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The Awful, The Funny and The Awesome. (language, and long)

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  • The Awful, The Funny and The Awesome. (language, and long)

    Let's start with the bad news first.

    The Awful

    Every Name In The Book (contains language)

    This one comes courtesy of manager J.

    He gets called to pharmacy yesterday, where a woman is sitting there in our drive through in her car looking pissed. I shall dub her Bitch.

    "Can I help you?"

    <Background: We've had complaints before about our specific pharmacy workers at my Aid of Rite, and most are resolved easily and without much fuss. However.../background>


    "Ok, well, if you sign this form here and give us 5 minutes to bag it up for you we can do that."

    "*Bitch takes form, signs it, crumples it into tiny ball and chucks it at J* AND I WANT YOU FUCKING GUYS TO PAY FOR MY FUCKING GAS. NOW HOW MUCH IS MY FUCKING PRESCRIPTION?"


    "*Bitch takes a bill out and flings it at J. However, the wind picks up and blows it juuuuuuust short of the window. Therefore, Bitch is obliged to get out of the car and pick it up. She does, and then crumples it and chucks it at J*"

    "*J hands over her prescription* Alright ma'am, you have a good day. "

    "FUCK YOU" *peels out*

    (For those of you who will ask "How did she chuck a $5 through the window/into one of those vacuum pump thingers?", she didn't. I'm not familiar with the pharmacy bit at all, seeing as I work mostly cashier work, but if I recall, she was in the bay closest to the window and there's a drawer that opens and closes that people place their payment/forms into.)

    Baby Baby, Who's Your Baby Baby?

    So two boys are running around the store, a young toddler and an older boy. After a few minutes it was clear to me that the older wasn't playing tag like I thought, he was trying to keep the younger one, who he called Baby, from getting lost. Baby decides all of a sudden to start chucking bottles of laxative (these are sturdy, hard plastic) at his brother because he's mad that Older Brother won't let him climb up the shelves.

    *chuck bottle, SCREAM*

    "No! Don't do that!" *runs after bottle*

    "*chuck bottle, scream, tantrum*"

    I get over to help. Baby runs off and decides to try turning the handle that leads to our pharmacy. If that door is opened from the outside, it sets off an alarm. Luckily, someone had locked it, so Baby couldn't get in, and he looks surprised that I say, "No!"

    Older Brother apologizes and hands the bottles that Baby chucked, where I put them back, and then runs off after Baby again.

    Where was Mom?

    Sitting on her ass in pharmacy, waiting for her prescription, not giving a shit.

    The Funny

    Super Plus Max Absorbency!

    Had to give 2 guys a crash course in buying tampons tonight. Girl wanted a "blue box". One problem with that. ALL the boxes are blue. Was it store brand she wanted? "Cottonex"? "Cottonex Diamond"? And what absorbency? One finally called her on the phone and put me on the line. She wanted "Cottonex Diamond" in super (orange) absorbency, and she thanked me for my help.

    (Edit to add: I want to know: Are tampon/maxi pad absorbencies different in other parts of the world? Here, it's usually orange for super heavy, green for heavy, yellow for regular.)

    The Awesome

    My Buddy!

    When you do nice things for people they will do nice things for you.

    A while ago I helped a guy tape his license together before it fell apart and he was going to get it renewed. I see him from time to time and for whatever reason I cannot remember him but he always reminds me I was the one who taped his license.

    Well, today I went to do the outside trash. This batch of trash bags tears faster than Christmas presents under the tree on Christmas morning. I went through 4 bags, getting more frustrated because trash was spilling everywhere and the fucking bags still tore even though I tried tripling them up. To make matters worse, the wind was picking up and I'm there trying to get the damn trash bag I'm opening to stop fluttering in the wind so I can put the torn bag into it and trash is blowing everywhere and I'm cursing the American way of conspicuous unadulterated consumption.

    Enter License Guy. He stops by, holds open the bag and dumps the torn bag into it for me and also helps me to get that bag into the third bag in less than a minute. He wished me a nice day and left.

    License Guy, you rock!

    Bonus: Where You Take The Family, Not Where You Make The Family!

    Apparently a pair of horny teenagers were using an aisle as their own personal makeout spot, with full on Frenching, rubbing of crotches, boobs and moaning. I was only informed of this because a customer came up and said it, but didn't tell me what aisle nor who the couple were (there were a few in the store). Damn, I was hoping to embarrass the snot out of them. My guess as to what aisle, it would be either haircare or baby.
    Last edited by ralerin; 08-07-2010, 04:24 AM. Reason: Remove unnecessary references to size
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Let me start off by saying I was in a crappy mood not having a great night. Then read your My Buddy story. Made me laugh. Sorry


    • #3
      Why be sorry? I saved the best for last for that reason, because it would cheer someone up.

      Oddly, he always calls me "My Buddy!" for some reason.
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


      • #4
        Quoth ralerin View Post
        My guess as to what aisle, it would be either haircare or baby.
        Teenagers? Deodorant/body wash or condoms and lube. Be serious now.
        What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


        • #5
          I say more likely haircare because that aisle is in front of condoms/lube, sort of like a T shape. Lube is on the top of the T and haircare is the bar intersecting it. I also say Baby because it's a relatively secluded aisle.

          Would've been hilarious if it WAS haircare, as pharmacy is RIGHT THERE and they would've had an audience. Nothing says "hawt" more like voyeurism, now.
          Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


          • #6
            Quoth ralerin View Post

            The Funny

            Super Plus Max Absorbency!

            Had to give 2 guys a crash course in buying tampons tonight. Girl wanted a "blue box". One problem with that. ALL the boxes are blue. Was it store brand she wanted? "Cottonex"? "Cottonex Diamond"? And what absorbency? One finally called her on the phone and put me on the line. She wanted "Cottonex Diamond" in super (orange) absorbency, and she thanked me for my help.

