriously almost done.

    After I finish helping my front register co-worker with a quick line, I go back to my post. I get stopped by an older man asking me where a few things were, and I point out where he could find them. I normally point it out instead of walking people over, my descriptions are quite specific when they have to be.

    I notice that the photo paper processor has exhausted its current 6 inch paper magazine. So, I whip out the portable darkroom and set up shop to change the paper. I was taught that once I opened the bag of new paper, I should not take my arms back out of the darkroom, as I might let in a small beam of light and ruin the paper. After a few minutes, I'm finishing up. The man comes back with all of his items but one, and he needs help finding it. I explain that I need a few more seconds with the paper and I'll be free. This isn't good enough for him. He drops his basket of items on the ground in front of my counter and leaves. I literally took my arms out two seconds later.

    Her + my machine = An extra hour of Modern Warfare 2 tonight

    This one isn't 100% on her, but I take no blame. Plus, the way she handled this really wasn't the best way.

    A lady had claimed one of the kiosks for herself tonight. Meaning, she was on it for almost three hours. Three-week vacation. And she was cropping, enhancing, and doctoring up EACH one. When she finally finishes, she comes up to my counter and I'm summoned over there, I normally work on the floor when I'm not pinned back in the lab.

    I confirm the order and everything's fine when I notice her stretching and do some half-assed squats. She then noted that the chair we had at the kiosk was too uncomfortable and her legs hurt from standing there so long. Pain felt. I said sorry (though I don't know what for) and went to process her order.

    Now, here's where my lab comes into play. It's evil. It's chooses to mess up and have problems whenever it feels like. I am not kidding.

    This gigantic order is printed out just fine. I go to box the prints when I notice something....odd. Most of the prints are blank, white, nothing! Crap. She's coming back in a few minutes, I need to work fast.

    I look at the original order, and for some reason, all of the images on the screen corresponding to the hard prints were also blank! I clearly saw that they weren't when she was ordering them. So, I delete the order from the system and use the kiosk to re-send the order. It's a big order so I can't produce it in a few minutes.

    Enter the lady. I explain what happened and show her the blank prints. She's none too happy and I understand that. I then say that I re-sent the order and this one does, in fact, have all of its prints intact. I think you know what comes next.

    Her: But the promised time was 8pm!
    Me: I understand, but as I was saying, I don't know how this problem arose. The re-sent order has all of the images good so I just need to print them.
    Her: But I need them now. I'm going to visit someone tonight.
    Me: I can't make the machine go any faster, I need another half hour. I'm sorry.

    The manager had to be called. Good. He can deal with it while I tend to other things. I could hear them go at it.

    Her: This isn't my problem. I just want my pictures.
    Manager: I know. He (me) is reprinting them right now. Tony, how much longer?
    Me: At least twenty more minutes.
    Her: I can't wait that long. I have to go out of town. I think I should get this for free.
    Manager: We can't do that.
    Her: Why not? I was at that damn kiosk for almost three hours. My knees are sore, my feet hurt, and I now I'm in a rush.

    The time you spent at the kiosk is our fault?

    Manager: I'm sorry, we cannot give this to you for free.
    Her: Ugh, this is bull. It's after the promised time.
    Manager: Well, we did have it for you before the time but we didn't know this problem was going to happen, but we-
    Her, cutting off: Whatever, I'll come back tomorrow.

    Shooting us dirty glares, she leaves. Might see her tomorrow.
    In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.

  • #2
    Dude, they NEED to give you one of the punch clowns. So you can take out frustration.. or maybe some mallets to take care of the issue with machines :P (If nothing else, YOU will feel better..)


    • #3
      Quoth superhotelworker View Post
      Dude, they NEED to give you one of the punch clowns. So you can take out frustration.. or maybe some mallets to take care of the issue with machines :P (If nothing else, YOU will feel better..)
      Good Idea, except you need to set the clown in front of the SC and tell them you will be right back when they are done bitching.....

      OH god I want to do this.
      I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


      • #4
        Quoth TonyF View Post
        I couldn't put together what she said but after she spoke, she stomped out of the store. Hopefully to never return.
        She'll be back.
        There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413


        • #5
          Hate to tell ya this, but Impatience already lives in our fair state. A single day at my place of employment would be enough to tell you that.


          • #6
            Quoth underemployeed View Post
            Good Idea, except you need to set the clown in front of the SC and tell them you will be right back when they are done bitching.....

            OH god I want to do this.
            One of our sister stores has a 8 inch Garden Gnome on the front counter that the manager calls the Complaint Dept. the corp office people are not too happy with that at all.
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #7
              Her: Why not? I was at that damn kiosk for almost three hours. My knees are sore, my feet hurt, and I now I'm in a rush.
              well, if she had a computer, it would be much simpler to do all the cropping and poking and prodding at home, rather than take THREE stinking hours to do it. seriously, they're not pro quality, so stop being a whiner already.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                One of our sister stores has a 8 inch Garden Gnome on the front counter that the manager calls the Complaint Dept.
                A store I used to frequent had a plastic halloween skull on the counter with a Complaint Dept sign taped below it. I almost busted a gut first time I saw it, and made a point of patting it on the head every time I was in. But I'll bet the SCs didn't appreciate it.


                • #9
                  Quoth TonyF View Post
                  Her: Ugh, this is bull. It's after the promised time.
                  Cancel the reprint, hand her the blank photos. "This is the extent of what you got by the time it was promised. If you want the actual photos, you'll have to wait another twenty minutes while the machine reprints them."
                  "I call murder on that!"

