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Apparently I'm wearing Eau De Idiot

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  • Apparently I'm wearing Eau De Idiot

    SO.. some lady decided that I did something to her 22 year old daughter. This girl was a housekeeper, who did two days of no call, no show. And she quit. Apparently my mom 'fired' her and I was a bitch. I NEVER see the housekeeping, as they don't get here til 9.

    So, apparently this lady has backed B into a corner, and is throwing ice cream and whatever else she can find, because everytime B picks up the phone to call the cops, she throws something. so B hasn't reached for the phone in a bit. (Can't blame her, that looked like the bottomless bag Mary Poppins had.)

    I came in, told her to get the hell out of the lobby, and she tells me her daughter didn't deserve to be fired... and basically ranted for five minutes.

    So, I print out my paperwork, count drawer and she goes to throw something at me when I reach for the phone, "Lady, you throw something, I'll wing it back."

    "You can't do that. I'll sue."

    Me (without really looking up): "Yeah, but my camera's proof you threw it first."

    B leaves, (retreats). And by this point, my bikers are back from the block party (i think this is the last group of the summer..) and though they gave me shit while I was training, I've won most of this group over.

    So I've gone outside to ask one of their new guys to stop yelling at the top of his lungs, I realize he's still a bit deaf from the block party, but the yelling is loud.
    "Oh Im sorry." And he quiets down.

    The Bitch, says "You were pleasant to them, why weren't you nice to me?"

    Me: "Well you threw things at the other desk clerk, threatened her, bothered me.. and were a general bitch. I didn't feel like being abused."

    She got in my face, one of the biker women told her to back off, more politely than she's ever been before. The bitch looked at me, "I'll have your job."

    For those of you in ANY sort of job, I finally said it for all of us. "Lady, all you had to do was ask NICELY and you can deal with people like yourself all damned day."

    She sulked and walked off. Biker Chick actually LAUGHED.

    And I called my sister site (Comfort) cause I love the auditor there (She trained my mom to be an auditor ages ago). Apparently while I walked into the idiot mother, she walked into: A dog that wasn't supposed to be in the hotel.. The fire alarm going off.. and 4 rooms that were 4 pm holds that weren't dropped.

    OH! and a lady on the phone, asked me to pull a room out of my ass (literally, and not jokingly) because she had HAD to have a room here tonight.

    My answer? "Lady, as cool of a trick as that'd be, i'm pretty sure it'd kill me. So no. You'll have to stay elsewhere tonight."

    Now.. 12:30 and some drunken guy with the 'Scorpions' Band, is here, and being a pain in the ass. Can he use the front desk phone, no? How about my cell phone? No? How about a room? When the four EXCEPTIONALLY drunk people are telling me to call the cops on him, that should be a clue!

    But, I tried to be nice, and then he called me Baby and Darling and sweetheart.. and promised 7 times he'd behave.. and didn't.. I ALMOST started twirling duct tape around my finger.. GODS. Thursday when I got more drunk than usual (Meaning: I was drunk.. which never happens), even I wasn't that bad. ( I know.. B & M have video.. though M's is very shaky.. he was much more drunk than I.)

    I did try to be nice and call him a cab.. they won't take him. Called APD, he took off. Grr. So I've called my sister site and Holiday Inn. Poor A @ Holiday: "Great. So I'm looking for an idiot with a media tag? That narrowed it down."

  • #2
    O____o yikes. I can't imagine living with that yelly woman as my mother.
    It's always nice when you've won someone over. Especially if they can back you up like the chick did. Nice lil' bit of mini-ownage. (Regular sized ownage? Which do you think it was?)
    "My answer? "Lady, as cool of a trick as that'd be, i'm pretty sure it'd kill me. So no. You'll have to stay elsewhere tonight.""
    O__O ow. That is something you do not want to pull from Hammerspace. (trope reference) Or out from your tooshie.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      Concerning lady in the first story, this is why I'm glad we have a cordless at the main desk, and one in the office. If worse comes to worse, I could duck into the manager's office to call the cops. If for whatever reason that battery stops working, I've got my cell phone.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        If a guest started throwing stuff at me, I'd lock up my till drawer and go into the back office to call the cops. We have a phone in the back office and one in the break room.
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          Ahh yes, Eau De Idiot, the compelling new fragrance from House of Customerssuck.

