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It's been really busy lately...

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  • It's been really busy lately...

    ...And they keep understaffing us. just two of us back in electronics again today. Which is why I'm getting more stories lately.

    First story is a boy of maybe about 12 years old comes up to me with a picture of a phone that we don't carry and that I've never actually seen before.

    B: Do you have a case that will fit this phone?
    Me: Can you tell me how big it is?
    B: *shrugs and holds his fingers a few inches apart* about this big.
    Me: tall or wide?
    B: tall. *holds his fingers about a cm apart* this wide.
    Me: ookay...well, let's go over to the phone cases and see what we can find. *leads him to the cases* These are all of our general phone cases. Do any look like they'd fit the phone?
    B: No.
    Me: No?
    B: It's bigger.
    Me: You're phone's bigger than all of these cases? *there's only about three that would be smaller than the dimensions he showed me earlier*
    B: Yes.
    Me: Even this one? *pointing to the largest phone case*
    B: No.
    Me: ... no?
    B: it's smaller than that one.
    Me: *blink blink* ... *gives up* Well, these are all the general phone cases we have, the only other section is Blackberry and Iphone cases. Sorry.

    On the subject of not having the phone with you when buying accessories, Please DO NOT come in to buy a charger, ask me to find the charger, then tell me you don't know the model of phone and don't have it with you. And when I ask what your phone is just saying Motorola or Samsung is not enough. they have different phones that take different kinds of chargers.

    Electronics Co-worker F had a customer today that got him fed up. The following conversation is from what he told me.
    SC: Do you have any of this TV in stock?
    F: *checks* nope.
    SC: You mean I have to go home without a TV!
    F: No. We've got plenty of TVs, just not that one.

    SC proceeded to have F check the stock on every other TV that we were sold out on and ask a bunch of other questions. So when the customer walked away finally F went on his break right away. Shortly after he did the customer came back.

    SC: Where's the guy I was talking to a couple minutes ago?
    Me: *assuming he's the customer F was talking about since I've never seen him before* He's on break right now, may I help you?
    SC: Yeah, you can answer some questions about these TVs

    I follow him over to the tvs. This is slightly irrelevant, but there is a very strong odor coming from him, which I guess is part of the reason why F got fed up so quickly.

    SC: *spends a couple minutes staring between two tvs*
    Me: ...What was your question, sir?
    SC: yeah...hmm...what...well, basically, why is this tv $100 dollars more?
    Me: Well-
    SC: Do you know what refresh rate means?
    Me: It's basically how quickly the picture will change, a faster refresh rate will be a better picture quality.
    SC: hmm... *stares between the two again, than to his wife (I assume)* look at these and tell me if you see a difference.
    Me: *figuring he's not believing me* It can be a pretty subtle difference sir.
    SC: okay...hmm...
    Me: ...did you have any other questions?
    SC: nah.

    So from what F said, I got off lucky.
    I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^

  • #2
    Sounds like he's looking for something within a certain price range...which of course may not even exist, or if it does, he'll want that price but a better quality picture.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      F said he asked him at what point what the cheapest tv would be to walk out with tonight. Yet he was still looking at the 40+'' tvs instead of smaller ones.
      I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^

