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Annoying things that SCs do

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  • #16
    • Argue with me till the cows come home about contacting your computer manufacturer when clearly your computer is the cause of the issue and you know damn well it is.
    • Going ahead of me while I'm trying to walk you through fixing your issue
    • Not paying attention to what I'm telling you
    • Talking down on me as if I know nothing about computers (fuck off dipshit, if you know so much why did you bother calling then?!!).
    • Screaming at me over something I nor anybody in my department has control over (billing, outages etc.).
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #17
      Quoth Kristev View Post

      The bathroom complainer. I'm cleaning the bathroom and this type of consumer will invariably demand that I get out of the bathroom and let them in. When I refuse, they go get management. I've almost lost my job, quite recently, for refusing a manager's instruction to let someone in. The reason I refused is a safety matter: The floor is soaking wet because I've finished mopping, but only just started dry-mopping. So the floor is, of course, as I said, soaking wet. One foot on it, and you'll get to play "Slip & slide" and I'll lose my job. Not happening. Add in the fact that my toilets and sinks are covered in chemicals that haven't dried yet, and as a safety matter, I simply cannot allow people to intrude on me while I'm cleaning bathrooms, even at management's command.

      It's not like we don't have alternate bathrooms in the store. Come to think of it, it's not like we have an abundance of janitors doing janitorial work anymore.

      If I hear one more person, usually a man, declare that if I don't let him in, he's going to relieve himself right there outside the bathroom one more time, that person is going to be drinking my disinfectant!
      People can be such a bitch about that. During my first stint at Volde-Mart, I got on really well with one of the maintenance guys, and he said that once, after he'd just closed the front ladies' restroom, a woman was demanding he let her in, and when he cracked the door open and explained to her that he was cleaning and wasn't going to, she hocked a loogie and spat it in his face.

      Quoth batmoody
      2. Bring in reuseabe bags and place them at the END of the order so that i don't notice them until I have practically bagged the whole order!

      Bonus points if their bags smell really bad and are covered with pet hairs.
      The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


      • #18
        From the pharmacy

        1. Come in Friday night at 6pm needing a refill when they have none left. And then getting mad at me because their doctor's not there until Monday.

        2. Brand new patients coming through our drivethru and getting upset that they have to give me their phone number, address, etc where others might hear them.

        3. 19 year olds who don't know anything about their insurance other than it's through their parents. (Who don't fill at our pharmacy) Then when we can't run their insurance they try to give me the cell phone with Mommy Dearest on the other end.

        4. Anyone upset that their are sick people in the pharmacy. I once had this 40 something year old guy yell at a coughing 10 year old. Who was athmatic, not sick, but that's beyond the point.

        5. Anyone who fill their 30 day controlled substance every 3 weeks. And the doctors who let them. (Especially if those doctors write "must last 30 days" on the precriptions, then change their minds every time the patient calls.)

        That's what I've got for now, I'm sure I'll think of more.


        • #19
          From the Visitor Parking attendant

          1. Having an attitude for no apparent reason. That indicates to me that you are a difficult person. I make note of that in case I have to deal with you when the garage is reserved for events.

          2. Looking at me in disbelief when I tell you Visitor parking is a $5.00 flat fee. Especially when I tell you that you have to pay the parking fee even though you will be here for an hour or less. No, I cannot raise the gate for you.

          3. Asking me to raise the gate for you when I answer the phone after you press the call box at the exit gate. No, I cannot do that.

          4. Refusing to back up & pay for your parking. Usually campus police have to be notified. Then they arrive at Visitor parking, & usually they tell you that you have to pay.


          • #20
            Quoth ShinyGreenApple View Post
            I've got to remember that one!
            Quoth ShinyGreenApple View Post
            I got on really well with one of the maintenance guys, and he said that once, after he'd just closed the front ladies' restroom, a woman was demanding he let her in, and when he cracked the door open and explained to her that he was cleaning and wasn't going to, she hocked a loogie and spat it in his face.
            Oh, that's really going to make him let you in! Sure, don't we all love to be spat at and treated like crap, that's just the way to get your way.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!