          No doubt it's available in Small, Medium or Large.
          Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


          • #6
            Our cordless is new.. and was still charging.


            • #7
              So was mummy dearest just venting or trying to win her daughter's job back? 'Cause she was failing on all counts.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Ya know, I really dunno.. lol


                • #9
                  If you want to be mean... given what a winner her daughter was, you have a (possible) name and (possible address) and a very good set of footage of her assaulting your coworker... have the police pay her a nice visit.


                  • #10
                    Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                    "Lady, you throw something, I'll wing it back."

                    "You can't do that. I'll sue."
                    Oh my GOD! Those people are always a riot, aren't they.

                    I had a "customer" at the Hut of Pizza who was being a total bastard to his waitress, which culminated with him throwing his fork and knife at her and calling her a "stupid c*nt." Incredibly enough, this reduced a sixteen-year old girl to tears.

                    Unkle Tony not happy. Not happy at all.

                    I informed "customer" that he had worn out his welcome and it was time for him to leave.

                    He informed me that his waitress was, in fact, a "stupid c*nt" (she had apparently not set his pop down with the appropriate respect - Seriously) and he was well within his rights to tell her that, and furthermore, no "minimum wage son of a bitch" (that would be me) was going to tell him what to do.

                    I told him his options were as follows.

                    1. Get up and get the hell out under his own power.

                    2. I and my cooks pick him up and throw him out the front door. And I was undecided on the question of whether or not the front door should be held open or not.

                    He looked at me, absolutely shocked, shocked that I was saying such a thing, "You touch me and I'll sue!"

                    I considered this, and said, "So it's your position that you can go anywhere you want, act any way you want, assault any one you want and the rest of us," I gestured around the room, indicating the staff and the other customers, "just have to take it? But if we decide to do something about it, you'll sue? Have I got that right?"

                    He looked at me, and at the rest of the dining room. He was starting to get the idea that the other 50 or 60 people in the building were looking at him like a particularly nasty form of slime, and not like the Hero of the Downtrodden Customer. He looked back at me, and said, "Well, yeah!"

                    I smiled at him. An gentle, indulgent smile. "That's CUTE! Stupid, but cute. Seriously, save us all a lot of trouble and just get the hell out, and don't come back."

                    He looked at me, foolish thoughts in his eyes, then he looked at the three cooks trying to comfort a crying sixteen-year old, and looking at him. Very hard looks.

                    He decided that he would leave, this time, but "You haven't heard the last of this!"

                    Surprisingly enough, it was.

                    Where do these people come from, and why won't they go back?
                    I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                    -- Steven Wright


                    • #11
                      I'd have dialed 911 anyway. Let her throw things.

                      Quoth TonyDonuts View Post
                      Where do these people come from, and why won't they go back?
                      Wherever it is won't take them back.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Terrible. Oh, that poor waitress. At least that EW got thrown out. Only calling the police right in front of him for assault would have been more full of win.
                        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                        • #13
                          SHW and Tony..should we ever meet the first drink is on me. Definitely need more people to stand up to the bullies.
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • #14
                            Mytical, I wish. I just want a mucho mudslide and I'd be the HAPPIEST lady ever. <3 Applebees has them for cheap..

                            Oh and FOLLOW Up: Mommy dearest was busted by the pollice at 5 am trying to break through my back door.


                            • #15
                              Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                              Mommy dearest was busted by the pollice at 5 am trying to break through my back door.
                              GOOD. Remember to show the police the video from the earlier encounter, they may put her away for some time.