            (Edit to add: I want to know: Are tampon/maxi pad absorbencies different in other parts of the world? Here, it's usually orange for super heavy, green for heavy, yellow for regular.)
            Good timing on this one; not really, actually. for the maxi brand I use, orange for 'super', green for heavy and yellow for 'regular. I just actually purchased a package myself (i'd happily exchange my reproductive parts for ones that don't leak every month... *sighs*). I actually have pink ones, as its a new size/absorbancy that is better than the ones i used to use... haven't ruined any pants since i swapped 'colors'.

            Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


            • #7
              When you do nice things for people they will do nice things for you.
              so true; the few that are actually human make it worthwhile.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Quoth ralerin View Post

                (Edit to add: I want to know: Are tampon/maxi pad absorbencies different in other parts of the world? Here, it's usually orange for super heavy, green for heavy, yellow for regular.)
                My particular tampon brand of choice is pink for regular, green for super, yellow for super-plus, and purple for ultra. Goddamn, I hate purple days.

                When I lived in Australia the tampons themselves were colored (the applicatorless ones, can't say anything about the normal ones), not just the boxes, though the colors didn't correspond to the absorbency. It never made sense to me - I mean, why bother coloring something that a) only you will see, b) doesn't stay that color when you se it, and c) only gets flushed anyway.


                • #9

                  Warning: somewhat NSFW, due to content...
                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • #10
                    Quoth ralerin View Post
                    Baby Baby, Who's Your Baby Baby?

                    So two boys are running around the store, a young toddler and an older boy. After a few minutes it was clear to me that the older wasn't playing tag like I thought, he was trying to keep the younger one, who he called Baby, from getting lost. Baby decides all of a sudden to start chucking bottles of laxative (these are sturdy, hard plastic) at his brother because he's mad that Older Brother won't let him climb up the shelves.

                    *chuck bottle, SCREAM*

                    "No! Don't do that!" *runs after bottle*

                    "*chuck bottle, scream, tantrum*"

                    I get over to help. Baby runs off and decides to try turning the handle that leads to our pharmacy. If that door is opened from the outside, it sets off an alarm. Luckily, someone had locked it, so Baby couldn't get in, and he looks surprised that I say, "No!"

                    Older Brother apologizes and hands the bottles that Baby chucked, where I put them back, and then runs off after Baby again.

                    Where was Mom?

                    Sitting on her ass in pharmacy, waiting for her prescription, not giving a shit.
                    Good job of Older Brother, all the more since Mom didn't seem to care!

                    Quoth ralerin View Post
                    Edit to add: I want to know: Are tampon/maxi pad absorbencies different in other parts of the world? Here, it's usually orange for super heavy, green for heavy, yellow for regular.
                    Ok, I know that I don't really get to answer this one, because the ones I get are obviously the same ones as you have available(just with different packaging, since they'd be English only in the States). But:

                    Quoth Munkie View Post
                    I actually have pink ones, as its a new size/absorbancy that is better than the ones i used to use... haven't ruined any pants since i swapped 'colors'.
                    Around here pink are extra-large and they've been around for a long time. I think that tampons use purple for the extra absorbency?

                    Amusing note: I always thought of green as regular and yellow as light (I think the actual "light" are light blue?) I had to ask a friend to bring some (I managed to forget my cup while camping, and didn't want to have to rely solely on my backup pads). Unfortunately I couldn't remember what weight I wanted, and I didn't know that the colours were standard from brand to brand. So I ended up with yellow when I wanted green. In my preferred brand too, so it was even more that I could have asked by colour.


                    • #11
                      I hate purple days.
                      There's an old computer game called Purple Saturn Day.

                      I've reached an age where I could probably deal with buying feminine-hygiene stuff if I had to. Step One is of course to find out what the girl actually needs! Of course it would help if more girls, when instructing their guys to buy stuff, would stop to consider that they might not know her preference, and tell them up front.


                      • #12
                        Hey, be proud of me. I've taken the precaution of showing my husband the packages, so that if I ever need to send him out I'm not just saying "Always, the green kind".


                        • #13
                          Quoth ralerin View Post
                          Baby Baby, Who's Your Baby Baby?

                          Baby decides all of a sudden to start chucking bottles of laxative (these are sturdy, hard plastic) at his brother because he's mad that Older Brother won't let him climb up the shelves.

                          Where was Mom?

                          Sitting on her ass in pharmacy, waiting for her prescription, not giving a shit.
                          Is it just me, or is it appropriate that the baby was chucking that particular product instead of, say, vitamins?
                          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                          • #14
                            Baby Baby
                            Something tells me big brother spends more time looking after little brother than any little kid should.

                            Quoth ralerin View Post
                            Nothing says "hawt" more like voyeurism, now.
                            Hey, some people get off on that sort of thing...(not me, TYVM).

                            Quoth Chromatix View Post
                            Of course it would help if more girls, when instructing their guys to buy stuff, would stop to consider that they might not know her preference, and tell them up front.
                            This is where cell phone cameras and texting would come in handy.
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              Hubby knows my preference, and will even pick up some at work (he works at the Mart of Walls, third shift). He even knows the brand of pain pills that work, and the ones that turn me into the Evil Queen of the Underworld. Lucky me, right?

                              The other night he caught a couple where the girl was definitely *ahem* being super nommy on the guys man-parts....although when he got the supervisor...the girl was walking off with a wad of cash and the guy was wandering off with drool all over his pants. Kids will be idiots sometimes. Too bad he wasn't allowed to bust them himself...he is a very intimidating guy
                              Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*

