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Phone Store Antics

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  • Phone Store Antics

    I've been reading here for a while and posted a few things a couple of months ago.

    However, I figured I list a few recent ones and some of our regular wacky customers.

    Some background info. I manager an independent wireless phone store. We're sort of like a franchise, in the way we have a sign with the wireless carrier's name on the store.

    Regular Crazy customers:

    Crazy Divorcing Lady (CDL): Believes her soon to be exhusband has her phone bugged, is having her followed by the FBI, has a way to read her text messages from her phone (while she still has it), her children planted listening devices in her, their are people who have a device that can cause her pain at a distance through solid objects. She will tell us any and all these things like it is something perfectly normal to talk about.

    CDL actually called my boss (the owner of our dealership) to tell him I planted spy-ware in her phone. She thought her then underage daughter put me up to it. She did come in two weeks later and apologize. Apparently she thought he also got into her pre-paid other carrier phone in the same way.

    Crazy Divorcing Guy (CDG): The actual exhusband of CDL. First time in store after separation from CDL, tells young female employee about his sex life. Came in one day to reset password for oline account access. Says his exwife probably changed it. (How could she if you didn’t give her the password in the first place) Then explained that 10 minutes was too long to wait to get the issue resolved.

    Best part: One time CDL came in and paid CDG’s phone bill.

    Alien: Came in and explained to one sales rep she was an alien. Her logic, she was born on the day of the Roswell crash and all of the sighting since are her people looking for her.

    Lady who Keeps getting Robbed (LKR): Haven’t seen LKR lately. She would come in and tell us how everything she owned would keep getting stolen and noone would help. The list of thieves included family members, neighbors, or just plain strangers or mysterious people. Claimed the police would not help her.

    I’m not responsible for my kids lady (INRFKL): Daughter of INRFKL ran up a hefty bill by texting Canada. Customer claimed she shouldn’t have to pay because her daughter did it and not her. Well, INRFKL is the name on the bill, she is responsible for the bill. Apparently, every few months her daughter does something that runs up the bill. Well, maybe if you paid attention to her she wouldn’t be texting random people in another country.

    From the last week or so:

    Guy with ice cream cone

    A guy comes in today with an ice cream cone and asks what our rate plan would be. I explained the plans depend on how many minutes you need per month. He asked why we didn’t offer him a flat rate plan for US, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. I started to explain about the $69.99 unlimited plan for the U.S. and told him other countries would be a per minute charge and told him we would have to run a credit check. He said he was already told he would have to put down $1,000 for a phone. He had some medical bills he hadn’t paid and the VA refused to pay them for him. If you already know the answers why are you asking me?

    Why oh why do customers think if they keep talking to different people they might get a different answer?

    Lady Called FCC and wants to speak to Engineering

    Lady said she had no service at her house. Told me the township was trying to fight Cell phone provider and she believed the township was purposely blocking the signals to get the providers to put transmitters on the townships property. She said she called the FCC and the FCC told her she need to contact the Provider’s Engineering department and report back what Engineering had told her. She insisted that I had to get engineering to speak with her. I don’t have a phone number for the engineers. All I can do is call customer service and report the issue. I did end up e-mailing to my Agent Rep and said he forwarded my e-mail to Engineering. I just hope she doesn’t come back to complain they never called her.

    Where do people get the idea that someone can purposely mess with their service and not get caught, sued, or arrested for such a thing without their direct invervention?

    Why is my phone bill so high?

    Regular Customer comes in and needs to pay her bill in cash. When I tell her the total (about $180) she says the bill has to be wrong. I already new her kid got on her phone and started ringing up charges on her bill. I look at the bill and she had $70 in internet charges on the bill. However, she also had an internet block put on her line. I called customer care and ask if they can credit the internet since she did put a block on it. The Care rep credit the charges with no problem. I looked at her next bill (she always has a past due) and it had $39 dollars of texting overage. (She paid for 200 msgs for $5 with .10 for each over.) She swore to me her son moved out and the overages were an error. She kept going on about how every month her bill was so high and how ridiculous it was. When I printed her list of text messages, she looked at it and saw that over two nights there were several texts to her son’s friend between about 11pm and 2am. She did pay her bill, took the printout and said she was going to think about what she was going to do about the charges.

