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Just WTF Part 233456656256356

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  • Just WTF Part 233456656256356

    This one just pressed all the wrong buttons with me, and I didn't handle it so good.

    customer calls, when I answer there is literally screaming of blue murder going on in the background, small child screaming its guts out and an adult screaming "I'll fucking kill you!"

    me *stunned, does not give greeting, blurts out "oh my god what's going on there?""

    customer *with attitude* None of your fucking business, what I can't have friends and children when I'm on the phone to you?"

    me "erm, no but it is very noisy to speak over"

    customer *more attitude* what you can't ask me politely to move somewhere else?"

    me *thinking if you knew the moise was going on why start a phone call stood right there?"

    me *takes customers details* ok just hold on a moment while I bring up your account.

    customer "fuck you are so rude, I wanted to talk just then and you're telling me to wait".

    me "only a second while i bring up your account".

    customer "i wanna talk to someone else you've got an attitude problem"

    "how about you stop being sarcastic and let me help you?"

    customer "you can't help anyone with your fucking attitude"

    me *loses temper* hangs up phone*

    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

  • #2
    Are customer service calls recorded in the UK like they are in the US?
    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Quoth Mike Taylor View Post
      Are customer service calls recorded in the UK like they are in the US?
      Yes, and I suspect I'm about to get carded, but that was enough suckage for me.
      Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


      • #4
        I would so be fired from your job. I'm surprised I haven't been fired from my own. Hah! I think I'm going to write a book one day and I'll have to interview you for a chapter or two. Honestly I think you handled it so much better than how it could have gone. How it would have gone with me is what I mean. Hah. Hanging up sometimes is just the better option. If hanging up weren't an option there could have been things said that may have made the situation much worse.

        You just can't help some people.


        • #5
          Quoth Gaki View Post
          I would so be fired from your job. I'm surprised I haven't been fired from my own. Hah! I think I'm going to write a book one day and I'll have to interview you for a chapter or two. Honestly I think you handled it so much better than how it could have gone. How it would have gone with me is what I mean. Hah. Hanging up sometimes is just the better option. If hanging up weren't an option there could have been things said that may have made the situation much worse.

          You just can't help some people.
          oh do lets write a book about it! Other things have happened which I don't even dare write about here because they are SO suckky and SO specific that even disguising them a bit I'm sure I would blow my own cover.But when I write that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


          • #6
            Your only mistake was not hanging up initially when you heard the unholy bedlam going on. I used to try to tolerate calls like that the first year or 2 in phone CS, then I just never even bothered getting started.
            I will never go to school!


            • #7
              [QUOTE=TelephoneAngel;769717]This one just pressed all the wrong buttons with me[QUOTE]

              (Was the pun intended?)

              Sorry about your bad experience. You have the patience of an angel for dealing with people like this.


              • #8
                Also, I'm pretty sure this person is abusing their child(ren). Child abusers are typically people who flip a gasket over any little thing, and demand to have control over whoever they lay into. I have surmised that some of the actions of SC's are related to both anger and control (they perceive they have control over employees). It wouldn't surprise me that a vast amount of these angry, control freaks take it out on their families and loved ones. Bastards!
                Last edited by Athaelia; 08-09-2010, 06:18 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
                  Your only mistake was not hanging up initially when you heard the unholy bedlam going on. I used to try to tolerate calls like that the first year or 2 in phone CS, then I just never even bothered getting started.
                  I agree with this.

                  Last two weeks here have been hell. People on vacation/sick leave/leaving early meant that for several hours on certain days, we had all of TWO people on the phones. So I get a call from some crabby woman who wanted me to call another advertiser. She was referring to an ad for a garage sale. She wanted me to pass along a message to the person (who she admitted she does not know) or maybe ask them a question, I can't recall.

                  I said we do not do that. She started in again, just call them, blah blah... Meanwhile there are a bunch of calls on hold. I said ma'am, we do not provide that service, the address is there, you'll have to go to the sale.

                  "What, you can't just call one crummy ad, you just put them in the paper, is that it?" You got it, lady!! She started bitching, nasty language...etc. I hung up. I don't take that sh*t.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    I took a call the other day from a man who had all kinds of noises in the background, including a child literally wailing. I went through the usual spiel, but then I couldn't understand what he was saying, and I told him so - he hanged up on me without saying anything (or at least, without saying anything I could hear). The call has been judged "barely acceptable" by my supervisor. Apparently I was supposed to ignore everything that was going on in the background and simply ask the guy to keep repeating himself.
                    FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC

                    You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

                    ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***

