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Why on earth do you not understand basic math?

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  • Why on earth do you not understand basic math?

    So, I work in a grocery store. I was supposed to be off today, but alas, two people called in and I was asked to cover part of a shift - beginning at 7am, when I normally work nights. That was a clue right there that something phenomenal was going to happen today.

    So, I've been at work less than an hour, and this lady comes in carrying a receipt. These are never good. The following conversation ensues:

    Receipt Lady: Yeah, so I was in here yesterday, and I got some of those 3 for $1 green beans that y'all had, and I was just wondering why I was charged wrong for them.
    Me: Ok, let me have a look at your receipt. (Cause, y'know, shit DOES happen and stuff does ring up wrong - in which case we gladly refund the difference without a problem.)

    So I look at her receipt, and see that she purchased 18 cans (yes, eighteen...that's a lot of green beans) and that 12 of them rang up at 34 cents each, and 6 of them at 32 cents. So I explain to her why.

    Me: No, this price is right. See, 1/3 of a dollar is 0.333333333... and it goes on forever with the 3's. So to compensate for that fraction of a cent, our register rings up 2 at 34 cents and the third one for 32, so that it comes out to an even dollar. (Basic math, 34 + 34 + 32 = 100)
    RL: But you charged me 34 cents apiece for them! That totals to MORE than a dollar for three! That's FALSE ADVERTISING!!!
    Me: But you got 6 cans that were only 32 cents each, that makes up the difference...
    RL: No, look, these should have been a total of 3.96! 33 cents each!
    Me: No, if you buy 1 or 2, they ring up 33 cents each, but if you buy three you get 2 for 34 cents and 1 for 32.
    RL: But 34 cents each is MORE THAN A DOLLAR!
    Me: And 32 cents each is LESS than a dollar.
    RL: I don't get it.

    So I get out a calculator and try to show her how it works... that the total for 12 cans @ 34 cents each (4.08) plus the total for 6 cans @ 32 cents each (1.92) is, shockingly, $6. Which is the total one would expect for 18 cans of green beans priced at 3 for $1. She had to tell me, yet again, that we charged her 34 cents each for 12 of those cans, and that was MORE THAN A DOLLAR FOR THREE. *headdesk* I somehow managed to finally convinced her that we weren't scamming her and she didn't overpay. All in all, this exchange took almost 10 minutes, after going around in circles several times, and by the time it was over I had 4 people backed up in my line, and I was the ONLY cashier.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand where it could be slightly confusing - especially since our registers do something totally wackadoodle with the item order - instead of printing them in the order they were scanned, it puts them in some random, arbitrary order that I have yet to discern a pattern to - so the 12 cans of green beans were three or four items above the other 6 cans (the cashier apparently hit quantity 18 and scanned one - which is what I would've done, so on the receipt they were listed "DBL LUCK G/B 12 @ 0.34" and "DBL LUCK G/B 6 @ 0.32") However, what escalated this to a suck was repeatedly arguing with me even with irrefutable proof that SHE ONLY PAID $6 FOR THE DAMN BEANS and holding up my line for 10 minutes. I tapped into heretofore unknown reserves of patience today.
    My MySpace
    Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!

  • #2
    i guess it's good she chose green beans...sounds like she needs the fiber.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      I had a woman argue with me over bottle deposits, because she was convinced our machine shorted her five cents. Except she admitted the scanned number of bottles was correct, she simply felt the monetary value should be five cents higher. No amount of ninja math skills could convince her otherwise.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        That's.....a really odd way of doing it. I wonder why it's 2@34 and 1@32 instead of 2@33 and 1@34.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          Remember the half-penny? Maybe they should bring that back...
          "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


          • #6
            Quoth Bloodsoul View Post
            Remember the half-penny? Maybe they should bring that back...
            For that purchase we'd need a t'ird-penny.
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


            • #7
              Quoth seeress_83 View Post

              Me: No, if you buy 1 or 2, they ring up 33 cents each, but if you buy three you get 2 for 34 cents and 1 for 32.


              • #8
                Quoth meghann View Post
                Yeah, you'd think if you bought less than 3, it'd charge 33 cents each then if bought 3, one would be 34 cents and the other two would be 33 cents. Makes more sense to me than 34, 34, and 32.


                • #9
                  Our software just does it that way. I don't claim it makes sense, but it DOES work. And if it HAD done it that way, she still would have had some for 34 cents, and she probably STILL would have had to tell me that it's OMG MORE THAN A DOLLAR, and I probably would have had the argument anyway.
                  My MySpace
                  Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!


                  • #10
                    Quoth seeress_83 View Post
                    So I get out a calculator and try to show her how it works... that the total for 12 cans @ 34 cents each (4.08) plus the total for 6 cans @ 32 cents each (1.92) is, shockingly, $6. Which is the total one would expect for 18 cans of green beans priced at 3 for $1. She had to tell me, yet again, that we charged her 34 cents each for 12 of those cans, and that was MORE THAN A DOLLAR FOR THREE. *headdesk* I somehow managed to finally convinced her that we weren't scamming her and she didn't overpay. All in all, this exchange took almost 10 minutes, after going around in circles several times, and by the time it was over I had 4 people backed up in my line, and I was the ONLY cashier.
                    Here's how you explain this in terms they can understand:

                    OK you are right, 12 cans at 34 cents each is 4.08. We overcharged you by 8 cents. Let me get 8 cents out. OK, now I see here for these last 6 cans we charged you 1.92, which is 8 cents too low. So you owe us another 8 cents. So I'll just put this 8 cents back in my drawer and you should be good to go.


                    • #11
                      Quoth trunks2k View Post
                      Yeah, you'd think if you bought less than 3, it'd charge 33 cents each then if bought 3, one would be 34 cents and the other two would be 33 cents. Makes more sense to me than 34, 34, and 32.
                      I was thinking that if you buy them individually it's actually cheaper than buying them three at a time.

                      Although then you'd have to make multiple trips & get them two at a time rather than just getting all you wanted at once.

                      But yeah, the 34, 34, 32 thing is pretty confusing as well.


                      • #12
                        WHO THE HELL NEEDS 18 CANS OF GREEN BEANS!

                        Sorry, just had to get that out....

                        She could have avoided all that if she'd just bought fresh beans!
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          Quoth MoonCat View Post
                          WHO THE HELL NEEDS 18 CANS OF GREEN BEANS!

                          Sorry, just had to get that out....

                          She could have avoided all that if she'd just bought fresh beans!
                          Er, my grandmother. When she had her garden, she had canned so many green beans at one point, that when she stopped growing them, it took almost seven years to finish them all off, at around one big mason jar a week. I remember whole closets full of self-canned goods from her garden. Shelf after shelf of mason jars everywhere.

                          She made some amazing butter pickles out of her cucumbers, though. They didn't last nearly so long.
                          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                          Hoc spatio locantur.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MoonCat View Post
                            WHO THE HELL NEEDS 18 CANS OF GREEN BEANS!

                            Sorry, just had to get that out....

                            She could have avoided all that if she'd just bought fresh beans!
                            *raises hand*

                            Child Rum will only eat green beans. No other veggie. When they're on a great sale, I pick up a huge bunch of them.


                            • #15
                              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                              i guess it's good she chose green beans...sounds like she needs the fiber.

                              That was AWESOME!

                              Something I'd expect from Sheldon, tbh.

                              I hate when people complain, "that's supposed to be buy one, get one free." Yes, it is. Item is on the receipt 2x but then there's a big old NEGATIVE sign with one of them coming OFF.
                              Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss

