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  • Heffa

    Oh, man I HATE EW.

    Okay, it was a tournament day so it was really busy and we had a call in. GRR. Anyway, we have a "VIP window" for the people with certain ace cards, usually the ones who are the biggest EW ever. Not all, some are nice, others let it known that you're a bug beneath their feet.

    Anyway, I was currently in the MIDDLE of helping someone when this EW decided she was way more important.

    I'm about to count out the thousand dollars to my current customer when...

    EW: Excuse me! Who's in the priority line window?

    ME: I am. I will be right with you.

    I turn back to my customer.

    EW: No, really who's in it?

    Me: Again, me and I will be right with you.

    She was NEXT in line (she was in the regular line and decided being next wasn't good enough) and we don't really have a set cashier in the window, its which ever person can make it to their highnesses the fastest. I don't get what she wanted me to do. Drop what I was doing and cash out her five dollars?

    My CW in the other window was walking away to lunch leaving only me, so it would've been me regardless.

    So finally EW gets into my window and I greet her all happy.

    EW: I have a complaint.

    I'm like fuck, what now!?

    EW: He (meaning my CW) shouldn't have looked open when he wasn't!

    HUH? Last I looked he was helping one last customer before his lunch break. Infact he had his sign up and the customer called out to him by name and he came back for her.

    EW: He should have walked down away from his window or something!

    Me: I apologize. It won't happen again.

    EW: Seriously, I want this noted.

    Me: Again, I'm sorry and I will tell my SV asap.

    I wanted to tell her she should wait like everybody else and be called when the cashier is ready!!

    I told my SV and when CW got back I asked him what happened from his POV and I found out why she lied.

    CW: She's just mad because my awesome customer yelled at her.

    Ah, so here's how it all really went down:

    Cw and his AC were talking enter EW

    EW: Excuse me, what is this social hour!?

    AC: Excuse you heffa! How dare you interrupt me! Now leave us alone and get some much needed exercise!!

    AC is a very scary woman. I'd NEVER mess with her.

    So EW was pissed about a customer and wanted to make a complaint just so she could feel important. I also told this to my SV so hopefully nobody gets into trouble. Bitch.

  • #2
    does "heffa" = "heifer"? So, AC was calling the EW a cow?


    • #3
      Well, a young cow .


      • #4
        Quoth jiarby View Post
        does "heffa" = "heifer"? So, AC was calling the EW a cow?
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5

          Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


          • #6
            That is pretty much amazing.
            I think I might add that to my list of insults

            Heffa! Heffa!
            Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


            • #7
              I was tired and didn't really know how to spell it. Yeah, a cow tehe. Made me think of Rocko's friend on Rocko's modern life.

