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Buy you a new shirt?

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  • Buy you a new shirt?

    I work part time at a kiosk that sells fresh, handmade pretzels and delicious beverages. Today I had a very odd day there.

    The set up to the first story is like this: A customer walks up and orders a pretzel and is talking to her friend. I prepare her pretzel and hand it to her and tell her that her total is X amount of dollars. Her friend tells me that she wants a pretzel too, so I ask if it's together or seperate. They both say seperate at the same time, so I go on ahead and cash out the first girl. The second girl orders a pretzel and a delicious beverage and pays for it and my coworker hands her the drink. A normal transaction right? Well, about thirty minutes late the second girl comes back. And that is when it gets sucky.

    Me: Me of course!
    SC: Sucky customer
    CW: Coworker

    SC: You filled my soda too full! I spilled it all over my brand new shirt that I jsut bought from Wet Seal! How dare you!

    Me: I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you want me to do though... I didn't pour your drink, but I can mention it to my coworker.

    SC: That's unacceptable! You RUINED my brand new shirt! What are you going to do about it? Are you going to pay for it?

    Me: (I've been told that at this point I had a surprised expression on my face) No, can't you wash it? That would be what I would do.

    SC: No! I want you to pay for my shirt. I spilled soda on it and it's all your fault! Now cough up the money!

    Me: No.

    SC: Well then next time don't fill the cup so full or I'll sue until you pay for my shirt that gets ruined! (Then she walks away talking very loudly) Don't look at me like I'm stupid. Idiot!

    CW: I didn't fill her cup all the way because she was like that last time too.

    Not only did this happen, but then the electricity went out for several hours and we couldn't make or sell anything since everything runs on electricity in the store. I lost count after the 40th customer walked up and asked if they could still buy a pretzel and why all the lights were out.

  • #2
    Get real, SC. You're not getting a brand new outfit because you've got all the coordination of a shaking leaf. And welcome to the boards, shadowlight.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Something similar happened during my supermarket days. Customer picks up a 1-gallon jug of bleach, fails to notice that it's leaking all over the place (I guess the stench wasn't enough of a clue), and upon finding out that she's just ruined her coat, demands to speak with the manager and says we owe her a new coat.
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        Think this lady was the niece or daughter of the woman that won the Darwin Award?


        • #5
          Next time spend one second filling the drink and then give it to her!


          • #6
            Quoth shadowlight View Post
            Not only did this happen, but then the electricity went out for several hours and we couldn't make or sell anything since everything runs on electricity in the store. I lost count after the 40th customer walked up and asked if they could still buy a pretzel and why all the lights were out.
            that sounds alot like what happened a few weekends ago...huge wind storm knocked out the power for half the mall. soooo many people were confused why we were one of the 2 food places open
            If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

            i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


            • #7
              I sincerely doubt the shirt was "ruined" by soda. And saying she would sue for the price of one shirt? Cost of lawyer/lawsuit vs. price of shirt....I'm guessing she wasn't very good at math either.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                Perhaps in her proposed lawsuit, she would sue for the cost of the shirt ($40.00) and the pain and mental anguish of having a carbonated beverage spilled on her ($1.2 million).
                Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.


                • #9
                  On top of that.. 30 minutes!!?!?! 30 minutes and you're reporting it now? Did you not drink anything for 30 minutes after eating a salty and thirst-inducing pretzel?

                  If you had handed her the drink and it spilled right away, then yeah I'd get them a complimentary drink, but that's all.

                  What would have happened if you had said, "hmm, that shirt couldn't be any more than 50 cents worth.. here's 50 cents.."


                  • #10
                    No doubt she seems like a cheapskate. If you hadn't filled her cup all the way up with soda, I wouldn't have been surprised if she complained that you weren't giving her "her money's worth".
                    As for the shirt being ruined, well, that is why we invented the washing machine, and laundry detergent.
                    Last edited by BowserKoopa1; 09-09-2010, 05:28 PM.


                    • #11
                      Ugh. Scammer, or just stupid?

                      I had a girl once who demanded we pay her because while going down the escalator in our store, she...scratched her shoe! After I finished laughing in the back, I referred her to our office manager, who pretty much told her if she was too stupid to go down an escalator correctly, she shouldn't leave the house.


                      • #12
                        Stupid girl, doesn't she know you're supposed to get lemonade with a pretzel?
                        "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                        • #13
                          ok, I have to ask since no one else has. Do your tasty beverages include straws, because I don't know many mall places that give customers a lid less drink. I know I've spilled on my self many a time, but with a straw? It's literally an adult sippy cup.


                          • #14
                            I'm guessing that she took off the lid and threw it away. Then she poured the soda on her own shirt because she wanted to get the worker in trouble.
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                            • #15
                              Quoth emax4 View Post
                              Think this lady was the niece or daughter of the woman that won the Darwin Award?
                              Probably a niece, as one of the criteria for winning a Darwin Award is that the recipient has not reproduced.
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

