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I Need to See the Information on Your ID

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  • I Need to See the Information on Your ID

    Yesterday, a customer wanted to cash a payroll check and she handed me her ID before I put it through the checking machine. Once the check was approved, I used the required stamp on the check and first put down the approval code. The customer tried to take the ID back and tell me what her ID number and birthday were. I told her I needed to see the information and gave the ID back to her once I was done, cashed her check minus the fee, and the customer went on her way.
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  • #2
    I hate that. What, are they afraid we're really going to steal their identities or something?

    I also hate it when they're in a wallet in a plastic cover where you can't read all the information, and they REFUSE to take it out. I'd hate to see them buy HAVE to hand your ID over so the cashier can physically hold it (to make sure it isn't fake).
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


    • #3
      Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
      I hate that. What, are they afraid we're really going to steal their identities or something?

      I also hate it when they're in a wallet in a plastic cover where you can't read all the information, and they REFUSE to take it out. I'd hate to see them buy HAVE to hand your ID over so the cashier can physically hold it (to make sure it isn't fake).
      It really depends, if I think I remember them I give some slack on that, or if it good plastic and I can see the holographic part shine, your picture etc, you can leave it in when the plastic is old and dirty and I can't even tell there is an ID you need to take it out so I can check it I don't care that your 40 and seriously if you stick it in my face any closer while your other hand points to the date saying "SEE SEE, thats my birthday" Your still going to need to take it out. Also if you touch me it isn't going to end well for either of us.
      I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


      • #4
        Around here, every liquor store I've been in makes me take it out. I rarely get carded at grocery stores or bars, though (I'll only be 23 next I look old or something? ).
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          State of Indiana has changed the law so that anyone wishing to purchase alcohol has to show ID. Our store (corporate rule) says we have to card anyone wishing to purchase any age restricted item including tobacco, lottery, DVDs, CDs, Video Games and Fireworks. Unfortunately they have not seen fit to remove the "ID Not Needed" button from the registers and UScan robots yet, so we have jokers saying "Why can't you just hit that button, you know I am old enough?"

          We had to sign a paper saying that we could be terminated if we don't check ID and hit that button. We have already had several cashiers cussed out over it, and one night a cashier had an open bag of powdered sugar donuts (not yet paid for BTW) thrown at her by a teenager who didn't have ID and was wanting to purchase an age-restricted CD.
          I am dreading my first Friday or Saturday night (big alcohol sales nights) when I have to tell Grandpa that he can't buy his Old Crow unless I see his ID. I am on our 8-lane UScan most nights so I will have to deal with it more than if I was on lane.


          • #6
            Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
            I also hate it when they're in a wallet in a plastic cover where you can't read all the information, and they REFUSE to take it out.
            Not to mention if you take their wallet to look at the ID, they will accuse you of taking something from the wallet. I always take my ID out of the wallet when it needs to be seen, and never hand over my wallet. But then I don't have one of those plastic windows in my wallet.
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #7
              It's always hilarious to me when customers are antsy about giving their credit cards or ID numbers to reputable shops, inside the store, with all the failsafes and everything around them.

              I can't TELL you how many bank details and credit card numbers I wrote down when I was doing door-to-door. We weren't really supposed to, but everyone did it -- write down the BSB and account number right there on the form, because almost nobody had it written down and would instead say it off by heart. Once it was written down we could just repeat it to the call centre that did our verification.

              I almost never explained anything about this process to anybody. It always amazed me how pliable all the customers were once you 'made the sale'. They'd bring you beverages, foodstuffs, their ID and credit card information, all for me to write down on a form and take with me when I left.

              Hello? I just showed up at your door, by myself, at 6pm. I have a shitty little name badge that could have been made by anybody, and didn't even have my name or picture on it until I got promoted 4 months after I started working there. I put you on the phone with someone who SOUNDS legit, but could be my sister on her mobile back home.

              And yet, when you walk into a shop to sign up for a service and they need your credit card details and ID, you spaz out and get suspicious.


