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Two Within Half An Hour! (Long)

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  • Two Within Half An Hour! (Long)

    As my title says, I had not one but TWO SCs tonight, within half an hour. To some of you, this maybe seem like nothing. To me, it's reason enough to wonder if someone told someone that I have the next two days off, and my night tonight needed to be hell! Anyway, on to the stories.

    I'm Probably In Trouble Now
    I just finished with one customer, when a woman that I can only describe as an ice queen approached the counter. She was one uppity b*tch, looking down her nose at me with this smug look as if I were SO beneath her. I'll call her IQ, for Ice Queen. Read her part in the most condescending tone you can.

    IQ: I was here on this day last week, at about this time, and paid outside and the receipt didn't print. Now I'm here this week on the same day, at around this time, and no receipt printed!
    ME: **stares blankly at her, stunned and wondering wtf, prints receipt on computer** We can give you your receipt in here, no problem!
    IQ: I KNOW you can, but if I wanted that, I'd have pressed pay inside, see?
    ME: Oh...kay... **still stunned and wondering what she wants from me**
    IQ: **starts to leave, still glaring down her nose at me, stops by door** Does "name" still manage this place?
    ME: (the name she used was actually the name of our ex AM) No...Erm..
    IQ: Then WHO DOES?
    ME: M.
    IQ: Oh! Well THAT'S what I meant!
    ME: (I admit I failed here) **kind of mumbling a bit** M is the manager, yes.
    IQ: M **unrealted last name?
    ME: No. M **last name**
    IQ: Oh. That's what I thought! **harumphs and leaves store, nose in the air**
    ME: **staring as she leaves, seething inside, wishing I hadn't frozen up in front of her**

    So, my guess is she's going to bitch to M about me. M is on vaycay right now until a week from Tuesday. Honestly, the pump she pulled up to was the one, out of eight, in which the paper is jammed or just not printing, and I can't do anything about it. Management takes care of that. **shrugs** I only wish I'd found my voice to tell her that, but I was so stunned at her sudden and abrupt approach that I was speechless.

    Take Down Your Damn Sign!
    Not half an hour later, another woman approaches, with two candy bars and a pop. Now, for the longest time, we've had a special where x brand of pop is free with two candy bars, WITH A COUPON. So...The following ensues. CB=Coupon Bitch

    CB: **points to pop** This should be free.
    ME: **realizes what she's getting at, sees that she has no coupon, goes to look for one, sees that they're out, goes back to counter** I'm sorry, that special is a with coupon special, and we're out of coupons.
    CB: **looks at me, catbutt face** Then you need to pull your damn sign!!!ELEVENTY!!
    ME: **nods** I'll do that right now **goes back to aisle, grabs sign**
    CB: **as I'm grabbing the sign and coming back to the counter** I don't want any of this, then! I just thought, if it was going to be free with the two candy bars, I might as well get it!
    ME: Alright. **goes back to counter, starts to void transaction, realizes she's still standing there, looks at her**
    CB: So that's all canceled out then?
    ME: Yes, ma'am. **voids**
    CB: Good! **leaves**
    ME: O.O **moves on to next customer, who I thank with a shaking voice for being nice**

    I didn't know the coupons were out. Don't get pissy with me over it. Oh, and thanks a lot for leaving your unwanted sh*t on the counter for me to put back, too!! By the time I got done with these two, I nearly wanted to curl up in a corner and cry! I swear I'm not usually that much of a wimp with SC's, either! I don't know what my problem was, really, just, gah! Thank all that's holy that I have the next two days off!! Also, if you're still reading at this point, thank you for sticking it out and letting me rant. I feel better now.
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

  • #2
    IQ was fishing for information. I'll bet money that next time she has a bitch fit she'll feel more empowered by having the correct full name of the manager.

    And CB... jeeze, if you don't want it 'cuz you don't have a coupon, fine. You don't have to be sucky about it.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      IQ = Has CLEARLY never been screwed over in her life. A clue by four is coming her way I hope.

      CB= *whaps with soda*


      • #4
        And this is why I'm so glad my manager has a freaky name, nobody has the guts to use it because they're not sure if I was just pulling their leg or if I was telling the truth. Hah. You and I in some alternate universe will someday work in the same store and we shall sass all the customers! Muahahaha! I've never had an Ice Queen but now that I say that there'll be one tomorrow or something. At my store, we have the authority and the know-how to change the pump receipt paper (it's rather hard to do at my store) but I've never had someone throw a fit about it. What is it? Ten feet to the store?

        As for sales that are not sales, I had something like that but he was trying to convince me that a sign in the back said Red Bulls were 2 for 6. They've NEVER been 2 for 6. I told him that MONSTER was 2 for 4 but that was the only sale for energy drinks. And then I sent the trainee to go look for a sign. He told me to forget about it...BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WAS A LIAR. How dare people come up to my register and assume I don't know the sales?! And those coupon things are a pain in the ass, I get a billion of them in a day because people are sale whores and can't possibly enter the store without going out of their way to buy things that they'll never use because they're taking advantage of a sale.

        The point is, you get get some bitches.


        • #5
          Rant all you want! That's why we're here!

          It was probably the bitch attacks coming out of left field like that. Some days you're just on autopilot, doing your job, when somebody smacks you with a major attitude that you weren't expecting, and it throws you off your stride. Not your fault that the waves of suckiness in the general population spit out several idiots at once!
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I feel bad for you guys... your jobs seem important to you and it bothers me SCs actually shake you up like that. Since you were seething as it was happening, have you ever considered a blank smile and stare?

            You can't get a complaint about it "I was just smiling and acknowledging!"and it still manages to royally fuck with the SCs.


            • #7
              Gaki I like your idea of the alternate universe! I really hope that all the IQ was doing was fishing for info for empowerment. All I know is, it's bad when you're thanking your good customers for being good. The lady behind CB was nice and joked about it, which made me feel better. Anyway...Thanks all for your replies! Off to enjoy my days off now!
              "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


              • #8
                For people like IQ, you need to learn how to panic.

                Something like, "OMG! No way! That is so horrible! I can't believe the machine is out of paper again! Oh you poor dear! We should put up a sign warning people! What do you think the sign should say?!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                Your goal being, of course, to drag them along in your insanity rather than the other way around
                There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


                • #9
                  OMG, It's Me, I never thought of that! Of course, you always think of the perfect response to an SC after the fact. I'll keep this in mind for next time, though!
                  "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                  • #10
                    give the manager a heads up about iq and her fishing expo. she'll definitely be back.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      Is it usually your job to provide customers with coupons THEY should have if they want a sale price or something free?

                      Thats insane.