    How do you let your child get so out of control that every month for 2 years he's run up you phone bill and you can't figure out how to stop it?

    I want my discount!!!

    I get a phone call while trying to do too many things at once. The guy on the other end of the phone says someone faxed in for him to get a discount for working for UPS. I explained to him that we would have to refax the information and that it is not kept on file and if the information is not taken by the customer we shred it. He finally he asked “So you can’t do anything if I don’t come in again?” Which was yes. That was what I was trying to tell him.

    Several hours later, a walk up to a gentleman and ask what I can do to help him. He says he has two issues. One issue was he had a broken phone. I looked at the phone very quickly and saw that he had cracked the display on the outside of the flip. This voided the warranty. Then before I even responded he told me he didn’t get the discount for being an employee of UPS. I went to get the paperwork to resubmit for his discount. When I asked him for his employee ID he refused to give it to me. He said he didn’t have it and I needed to get his discount for him anyway. When I explained I had have it to resubmit the paperwork, he said he didn’t care about our policies. When it was explained I couldn’t get around it, he said he was cancelling his service and wanted all of his money back. I asked him for his mobile number to access his account. I don’t know if he really didn’t know or just wanted to be difficult at this time. By the time I got the account information up, I had enough of his yelling at me and calling my entire staff incompetent and told him I couldn’t cancel his service for him, which is true, but I usually call customer care for the customer and make such things as painless as possible. I was not calling customer care for a person who at this point was sounding like a raving lunatic.

    I forget I even had a password.

    I had a lady come in because Customer Care sent her to any store to have her account passcode reset. She had her Driver Liscense which I could see without a problem and said she didn’t even remember having a passcode. Being an “Authorized Retailer” means I don’t actually work for AT&T. I don’t have a way to reset the passcode through my system. COR stores can. I called customer service to see if they could assist me with helping the customer. After I introduced myself to the rep on the phone she insisted on speaking with the customer directly. The was the reps first mistake. I couldn’t hear the rep but from what the customer was saying things couldn’t get much worse. The rep told the customer she had to go to a COR store. The customer wanted to be taken care of immediatly. I can understand the customer’s point of view. But as the conversation went on the customer just started to get ridiculous. The agent was following policy properly, I was the one trying to get around it. The best part of her rant had to be “In this economy, you should be glad you have a job. If I owned the company and you did this you wouldn’t have a job right now.” She then demanded that her last payment be refunded to her and informed the rep she was going to cancel service. She wanted the reps name and work address. The rep gave the customer her name. As far as the address all the information she got was the call center was in Georgia. She then went on how things move slowly in Georgia.

    When the lady finally got off the phone, I explained that the rep was doing her job and following policy as it is written by Corporate. I tried to explain they were doing this to protect her privacy. Again she didn’t want to hear any of it. Finally, I gave her the address of the Carrier’s office for the Philadelphia area. Hopefully, after hearing how this policy upsets customers (who get rather nasty) a system can be put in place to allow me to help my customers better.

    I didn’t take any of the customer’s anger. But I don’t think the rep should have had to deal with it either. Neither of us did anything less than our job.

    So enjoy. I know I have more regular craziness but I'm not sure I want to one off full suck.

  • #2
    What is it about phone stores that attract the crazies? They're like some sort of beacon.


    • #3
      Perhaps there's some truth to Stephen King's book?
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Quoth PhoneManager View Post
        Crazy Divorcing Lady (CDL): Believes her soon to be exhusband has her phone bugged, is having her followed by the FBI.....
        If you wear long sleeves to work, next time you deal with CDL, you should periodically talk quietly into your cuff!



        • #5
          Quoth JustaCashier View Post
          If you wear long sleeves to work, next time you deal with CDL, you should periodically talk quietly into your cuff!

          Thats evil and completely unethical, not to mention plain wrong.

          I'm all for it.

          There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car- Christopher Elliot

