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Creepy guy: 0. Me: 1

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  • Creepy guy: 0. Me: 1

    Today at work a (I have to admit, attractive, but young) girl was asking me where something was. She could have been anywhere from 15-21, but no older.

    Enter creepy guy, CG was probably about 40-45.

    CG: Man, that's gotta be the best part about working here, getting to see all those hot chicks!

    Me: I dunno, there's a lot of hot guys in here too.

    CG: Well yeah, I guess if you're into that sorta thing...

    One of the supervisors was ringing next to me, he saw the pure look of horror and disgust on the guy's face. Soon as CG left, he asked me what the hell I said to get that reaction, I told him, and the story has spread through the store rather quickly. Normally I wouldn't have dropped that kind of bomb on a customer, but he was seriously creepy and needed a taste of his own medicine.
    Last edited by bean; 07-13-2010, 12:49 AM.

  • #2

    ^_^ Way to flip the tables on the creeper! ~5 gold stars for you~ *****
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


    • #3
      Lol I hate those freaks. I can't have a girl bag for me without one of them saying "Oh the things I wouldn't do to her heh heh heh... why didn't you make a move?"

      MAKE A MOVE? I'm at work you fucking imbecile, furthermore I would like to inform the police of what you just said. You peeked 30 years ago, just don't talk anymore.


      • #4
        Hah.. same guy came through a coworker's line yesterday. With his wife.

        Wife was going on about how he's so great.. I just looked at the creepy guy and winked, and he looked like he died a little (by a little I mean a lot, like 99.99999%) inside. Sorry, I had something in my eye...


        • #5
          yes, please put more of these skeezy O2 wastes in their place, bean. i also had issues with these creeps when i was younger and slimmer; made parts of me die inside to know that they were the only ones who seemed attracted to me.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Good on you. The worst thing with working with customers are creepy perverts you get.


            • #7
              Fine work..
              I will never go to school!


              • #8
                That was a fantastic answer!
                Way to go!!


                • #9
                  Quoth bean View Post
                  CG: Man, that's gotta be the best part about working here, getting to see all those hot chicks!
                  Me: I dunno, there's a lot of hot guys in here too.
        , set, match
                  Well done!
                  FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC

                  You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

                  ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


                  • #10
                    This reminds me of when I was getting hassled by a guy in a bar. A gay bar, nonetheless. He didn't realize where he was and once he did he started hitting on me, for some reason.

                    Him: Man I wish a hot blonde with big boobs would take me home
                    Me: *watches tv, drinks*
                    Him: (louder) MAN I WISH A HOT BLONDE WITH BIG BOOBS WOULD TAKE ME HOME.
                    Me: Me too, now shut up.
                    Him: I.. uh.. *leaves*
                    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

