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*sigh* things were going so well

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  • *sigh* things were going so well

    I haven’t posted about any SCs lately because I was lucky enough to not have any. I knew it was too good to last but that doesn’t make me feel any better and I’ve had at least one nasty one each of the last three days I was in.

    I could understand one but all of them? Really?
    We have a couple of outdoor pools, one is adults only, one is all ages, and one is a kiddy pool. The all ages pool kind of spills into the kiddy pool like a waterfall, the adult only pool is in the same general area but not actually connected. We also have an indoor pool.

    On Friday night we had to close them all down, one after the other within less than an hour, because of poop. It was first found in the all ages pool so they shut down all of the outdoor pools (to make sure that the adult only pool didn’t get tainted). More was found in the adult pool so that couldn’t be reopened. About half an hour to 45 minutes later we had to shut down the indoor pool, also for poo.

    Thankfully I didn’t work that day, but I did work the following morning and well pools take a while to decontaminate so they were very much not ready to open at 8am. God damn people were sucky about it.

    I know that it sucks for all of the pools to be closed at a resort and I know that it sucks that all we can tell you is that they had to be closed down for cleaning but deal lord don’t yell at use for being stupid for scheduling a cleaning now, clearly this wasn’t planned, and don’t yell at us about how it is false advertising to list on our website that we have pools open from 8:00am-10:30pm (also funny how everyone knows the pool hours now since that is the question we are most frequently asked), and don’t take your frustration out on the pool techs that stayed extra late last night trying to get everything they could done before leaving so that we could open at all today. On the plus side we were able to catch up on towels and we still have a nice little stockpile of them (we had a dryer out for a few days earlier in the week so we have been really behind on towels and the pools have been so busy we didn’t have a chance of getting caught up).

    You fail in 5 different ways.
    I was minding my own business, chatting with my coworker about how it was almost time to leave and we had finished everything up early when two Italian guys walked up. One was about 40 and looked like a mobster from a crappy 90’s movie and the other looked like an extra from Jersey Shore. I suppose they thought they looked awesome but fashion was clearly their first fail. They (and by they I mean the cheesy mobster, Jersey Shore never spoke, just made faces) wanted to talk about a charge that we had put on their room for broken rackets. Fail #2: The dude claimed that he had only played once and that everything was fine when he turned it in, I showed him where they had been signed out by his 19 year old son and his cousins two days prior. He was not happy about this as I guess he figured we didn’t actually keep track of our stuff. At this point he demands that we show him the rackets. I pick them up and point out the damage but I do not let them pass to his side of the counter, this does not please him but the damage is clear and he can’t really say anything about that so he decided to change tactic.

    Mobster man starts ranting about how he wasn’t informed until he was checking out and how he is a business man and no successful business could be run like this, score fail #3 and #4, #3 because the “kids” were informed when it happened and the unit was called multiple times but nobody picked up so a message was left #4 because I don’t care how “legitimate” his business is I can guarantee that it isn’t as successful as this one, there is only a handful of privetly owned buisnesses that are more sucessful than us. Well he ranted yelled for a bit but he didn’t seem to be loosing any steam and I’m allowed to have a bit of spine so I nicely and calmly said “look sir I’” and I got cut off with “I’M NOT DONE!!! LET ME FINISH!!!!!!” Oh look fail #5.

    I wasn’t having it, he had been at the desk for 10 minutes and I should have left by then so I shot back with “No! You let me finish” and he shut the hell up while I told him that the charges were legit, if he really wanted to dispute things he could call my manager or the property manager the next day but the building is now closed and I have done my job so it is time for him to leave.

    We both knew I had won and that he had been beat but he had to try for a consolation prize, in doing so he earned himself a bonus fail.

    Mobster man asked for the broken rackets.

    I looked at him, then at the rackets, then back at him. “You can only have them if you accept fault and will be unable to dispute the charges”

    He just pulled a dumb face and left.

