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Oldies but true.

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  • Oldies but true.

    And oh so annoying still.

    Give me a moment to access that, THEN give me your info, please.

    M: Thank you for calling Rent-A-Share this is Demise, can I start with your owner number, please?
    G: number andmynamiesfastjunkieandiliveatblabbetyblahstreeti nstupidstatezicodeyakketyyakdontcomebackwithemails tupid@stupid
    M: and just one moment while I pull up your account sir. [pause] I'm sorry, I didn't catch all of that, may I have your name and zi--
    G: andmynamiesfastjunkieandiliveatblabbetyblahstreeti nstupidstatezicodeyakketyyakdontcomebackwithemails tupid@stupid
    Oh, FFS, there is a method to my madness and I can't help you if you jump the gun and answer questions I haven't asked nor probably won't.

    Then don't get pissed off at me.

    C: I know you probably won't have it as I am calling rather late but, could you possibly have anything available for fourth of July in Orlando in a four bedroom condo?
    M: I do apologize m'am, but since this is a major holiday, especially one of the few families can travel together, we are completely booked solid.
    M: I do see you own at this particular location, would you be interested in booking for 4th of July 2011? You can book that today for being an owner.
    C: NO. I don't wanna book now for next year because I don't know what I'll be doing then, damnit. This is stupid! I should get the unit I want when I want.

    You already acknowledged it is *difficult* to book for major holidays with a week and a half's notice and the most irritating part is that this is a conversation we have with you I've offered a way out and you no takey. Don't get pissy at me, lady.

    I want to go see the ocean, its lovely murky, oily goodness.

    M: No, I am completely booked in the Destin/Panama City area until August. Despite the oil spill and the fact that the beaches are closed, people still want to travel there.
    C: I know they're closed but that means I can still swim in the water, right? And the sand has no tarballs and stuff, right?
    M: ...
    C: hello, you still there?
    M: The beaches are closed because they are completely trashed with oil, sir. No one is allowed within a certain amount of feet of the ocean because it is toxic. May I suggest X location, it is a little bit inland but it has six different pools and a gym facility as well as several activities for the children.
    C: I don't wanna go to X location because it'll be crowded. The beach won't and y'all are still taking reservations... so why can't your staff go out there and clean up a bit of beach for my kids to play with?

    By all means, be my guest. Join the oil-covered dolphins and frolic in the sunset. I know the poor animals don't have a choice in their doom but.. prove Darwin right.

    Can't ya'll just use a canoe?

    This one happened during the flooding in Nasville.

    G: I just saw that the hotel I'm visiting is flooded, does that mean I can't check in?
    M: That would be, sir and I do apologize. Since the hotel is rather close to the river, the whole first floor is flooded. I am afraid we will not be taking any more reservations and all check in is suspended until further notice. Due to the inconvenience, you are more than welcome to cancel your reservation and get all fees and time booked restored for later use.
    G: but the second floor and up are fine, right?
    M: that would be correct sir, but the front desk is submerged under eight feet of water.
    G: can't ya'll just use a canoe and let us into our unit?

    And the sad, selfish thing is that he wasn't kidding. When it became apparent that we weren't going to let him and his family check in, he got angry because it was OUR FAULT he was going to lose so much money in flights, accommodations and tickets to the awards show. He didn't even care that NO ONE would be at the hotel to let him in or that the staff/guests were being evacuated as we spoke.

    Take it up with Mother Nature, sir, she'll give you a refund.
    Last edited by AnqeiicDemise; 06-25-2010, 08:04 AM.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    Regarding the Beach Bastard: Oh how I wish it was just that easy! We'll just get all the workers from all the hotels to come out with their towels and their housekeeping carts and they'll have those beaches cleared up in no time! Put a little Pinesol in the water to clear up the oil, maybe leave mints on the life guard stands, and everything will be back to normal.

    Stupid dipshits.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      So the Beach and Flood SC's expect a big sponge to soak up all the oil and flood water so they can still have their vacations?! I think not. It's apparent that reservations SC doesn't know the concept of booking in ADVANCE for holiday reservations. Dumbasses.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        Can't ya'll just use a canoe?

        This one happened during the flooding in Nasville.

        G: I just saw that the hotel I'm visiting is flooded, does that mean I can't check in?
        M: That would be, sir and I do apologize. Since the hotel is rather close to the river, the whole first floor is flooded. I am afraid we will not be taking any more reservations and all check in is suspended until further notice. Due to the inconvenience, you are more than welcome to cancel your reservation and get all fees and time booked restored for later use.
        G: but the second floor and up are fine, right?
        M: that would be correct sir, but the front desk is submerged under eight feet of water.
        G: can't ya'll just use a canoe and let us into our unit?

        And the sad, selfish thing is that he wasn't kidding. When it became apparent that we weren't going to let him and his family check in, he got angry because it was OUR FAULT he was going to lose so much money in flights, accommodations and tickets to the awards show. He didn't even care that NO ONE would be at the hotel to let him in or that the staff/guests were being evacuated as we spoke.

        Take it up with Mother Nature, sir, she'll give you a refund.
        Why sure thang! We'll just row y'all to your rooms, no problem! We'll also hand out some big ol' clubs so's y'all can club your own dinners, catfish and fire ants du jour!
        Dull women have immaculate homes.


        • #5
          I'd say send the beach bum to the beach! Let him and his family see for themselves the greatest ecological disaster man has ever done to this planet! Then he may realize it will take more than one hotel's staff to clean this one up!
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


          • #6
            Hmm, will they get a discount if they clean their own spot on the beach?
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth Exaspera View Post
              Why sure thang! We'll just row y'all to your rooms, no problem! We'll also hand out some big ol' clubs so's y'all can club your own dinners, catfish and fire ants du jour!
              Just one problem. The catfish have M-16's and will fight back.
              Bark like a chicken!


              • #8
                Has the beach SC been under a rock since all of the Gulf stuff started?!
                Dull women have immaculate homes.


                • #9
                  Maybe we should take bottles of "Dawn" and go fight the oil ourselves?

                  Let him go to the beach. Then start a fire.
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

