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So much crazy...

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  • So much crazy...

    In my little gift shop, in order to cut back on hours, each day that isn't leading up to some sort of holiday, we all open and work alone for 2-3 hours. Generally, this isn't such a big deal, but yesterday... I think its partially because I was just gone on vacation for a week and a half. All the suckage I missed decided to come back and bite me in the butt my first day back.

    My store opens at 10am. I get there at 9:30 to open the registers, do morning chores, that sort of thing. Punched in at 9:30, had the drawers open at 9:35, and was bringing them out to put in the registers. I notice a woman standing outside the gate staring at me. The store's not open, only half the lights are on, and I'm not going to see what she wants. After standing there for ten minutes, she yells at me through the gate to ask what time we open... Same time as the rest of the stores in this mall, lady. I answer and go back to what I'm doing. Ten rolls around and I open the gate, and this woman is still there. She shoots me a snotty thank you and comes in to look at some purses, then complain the price is too high and that I should be more accommodating to people who are waiting and open a little early for them. Uh, no. Posted time is 10am. If that's not early enough for you, go to Target or Walmart.

    I get back to my morning list and a man comes in, goes to look at some decorative plates for a little while, then finally comes to me. Just from the way he's talking, the first few words make me dread what's to come. He asks me if I can help him in finding a gift for an exchange student who has been staying at his parents' house and is getting ready to go back home. Then he launches into his life story about all the things they did together and how this kid is the best friend he hasn't had in forever... bla bla bla. Okay buddy, I don't need to hear your life story. Its barely 10:30 in the morning, I haven't had nearly enough coffee to listen to you babble about random crap. I show him a few things that I thought might interest him based on what he said they did and he decides our selection isn't good enough. Then he wants a gift for another friend and launches into another life story. All together, time sucked up by babbling man that could've been used to finish up my morning to-do list? 50 minutes.

    But to top off my first day back... We sell some animals in my store. Hermit crabs and these frog things that live under water. I'm cleaning out the hermit crab tank and this "lady" comes in and begins asking me about how to take care of them. She's all polite and friendly, so there aren't any red flags. I explain how to care for them, the types of foods they can be given, how to bathe them, the whole nine. She keeps looking as I put away the stuff I was using to clean their tank and then get the food to feed the frogs. I start that task and "lady" comes walking over... and goes completely apesh*t on me.

    SC: OMG I can't believe you have those frogs in those tanks and all under water like that! They need land to live and you cant feed them those pellet things, they need to eat bugs! *Rawr, rawr, babble, rant*

    Me: Ma'am, these frogs live out their lives entirely under water, they don't get any larger than they are now, they are in fact very well fed and probably wouldn't know what to do if they saw an insect as they are all bred and raised in captivity and have never eaten anything but these special pellets meant to give them all the nutrition they need.

    SC: I'm going to call PETA on you! Or... animal control! *continues screaming at me, getting more unintelligible*

    Me: Ma'am, if you want to call PETA, go ahead. They've gotten after us before and it didn't do any good, and if you'd like to complain, I can also get you our corporate number.

    SC: I'm calling PETA and they will boycott your store! *getting more and more shrill* I can't believe you would work in a place that keeps animals like this, you're a horrible person!

    Me: Okay, that's more than enough. You need to leave or I am calling security. And for your information, these frogs are taken care of just as meticulously as the hermit crabs you were so interested in buying just a few minutes ago.

    SC: *gets all huffy, stares at me for a minute, spins on her heel, and leaves*

    ...I think I'm not going on vacation again for a while, they all ganged up on me at once!

  • #2
    Lemme Guess... African Dwarf Frogs? I've a pair of them and they "live" on the bottom of my 30 gallon community tank under the Java Moss Balls
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      The first two were just sucky. The last one? Can we say under-informed?? I don't even know that much about frogs, and I know what you're talking about! Go home, or to the library, or somewhere, and look it up, lady! Oh, and as for time waster guy--Too bad you couldn't charge him a few dollars for every, say, ten minutes he wasted. I'll bet he would've shut up then!
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


      • #4
        So, PETA lady wanted you to do what, exactly? Walk the tank of frogs out of the store and dump them... I mean, set them free in the nearest sewer drain? Plenty of bugs down there.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          Yep, they are African Dwarf Frogs. Generally we don't get too much guff over them... however, someone did make a call to our local animal control over our hermit crabs last week while I was on vacation. My asst manager told me about it and that the officer ended up saying they were probably the best cared for animals she'd ever seen before she left. So I don't know what crawls up peoples' butts sometimes, but they really need to get a grip.

          And I'm really not sure what the PETA lady wanted me to do. I mean, stop and think... these things are raised in captivity, nowhere around here would match what would actually be their habitat if they were in the wild, and they'd likely just get eaten by predators right away. Plus, other stores would still have them. I understand the whole animal rights thing and I respect it, but 99 times out of 100, those PETA jerks go way too far.


          • #6
            Personally, I respect the ASPCA, Humane Society, and local animal shelters more than PETA; they're all talk and don't do enough for animals.

            I have one of those tanks with the Dwarf Frogs; it's cool how it's a self-contained environment. They're fun to watch and they sing to me while I'm working at the computer.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              Quoth LillFilly View Post
              Personally, I respect the ASPCA, Humane Society, and local animal shelters more than PETA; they're all talk and don't do enough for animals.
              Anything I have to say about PETA, as an organization is fratching material, so I won't.

              For the 'early riser' and the 'life-story' guy, well, that seems fairly average in suck, overall. I found that I'd get at least one or the other on a daily basis (or the opposite of the early-riser after closing) back when I worked in an LCBO.