    *edit* I should add that I went to tell my boss the next day that I may have kind of sort of lost my cool and yelled at a customer. Naturally she wanted to know exactly what happened. After I finished explaining everything she asked me to follow her to her office. At first I was concerned but she just wanted to give me some chocolate for having to deal with him. I love my boss.

    Evil juice?
    Up in the putt-putt shack we sell bottled water and have recently started selling juice (mainly because we were going to do a special kid greeting thing while parents were checking in that included juice and a small snack, after all it is easier to pitch a timeshare presentation when the kids are happy with juice and a snack, but after a bunch of juice was bought they decided they weren’t going to do that. I came up with the brilliant idea to sell it in putt-putt as they can’t really leave and a lot of kids want something other than water). It is actually really good juice, it comes in a pouch like Capri Sun but slightly more juice and it is organic with no added sugar. It is also yummy (well I like the grape and strawberry kiwi, not so much the fruit punch, but I don’t generally like fruit punch) and kept very cold so when you are playing putt-putt in the 95+ heat it is so totally worth $1

    Well I had a lady come through with 2 kids, both between 5-8 and half ay through their round she came to get some waters. I very nicely told her that incase she was interested we do also offer juice if she wanted some for the kids.

    She must have juice issues because she then began to rant about sugar and evil this, evil that, how I don’t care about their health, just that I can exploit their sweet tooths (sweet teeth?), and that her kids will drink water

    I could have explained the awesomeness and healthiness that is our juice but it wasn’t worth it so I just got her the waters and left it at that.
    Last edited by Solumina; 07-27-2010, 03:12 PM. Reason: Wanted to let everyone know how awesome my boss is

  • #2
    While I agree that juice is far too sweet, and is generally supposed to be an occasional treat especially for kids, even if it's nominally unsweetened, that lady was an idiot. Even if you were offering them the ever-so-popular coloured sugar water, I thought that the correct response was "no, thank you. We brought water." Did I miss the memo on that changing?


    • #3
      Quoth Magpie View Post
      Even if you were offering them the ever-so-popular coloured sugar water, I thought that the correct response was "no, thank you. We brought water." Did I miss the memo on that changing?
      You must have forgotten to sign up for the SC/EW tweets.
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        Did someone just trail a massive bout of diarrhea all over the place?!?


        • #5
          Quoth Solumina View Post

          She must have juice issues because she then began to rant about sugar and evil this, evil that, how I don’t care about their health, just that I can exploit their sweet tooths (sweet teeth?), and that her kids will drink water
          why do people think its so much easier to rant and rave and have a go at someone instead of just saying, "no thanks, just a bottle of water will do"
          what an arse.
          Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


          • #6
            I know that it sucks that all we can tell you is that they had to be closed down for cleaning
            sometimes tho i bet you just wanna say...

            "Dude, one of our guests decided to shit in every single pool. Believe me, we did NOT want that to happen. Now yes you're upset but... do you really want us to stop cleaning... or do you want to go swim in shit water?"


            • #7
              Quoth Amina516 View Post
              Did someone just trail a massive bout of diarrhea all over the place?!?
              That would have almost made more sense but no, nothing was found on the pool deck or the locker rooms, there were just well…clouds of it found in the pools. Naturally the pool decks were sanitized as contaminated water was sloshed all over them from people leaving but they seemed to otherwise be clean. Also everyone in the pools at that time was told that they water had been contaminated and that they should go back to their units and shower. Plus we didn't let wet people into the indoor pool as we knew why the others were shut down, so someone had to infect the outdoor pools, get out, maybe shower, put on clean clothes or at least a dry swimsuit, and then come infect the indoor pool they were either the most clueless person ever or just disgustingly dedicated.


              • #8
                Every single pool was contaminated? On the same day? Me thinks this may not have been an accident.


                • #9
                  Zoinks, sounds like you had a Mad Pooper!


                  • #10
                    Quoth alowlypotato View Post
                    Zoinks, sounds like you had a Mad Pooper!
                    Hehehehehheh I Am The Great Cornholio! ~poop~
                    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                    • #11
                      indeed. attack of the mad shitter.

